Apostolic Traits from Paul Anderson

Apostolic Traits
Apostolic Traits

This succinct list of apostolic traits from Paul Anderson helps us focus on the service and qualifications of an apostle. The early church tested those who call themselves apostles . . . (Revelation 2:2).

Paul has not gone around calling himself an apostle. But I recognise him as such.

In a recent email, Paul suggested the following as apostolic traits. With His permission, I publish the list of apostolic traits from Paul Anderson. He noted that other traits, such as suffering, could be added.

  1. FRUIT TRANS-LOCALLY: pastors have fruit locally.
  2. FATHER: children in the faith. Paul said–many guardians, only one father. Mentoring.
  3. INFLUENCE: lives changed. Paul made strong point of this. You are my proof.
  4. AUTHORITY: Things happen when speaking. People recognize position and place.
  5. FLYING WITH TWO WINGS: character and charisma
  6. PASSING THE BATON: raising up and releasing. Not holding onto ministry.
  7. HUMILITY: Must be evident.

Paul Anderson is one of the most honest and humble men I know. And I have known him since about 1970 when we were students at Luther Theological Seminary in St Paul, Minnesota.

As students at Luther, I noted him as a cut above the average. He proved to be a genuine leader among men.

Although he does not parade his accomplishments or proclaim to everyone his apostolic calling, I can say it. Paul Anderson has demonstrated the attributes of an apostle for decades.

He served faithfully as Director of Lutheran Renewal Services, following in the steps of Larry Christiansen. Paul initiated the Masters Institute and he is the founding visionary behind the ARC, the Association of Renew Churches.

In addition, Paul has ministered world-wide, including Europe and Latin America.

Number five on the above list is “Flying with Two Wings: character and charisma.” That’s Paul Anderson. Together with his wife Karen and their family, they have modeled both godly character and genuine charisma for all to see.

Take another look at the list of apostolic traits. If anyone is still wondering “What is an apostle?” here’s your answer. If anyone is still wondering “Are there modern day apostles?”, Paul is your answer.

Before my book about apostles was published, Paul wrote a splendid endorsement. You can check out the book at www.ChurchesandApostles.com

Scandal–How Do You Respond?

Scandal–How Do You Respond?

Because of the number of exposures of Christian ministers, media figures, and political leaders, we are faced with the question “Scandal–How do you respond?”

For starters, I suggest five ways.

One, Recognise exposure as a sign of revival. Yes, it’s shameful and painful; but in the end, exposure shows God’s sovereignty. It shows that God is ruling from His throne. He is Judge-in-action and not giving sin a pass. So when sin is exposed, thank God!

Two, Personally examine yourself. Do I have secret sins? Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall (1 Cor 10:12.)

Three, Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses. Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning. (1 Tim 5:19-20).

Four, “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.

Mat 18:16 “But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that BY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY FACT MAY BE CONFIRMED.

Mat 18:17 “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Mat 18:18 “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.

Five, Forgive, but not forget. Some perpetrators, should never be allowed similar ministry even after restoration. For example, a child abuser should not be allowed to serve in the nursery again.

Scandal–how do your respond?

In light of the Todd Bentley alleged scandal, Chuck Porta is calling for the Spirit-filled church to take action. Specifically, he is calling the church to “repent of teachings and practices that are contrary to the ways of God.” He rightly proposes that the Bentley debacle must be a catalyst for church-wide self-examination.

Read Chuck’s article (with slight modifications) below:

Recent media disclosure concerning sexual allegations about Todd Bentley has created a firestorm of controversy. I believe in the sovereignty of God, so it is imperative we all see and hear deeper regarding the mess.

The modern Charismatic Movement has much to account for.  Decades of shallow, compromising ways have produced a current crop of unhealthy fruit. The signs have been pointing for years, but the major issues were not properly addressed and handled. Todd Bentley is but the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

However, many claiming to be Spirit filled Christians, both leaders and followers, have much to account for and repent of teachings and practices that are contrary to the ways of God. Todd Bentley did not happen in a vacuum; there have been enablers along the way that have assisted in bringing us to this current, embarrassing situation.

