President Trump Apologized

President Trump apologized during his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC on February 6, 2020.

After acknowledging how hard the message of forgiveness can be, the President stated,

I’m sorry, I apologize. I am trying to learn . . . It’s not easy. 

Why the Fact that President Trump Apologized Means So Much to Me

President Trump has a reputation for never saying “I’m sorry.” For never apologizing. That is not a godly reputation.

Several days before the National Prayer Breakfast, I acknowledged a divine prompt to pray specifically that the president would apologize and say “I’m sorry.”

Most people ignored his apology. Others ridiculed him, just as some had mocked the First Lady after she led thousands in the Lord’s Prayer at a Florida rally. Some accused the president of being insincere. Some were spiteful.

While many commentators dismissed the president and his apology, I was encouraged.

I thanked God for answered prayer and took a breath of fresh spiritual air.. Today I danced with joy as I mulled over the president’s words. God answered my specific prayer!

Millions of Christians are praying for our president. Nancy Pelosi has publicly stated that she is joining in prayers for the president.

President Trump’s apology means so much to me because I was praying specifically for his exact words, “I’m sorry.”

The links I had for the president’s speech have disappeared. If you can find the speech and listen you can tell how difficult it is for him to say the words that are so hard for many of us to say. To me he sounded embarrassed. His humanity slipped through. He was like a little boy on unfamiliar ground as he spoke those difficult words, “I’m sorry.”

Trump’s Apology Shot My Faith with Steroids

All things are possible with God, promised Jesus (Matthew 19:26).

One of my prayer partners, Ken Eichelberger, and I have been praying for the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un.

We have recently begun praying for Xi Jinping, the leader of Communist China, that He encounter Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

We pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg and other members of the US Supreme Court. We pray that God will send Christian witnesses to each of them. We pray for repentance and conviction.

The Scripture commands believers to put prayer for leaders at the top of our prayer lists.

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

We take this seriously at the Church of the Living Water in Muscatine. We begin our Sunday meetings with prayer for various authorities.

I teach that we need to believe God first for repentance and faith in our governing authorities. Then, if a leader continues to rebel against God over a time period, we need to believe God for removal.

Watch for future articles on how to intercede for governing authorities. God is raising up intercessors in preparation for the coming world-wide revival.

Are you receiving grace to join the international prayer movement?

Bernie Wing: God’s Viewpoint on the Sanctity of Life

Bernie Wing, True Bridge Ministry and former pastor at Grace Life Church, Marhall, Minnesota

Hi Mark,

I enjoyed your article: God, Government, and You.  I so agree and also have tried to establish good relationships with local government leaders.  We have two County Commissioners that are elders at Grace Life Church. 

I thought you might enjoy this recent article I wrote on my thoughts about the Sanctity of Life issue. 

Blessings to  you and your family,

Bernie Wing

Viewpoint: Bringing God’s Point of View to Man’s Point of Need

Science, medical advancements, and technology are shedding more light on the subject of abortion. Research of DNA is validating that viable life begins at conception. The heartbeat can be detected as early as 51/2 weeks after gestation. Advancement in the medical field has proven that a child born as early as 21 weeks of development and weighing in at one pound or even less can live and become healthy child.

Since the decision by the Supreme Court in 1973, 61,628,584 babies have been destroyed in the womb. Even though the yearly numbers are a little lower than earlier years many are seemingly thumbing their nose at God. Some states have recently passed laws to terminate the life of a child as it is being born full term. Some are using the advanced ultrasound technology to choose to terminate the life in the womb based on gender or if down syndrome is suspected. One comedian Michelle Wolf even bragged how having an abortion made her very powerful and akin to God.

How is Abortion Related to Division in America?

My thought is the devaluing of life beginning in the womb and choosing to destroy these many millions over these past 47 years are a direct link to the division, strife and hatred in our nation. Also a direct link to the mass shootings we are experiencing in our schools, churches, malls, and in other public places that normally were considered safe zones.

Our nation is in trouble. We are divided, divisive, and destroying one another with our words and ways made legal by a few supreme court justices. How will we find healing and restoration back to civility and alignment with the Word and Ways of God?