All those claiming to be a Spirit filled follower of Christ need to embrace a spirit of brokenness,  repentance, and intercession for the current state of affairs. Who will stand in the gap and cry out for full disclosure, for the Light of Heaven to penetrate all areas of gray and darkness in each of our hearts?

There is a major form of idolatry in the Spirit filled church. We must repent. Daniel 9 shows a Godly leader identifying with the sins of his people.


Gifting above Godly character.
Embracing shadow accountability teams for troubled ministries that have not accomplished their goal of true restoration.
Idolizing public ministry and releasing ministers prematurely.
Chasing signs, wonders, miracles, gifting, at the expense of embracing and cultivating the fruit of the Spirit.
Pursuing human, ambitious, agendas and using the gifts to fulfill them.
Elevating personal subjective spiritual experiences to a place of dangerous authority.
Tolerating the leaven of Jezebel that has ruined leaders, churches, and movements.
Allowing false teachings regarding the true grace of God which end with either license to sin or a dangerous legalism that also destroys its victims.
Embracing dangerous end time doctrines that promote pride, vain ambition, and end up with many in a state of unbelief, and in some cases a falling away from the Lord.

I believe the above brief list shows a portion of the problem. What should be our response?


Let us ask for true apostolic ministry released in our midst. Acts 5 is a powerful demonstration of true apostolic discipline. The result is clear. 

The discipline is released by a broken apostle, who likely wept the whole time.
The discipline offered first mercy and chance to come clean and confess.
The discipline exposed hidden sin.
The discipline resulted in death for the unrepentant guilty.
The discipline released the Fear of the Lord to another level in the church.
The discipline released deeper levels of Kingdom power as Peter’s shadow released healing.
The move of God went to another level resulting in persecution, that keeps all close to the heart of God.

King David, after his debacle with Bathsheba, came under the discipline of Heaven.
The prophet exposed him and declared the word of the Lord. David repented, was forgiven, and remained King. But, the baby DIED, and trouble was in his family to the day he died.

We must know that God is merciful, kind, patient, and forgiving. He is also holy, just, and is King over His domain. He is looking for true ambassadors who will accurately reflect His heart and ways.

Let us all ask for a sweeping grace of repentance to impact our leaders, the followers, and every local church that wants to have an impact.



Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we received mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God (2 Cor 4:1-2).

Michael Brown has also weighed in on the topic Scandal–how do you respond?”

Note that both Porta and Brown call for apostolic action to deal with scandal. Brown does not say “apostle,” but uses the phrase “find a solid, mature leader willing to take up the cause.” His phrase might include prophet, apostle, or any of the five-fold ministry offices..

Again, let’s Take Heart. I join with one of the strong intercessors of our time, Ken Eichelberger, to pray regularly for God to expose evil and promote good. Together we thank our Sovereign God for mercifully bringing judgment to light now rather than waiting for the Judgment Seat of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:7ff).

The world is broken by sin; we hear God and follow Him so we can help fix things. Let’s join together and believe Him to send revival.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Are You Ready for a Prophetic Word?

Are you ready for a prophetic word? God is calling for some to step out in new ministry. Has God spoken to you earlier about serving Him? Has there been a long-time desire in your heart and mind to serve Him in greater ways?

As a teenager, did you sense God calling you to server Him? Make your calling sure.

Are you sensing “There’s gotta be more?” Are you wondering why your life is not more fulfilled?

Not all frustration is bad. Sometimes God uses it to move us forward.

Some of you have gifts and a calling that excited you in earlier times. Perhaps these desires have lain dormant for decades.

If that’s you, the Holy Spirit is saying, “Now is the time. There shall no longer be delay. It is not for your sake that I’m activating you; rather, it’s for others I’m stirring you and sending you.

“I’ve prepared you, I’ve matured you. You won’t mess up. Take confidence and move ahead. Revive the ancient calling.

“Take courage, yet follow Bible principles.”

Some of you will have grace to quit your jobs or retire.

Here are a couple of Bible principles for guidance.

1 Get confirmation if your switch involves major changes like quitting your job or making major investments. Your spouse needs to be in agreement.

Your peers and church leadership will be encouraging if your plans are really from the Lord.

All of this will flow naturally if you are genuinely part of a community of believers.

2 Start Small. Your first steps don’t have to be giant steps. Let them be baby steps if need be. (Remember the kid’s game “Mother, may I?”) But we all have to get started. If we fail to take the first step, we’ll never get there. Just get started.

Are you ready for this prophetic word? I hope so. There’s an urgency to obey God.

Oliver’s story is instructive. A Christian man, he always had a heart for young people. In fact, in his youth God called him to some sort of youth work. Though Oliver dabbled in youth service, he could never really accomplish anything. Decades passed.

Then he died.

What is God urging you to do? Help start a church? Serve in missionary work? Invest in a Christian organization? Serve full-time as a church volunteer?

Take yourself seriously–you may be God’s instrument or the answer to someone’s prayer.

Are you ready for this prophetic word? 

God is calling for some to step out in new service at this time. What may have lain dormant for decades is ripe for the Master’s use.

(Photo by Baliji-malliswan on Unsplash)

What is Apostle’s Primary Contribution to Local Church

The Apostle's Primary Contribution to Local Church
Apostle’s Primary
Contribution to Local Church

What is the Apostle’s Primary Contribution to a Local Church?

Fred Herzog’s concise and precise response is noteworthy. This veteran apostle really has a grasp on what an apostle can contribute to a local church. Fred has ministered at our church–the Church of the Living Water in Muscatine, Iowa–numerous times in past years.

He has been around a long time and has “seen it all.” His response is well worth far beyond the 43 seconds of this video interview.

Want to go deeper into the ministry of an apostle?

In fact, this interview would profit most elder’s meetings for most churches around the world.

Thanks Fred, for your insightful words.

Apóstoles Globales Iglesias Locales
Apóstoles Globales Iglesias Locales

My book Apostoles Globales Iglesias Locales is now available in Spanish on Amazon.com.mx. Thanks to Edgar Mendez of Queretaro and Adelmo Agostini of Saltillo for translation and formatting of this book.

One Mexican pastor said, “This book is really needed in Mexico,” so we went ahead and published it in Spanish. I’m trying to learn Spanish; however, I could not have done this project without the help of pastors Edgar and Adelmo. Thank you, men.

If any of you buy this book in either Spanish or English, please write a review. Thanks. We need Biblical views of apostles. The more reviews, the more the message will help pastors and churches and therefore the entire body of Christ.

Fred Herzog summarizes the apostle’s primary contribution to a local church succinctly in the video above. Show it to your church or church leaders.

Salvation by Annoyance–


Salvation by Annoyance–

An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into Heaven?”

The boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, ‘For Heaven’s sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!'”


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Question? Apostle? What Do You Mean?

Sonny Mizar Answers, What is an Apostle?

Question? Apostle? What do you mean? There’s a lot of confusion about the question “What is an apostle?” Sonny Mizar’s response is a good start to understand what an apostle does and how he fits into God’s plan for churches. Find out more about this Godly man on Facebook.

You may also want to check out his book Journey to Authenticity. This book has helped me understand and have patience with some of the young ministers I train.

Sonny could say much more about apostles. He’s worth listening to. In the meantime, let me add a few lines (and my own definition of an apostle) that will remove some misunderstandings about the use of the term “apostle” in the Bible.

Question? Apostle? Let’s Look More Closely

In a generic sense, an apostle is a “sent one” or “one sent on a mission.” The Greek word is apostolos. In a generic sense all Christians are “sent out on a mission.” In that sense we are all apostles!

In a technical sense the term refers to the person who functions in the five fold ministry or office of apostle. That’s the most common use of the term in the Bible by far. That’s the use of the term we are talking about here.