What is the Solution?

So is there an answer? How can we heal our nation? What does God say. James 1:5-6 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.

II Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.God has given us an answer and it is up to us to humble ourselves, pray as we seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.

Let’s Get Specific and Practical

What are our wicked ways we need to turn from? As I pondered this question my mind went to the story in Matthew 25 and the story of the talents. Three men were given talents by their lord. One was given five, one two, and one was given one talent. When the lord returned from his travels
he asked for an accounting. The first two had invested their talents and doubled them and were told Well done, good and faithful servant.
The one given one talent hid it by burying it in the ground and he heard from his lord, You wicked and lazy servant.

Could this servant who did nothing with what he was given be a comparison to us and our wicked ways? Are we the people called by the Lord’s name the ones who are unwilling to stand up, speak up and do something for the most vulnerable the ones living in the wicked ways?

James 4:17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. I do believe our sin of omission is what God is addressing in this hour to us. We may feel proud of the sins we have overcome and compare ourselves with those still trapped in obvious sin.

Specifically, What is God Asking You to Do?

Maybe we need to consider what it is God is asking us to do as His witnesses and ambassadors to the world. We know it is our duty to stand up and speak up for what is right in the eyes of God no matter what the ways and laws of the world may say is totally Okay.

The world and current laws say it is our right to choose to kill the most innocent and vulnerable of all human lives while still in the womb.

What is God’s Viewpoint on the Sanctity of Life?

What is God’s viewpoint on the sanctity of life? I believe what is recorded in Psalms 139:13-17 (NLT).

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, God.

–Bernie Wing

God, Government and You

God, Government and You

God . . . government . . . and you? What is God’s design? How should we as Christians relate to government and government officials?

Many struggle with government. Some ignore it, some hate it. Criticism runs rampant. A few jump into policy issues, while most stand aloof.

What does the Bible show about God and government and you?

I was surprised as I read through the book of Second Chronicles to find such a strong connection between the religious (the prophets) and the government (the kings).

Nearly Every King Had a Prophet

Rehobam had a man named Shemaiah

Jehoshaphat had Macaiah, Jehu, Jahaziel, and Eliezer

Hezekiah had the famous Isaiah

Zedekiah had Jeremiah

The list could go on. . . .

What Does This Tell Us about God and Government?

1) God is interested in human government. In fact, He is very interested–more than most know. More than most pastors and church leaders know. If we who lead church meetings knew, we would begin our church services with prayer for various governing entities.

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,

for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity (1 Tim 2:1-2).

God enjoins churches to practice prayer for authority figures as a top priority in both private and public meetings (1 Tim 2:8). Not just any prayers. Specifically, we are urged to make entreaties, petitions and thanksgivings as well as regular prayers for various authority figures.

2) God is so interested in government that he repeatedly sends prophetic messages to governing officials through prophets or men of God. Could God use you?

3) God wants to direct the affairs of government.

The Biblical messages through the prophets included a vast array issues: military advice, when to go to war, when not go to war. Advice about foreign policy. How to treat prisoners of war. Religious matters.

4) God wants more than prayer for government; He wants His chosen people directly involved.

How Does God’s Concern for Government Apply in 2020?

In 1 Cor 10:11 we note that these things . . were written for our instruction.

The fact that the Bible shows so many of the kings had prophets whispering, or sometimes shouting in their ears, shows that God wants to teach us something.

Looking into the Bible records, we find that the prophets who spoke most effectively formed a relationship with the king. Isaiah’s relationship with King Hezekiah is an example. Nathan’s friendship with David is another.

Let’s Apply This to Local Government

Most of us will not have access to the president of our country. But we generally have surprising access to various forms of local government: councilmembers, perhaps the mayor, even state representatives, governors and senators.

I have a good relationship with our state representative and state senator to Des Moines. They respect me and I respect them. We have talked over some of the issues and they have asked me my opinion.

The church has a prophetic mandate to speak with local authorities. If approached well, especially if we have taken the time to become acquainted, most elected officials will welcome you and your ideas.