I’ve studied the Scriptures and worked with apostles for over fifty years. Here’s my definition:

“An apostle is a Christian leader called and supernaturally gifted by God to open new spiritual or geographical territory for the gospel, lay foundations, equip believers, and serve as catalyst and coordinator for churches and ministries.”

I invite you to find C Peter Wagner’s thoughts on the subject or go directly to my book Local Churches Global Apostles: How Churches Related to Apostles in the New Testament Era and Why It Matters Now.

Maybe you have a good definition of your own. If so, post it in the comment section below.

What is Ideal Church/Apostle Relationship?

How do you find the ideal church/apostle relationship? Fred Herzog smiles and then addresses the question in this 104 second video.

I was a student at Luther Seminary in Minneapolis in the early 1970’s when Fred started New Testament Church. I remember the day in his home when we gathered together to discuss a name for the fellowship. Fred listened to all who suggested various names and then, with mutual consent, chose “New Testament Church.”

Let’s listen to Fred’s thoughts as he discusses “How would you describe an ideal church and apostle relationship?”

Fred has thought about questions like this one over most of his life. Worth listening to? You bet!

I didn’t know much about apostles–or about a lot of other things!–when I first met Fred. And if you want some background about apostles, come to What is an Apostle?

In the 50 years or so since those days, I’ve learned significant insights regarding ideal church/apostle relationships.

Here’s a biggie: It’s better to speak of real church/apostle relationships than an ideal church/apostle relationship. Why? Because, of the latter, there aren’t any! It’s like in a good and Godly marriage, we still have to work things out.

For an in-depth study of how churches related to apostles in the New Testament Era, grab a copy of my book about apostles. It tells how each and every church in the New Testament related to Paul or one of the other apostles. You might be surprised at how real–how human–the getting alongs were.

2 Wow-Worthy “Takehomes” for You from Don Miller

What’s the Most Important Job of a Leader?

Ok, what’s your answer? Stop . . . What’s your answer? I admit I gave a lame answer. But Donald Miller has really set my mind to thinking. In fact, Ethan, who works with me in ministry, and I are honing our focus in order to minister more effectively.

This short video will likely challenge you as it did me.


How to Write a Killer Tagline

Much related to the first video, “How to Write a Killer Tagline” continues to exercise my mind. In fact, I sometimes wake up in the night and mull over the quest for an effective, true and memorable one-liner to help our church people focus.

I’m applying this video to the church even though it was planned for business. To my mind, Don Miller is like an apostle to churches from the business world. He certainly challenges me to make my message clear.

Is this video worth 2:38 minutes of your life? Watch and see.

What’s the tagline for your church? For your ministry?

Apostles make us think and take risks. (Things in short supply in some churches these days.) I’m not saying Miller is an apostle, not at all, but he is challenging his hearers to communicate clearly. And that’s something apostles do.

What Can We Do to Change Government and Culture?

Michael and Terri Piper, apostolic church leaders in Brazil, tell how God brought churches together to change a nation.

I interviewed the Pipers at a camp in Mexico in March, 2019. Here’s hope and a challenge for any nation in the world. Thanks to Erik Martinez for recording the interview.

Is there a need for apostles today?

Is there a need for apostles to bring churches together?

Spirit of God Comes to You at Communion

Spirit of Christ Indwells Communion Elements
Spirit of Christ Indwells Communion Elements

I intend to show from the Scriptures that the Spirit of Christ indwells the communion elements.

As a background, let’s examine briefly the Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran concepts of the Eucharist. I use the terms Communion, Eucharist, Lord’s Table and Lord’s Supper interchangeably.

The Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran Interpretation of Communion

Catholic theology teaches that in each mass Christ is crucified afresh. However, chapters 7-9 of the book of Hebrews state seven times that Christ died once and for all. Catholics also need to reconsider the basic doctrine of transubstantiation (the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining).

At the same time, it seems to me Catholics—especially charismatic Catholics—experience healings and deliverances in Eucharistic services far more frequently than Pentecostals and Evangelicals.

The Reformed tradition teaches that the bread and juice (or wine) merely represent the true body and blood of Christ. This is clearly a Western, rationalistic understanding of communion. It fails to grasp the Biblical, Hebraic and Mid-Eastern mindset. Compared to other communion concepts the representative view of communion lacks the power portrayed in Scripture. For example, in 1 Corinthians 11:30 we see many church people got sick or even died as a result of improper communion. Consequently, Luther was right to reject it.

One aspect of the reformed view that could be seen as positive is this: it is easily grasped by the Western mindset.

Martin Luther viewed the Lord’s Supper as the “Real Presence” of Christ, and denied both the Catholic and Zwinglian theologies. He saw the elements as “vehicles” to bring the “Real Presence” of Christ to the participant.

The Lutheran view realizes at least some of the power of the Biblical concept of Communion. However, it does not explain the “how” or the “why” that the “Real Presence” is in the communion. Ask any Lutheran to explain communion and you will most likely find bewilderment. I spent years in the Lutheran Church and never, not even once, found a clear explanation of Communion.

Proposed Pentecostal Understanding of Holy Communion

Spirits Inhabit People and Other Living Beings

In the Bible, there exist numerous times when spirits, either good or bad, attached themselves to people. Saul, David, the Gadarene demoniac, the twelve disciples of Acts 2 are examples. At least once, demons came upon a herd of hogs, which caused the pigs to rush into the sea and drown.

Spirits Inhabit Physical Objects

That spirits inhabit people and physical objects should never be doubted by students of the Bible or astute observers of modern life.

Let me offer two clear examples.

First, the Ark of the Covenant (1 Sam 5:1-12). The power of the Spirit in the Ark of God proved superior to the power in the Philistine god Dagon. Further, wherever the Ark went among the Philistines, it caused tumors and confusion.

Second, the false prophet gives breath (Gr: pneuma or spirit) to the image [statue] of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15).  

Look closely at the photo above. You may see what you missed earlier

Photo by Josh Marshall on Unsplash

If you practice deliverance ministry, you have undoubtedly uncovered spirits attached to objects or houses. I have personally cast out spirits from houses and seen not only the house, but also the people living in the house, set free.

How many times have naive people kept a little Buddhist statue on the shelf in their home only to find out it was bringing depression and confusion into their life? Remove the statue and the depression leaves.

Beware! Looks Innocuous but May Cause Harm
Beware! Looks Innocuous but May Cause Harm

I have cast many spirits out of many different people. When the spirits go, depression, sickness, confusion, deception also go. (Obviously, not every symptom can be traced to a spirit. Spirits don’t cause every symptom. There are other causes as well. Let me make that clear.)

The Biblical Basis for the Spirit of Christ Indwelling the Communion Elements of Bread and Wine (or Juice).

A Pentecostal Theology of the Eucharist

From the Garden of Eden onward there exists a connection between food and acts of God. When Eve and Adam bit the apple (or peach, or fig?), humanity was forever changed. God sent a spiritual curse or punishment on Satan, Eve, Adam, the ground, and the entire human race (Gen 3:14-19).

God has always had a significant interest in our food and how it relates to Him.

In fact, the Old Covenant was ratified with food and drink . . . . they saw God, and they ate and drank (Ex 24:11b). What an astounding point of contact with the seventy elders of Israel!

At the first Passover meal, God judged the gods of Egypt. Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments—I am the LORD (Ex 12:12). The Egyptian gods were false gods, yet powerful enough to control much of Egyptian society.

The Passover Meal (and the Lord’s Table that fulfills it) has untold power for those who eat in faith. The Passover Meal took place just hours before the Exodus from Egypt. Can you imagine the condition of the Israeli people? They were slaves, harassed and whipped by merciless slave masters. Without a doubt, many were sick, weak, or injured. They were laden with the diseases of Egypt. But when they ate the Passover Lamb, remarkable things happened. Psalm 105:37 relates the memorable results of eating the Passover Lamb!