I have personally encouraged our state officials to vote for the fetal heartbeat legislation in Iowa. It passed and Iowa became the first state in America to enact a fetal heartbeat law. This law was designed to protect the lives of babies in the womb from the first day a heartbeat can be detected.

(Unfortunately, the Iowa Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional; now we are by faith dealing with changes on the court and in our State of Iowa constitution.)

How Are You Doing in Regard to God and Government?

Are you giving regard to God and His interest in leading the nation?

Are you praying regularly for your governing officials? The stakes are high.

Do you know your local officials? Have you developed relationships with any?

Are you willing to be used by God?

What Does God Want You to Do Now?

What is your part in God’s plan?

Happy New Year–Arrest Stress with 12 Best Stress Arresters

Arrest stress
Arrest stress and lock it away for good

Stats for Stress, the Silent Killer

  • 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress.
  • US businesses lose up to $300 billion yearly as a result of workplace stress.
  • Stress causes around one million workers to miss work every day.
  • Only 43% of US employees think their employers care about their work-life balance.
  • Depression leads to $51 billion in costs due to absenteeism and $26 billion in treatment costs.
  • Work-related stress causes 120,000 deaths and results in $190 billion in healthcare costs yearly.

The 12 Best Stress Arresters

Identify the Causes of Stress and develop possible strategies to deal with them. Get pastoral or other professional help if need be.

Get Physical Exercise. Swimming, biking, walking and things like these are all good stress arresters. Even singing aloud or shouting at a ball game can be helpful. If you don’t like ball games or don’t want to “Kill the umpire!” , try going for a drive all alone, rolling up the car windows and shouting or singing as loudly as you can!

I personally enjoy chopping wood for my exercise.

Practice Deep Breathing. When I was in the hospital and my lungs were filled with cancerous tumors, I could hardly breathe. A nurse taught me how to take in giant-sized breaths through my mouth and then expel the air ever-so-slowly through my nose. Repeat several times. It works. Try deep breathing and see how it relaxes you.

Just say “No!” The world is filled with overly busy people. One of the basic foundational truths of Hebrews 6:2 is repentance from dead works. Dead works are anything we do that is not from the Holy Spirit. Anybody filling your life with good works that are really dead works?

Stress results from pleasing people rather than pleasing God. For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10).

Get a Full night sleep

Forgive. Forgiveness is one of the all time great stress arresters. Don’t wait for people to ask you to forgive them. Just do it over and over and watch your nemeses change.

Receive Salvation through Christ

Pursue Freedom from guilt. Guilt produces stress. Floating guilt (feeling bad all the time as a result of not dealing with some specific sin) produces floating stress. Take time to do business with God or people. Get to the root of this and you’ll feel happier and better. Bill Gothard helped me to do this in his Basic Life Principles Seminar. Get help if you need it.

Move Forward. Forward motion in one area can lead to a relief of stress in many areas. One cause of stress is the sense of inability to control circumstances. Loss of control leads to frustration and tension. Move ahead in some area–build a bookcase, join a club or church, take a course, invest, take a vacation, do something by which you can move ahead and make more of your own decisions in some specific area.

Take a 24 Hour Break Every Week. Restore the Sabbath Principle. The necessity of “cooling it” once every 7 days is built into creation. Napoleon attempted to increase productivity by establishing a 10 day work week. The experiment failed and France had to return to the seven day work week. Even God rested on the seventh day! I’m not saying which day to take off, I’m simply saying take off one day per week. Establish the three R’s: Rest, Reflect, Rejuvenate. People who do become more productive.

Stress arrester number 12. Try to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. He has promised to guide us. But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you . . . (John 16:I3).

I have a tendency to overwork. Any workaholics out there like me? I personally need the Holy Spirit to prompt me to stop working.

The Scriptures link hearing (and obeying) God’s voice with rest: TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE,

And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? (Hebrews 3:15 and 18)

Rest and stress reduction result from doing what God says and doing it right away. For example, the other day I was working on our porch. By the Spirit I felt prompted to stop work and come inside. But I didn’t want to stop so I kept working. Later that evening, I realized I was emotionally and physically drained. I knew I had overworked and could not go on to do the things God really wanted me to do. I had to repent.