Then He brought them out with silver and gold, And among His tribe there was not one who stumbled (NASV). There was not one feeble person among their tribes. (KJV). (Excerpted from my book Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys).

In the New Testament we find even common everyday food became sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer (1 Tim 4:5). In other words, the food was changed, altered, made holy, because of God’s word and prayer. How much more, the communion elements!

1 Corinthians 10:16-21 specifically addresses the issue of whether or not spirits indwell food. Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ?

This passage specifically refers to the Lord’s Table of the New Testament church. The cup (of wine or juice) and the loaf of bread had to be blessed [with some sort of thanksgiving or ritual]. Then it became a sharing in the bloody sacrificial death of Christ. The Greek word used is koinonia, which means a sharing, participation, or fellowship in something.

When we partake of the food, we partake of the God who gave the food. For the pagans, there was a demon spirit in the food. Paul said, I do not want you to become sharers in demons (1 Cor 10:20). In contrast, for the Christian communion, there is the Spirit of Christ with the food.

Some reviewers swallow hard (pun intended!) at the thought that either demons or the Spirit of Christ can attach to the food we eat. More than one has pointed to 1 Corinthians 8:4 we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world, thereby denying the possibility that spirits inhabit foods.

But read on. In the very next verse Paul acknowledges that there are so called gods whether in heaven or on earth; in fact, there are many gods and many lords (1 Cor 8:5).

How could this become any clearer? When the pagans ate food sacrificed to the idol gods, they took into their bodies the demonic spirits of those gods.

When believers imbibe the bread and drink, we take into our bodies the Spirit of Christ that indwells the elements.

Communion a Point of Contact with God

In His great mercy and grace, God has selected many connection points with His children. Some are one-time events. In contrast, communion is an ongoing event until Christ returns.

The most common point of connection is the church service. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst (Matt 18:20). Other points of connection in Scripture are the Ark of the Covenant, the cloud, handkerchiefs and aprons, hands laid upon a person, Jesus’ robe, tithes and offerings, anointing with oil, even the bones of Elisha and the bronze serpent.

Why is a point of contact with God so important? Because it’s a specific time and place where God interacts with a person or group. A point of contact is a God-ordained time and place where God has chosen to supernaturally act. That’s why there are healings and other supernatural acts at the Lord’s Table.

Dangers of the Pentecostal Theology of Communion (That the Spirit of Christ Indwells the Bread and Juice)

While a Pentecostal understanding of the Eucharist holds the promise of the release of greater connection and power with God, it also poses dangers. I mention two.

The greatest danger is turning the Eucharist or the elements into an idol. This happened with the bronze serpent. Originally, God directed Moses to make the bronze serpent as a remedy for the snake bites (Numbers 21:9). All who gazed at the serpent in faith, God healed. As the years progressed, however, the bronze serpent became an idol and finally had to be destroyed (2 Kings 18:4).

An associated danger with all theologies of communion, not only with the approach that I’m proposing, is that of coming to the altar with wrong attitudes. This includes coming with lack of forgiveness, without love toward people, and without faith to connect with God.

I have written briefly showing instances from Scripture and life where spirits, both good and evil, attach themselves to people and objects. I applied this to the Lord’s Table.

Now I ask for your thoughts. Are you and your church people experiencing the power and presence of Christ in communion? We have always found a little, but only a little, of the magnificence of Christ that He deserves in communion. That is until recently. As I have begun to explore and teach a Pentecostal communion, our church is beginning to come alive at the Lord’s Table due to the Spirit of Christ inhabiting the elements.

Several ministers have reviewed this article. I especially thank Edgar Mendez of Queretaro and Edgar Olvera from Mexico City for their extensive input and corrections. Nevertheless, the contents remain my own and I am solely responsible for the concepts.

May God bless and promote you. Again, please share your thoughts with me. I value your input.