Here’s a closing tip about stress arresters. New habits don’t come overnight. They take time to develop. Oftentimes we can’t do it alone, so it helps to have some encouragement.

Habits are socially enforced. How to make a habit stick? Join a church or group that already has the habit.

Stress is a bigger problem than most realize. Let’s tackle it together. What is working for you? Write it in the comment box below

Photo by Brandon Hoogenboom on Unsplash

8 Things the World Needs to Know about Jesus’ Birth

One of our lambs peering across a manger

1 Jesus birth was announced in prophecy (Isaiah 9:6).

2 The place of His birth was also announced in advance (Micah 5:2).

3 His mother was a virgin at the time of His birth (Matthew 1:25).

4 He was given a name—Jesus–which means “Savior”) (Mathew 1:25).

5 He was Mary’s first child (Luke 2:7).

6 He was a male child, a boy (Luke 2:7)

7 Mary laid Him in a feeding trough (Luke 2:7). This was an identifying sign for the shepherds, the first human evangelists of the birth.

Another look at our sheep by a manger

8 Angels announced His birth. In their birth announcement, they made significant claims: They again verified the place of birth—Bethlehem, the City of David.

They associated Jesus with ”great joy.” (Think about that one as we share our faith.)

He will be for all people, not just Jews.

Most significantly, they claimed He was Savior, the long-awaited Messiah, and God (Lord) (Luke 2:8-11).

Many know some details of the birth story. Do they know the what the angels knew?

California Wildfires

California Burning Again

California Wildfires, Puerto Rico Hurricane, and 107 MPH Winds in the Midwest. How Do We Make Sense of these Things?


Could all these be “natural disasters?” Are these the results of “climate change?” Or is there something greater involved?

One thing is for sure. God is getting the world’s attention. He’s stirring the pot aplenty.

Thee Bible prophets often portray natural disasters as not just natural; they have meaning.

It’s the prophets calling to interpret these so-called “natural events” for the rest of us.

Here’s My Take

Behind every flood, hurricane, or fire stands a great and loving God who wants the best for His creation. Nothing stands outside His love. So when mind-boggling disasters occur such as the California wildfires, there has to be an exponentially greater disaster ahead. A disaster of eternal and unthinkable dimension.

I’m not a doom and gloom guy. Nor do I speak ignorantly.

Tornado force winds severely damaged our house. Cancer wracked my body, nearly to death. Each left scars, each marked my life.

Nevertheless, I’m here to say that God is good and has a purpose for everything He allows. Even death brings hope for a better resurrection.

When we’re going through the onslaught, when we’re filled with confusion, when death surrounds us, it’s hard to look up. Still, let’s cheer up, look up, and find the purpose in it all.

The prophet Amos speaks of famine, drought, tornado, pestilence (would a current translation be virus?) plague, war, terrorism, fire and wind as judgments from God.

But you have not returned to Me, declares the Lord (Amos 4).

All of these seemingly natural events were designed to turn the people back to God so that nothing worse would come on them. Each was a dramatic and powerful call to action: Return to Me!

Jesus weighed in on a natural disaster during His day: Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish (Luke 13:4-5).

Throughout Scripture natural disasters are viewed as calls for repentance in order to forestall or avoid further judgments from God that we bring on ourselves. God is a loving Sovereign willing to do whatever it takes to keep people from the eternal fires of hell and bring people back to Himself.

What Should We Do When Disaster Occurs?

One response is to bring further judgment, “They deserve it.” It may be true: They (We) deserve it.

But a better response is to humble ourselves, repent, and call for forgiveness and mercy. In fact, that’s what Jesus advised. He basically said, “Repent or perish,” even when we are not directly involved. Read Luke 13:4-5 again and see if you agree.

Learn from the Prophet Daniel

Daniel modeled this attitude following the invasion by the Babylonian army into Israel.

I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said, “Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and all the people of the land. Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us open shame,

O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” [A]ll this calamity has come on us; yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our iniquity and] giving attention to Your truth. Therefore the Lord kept the calamity in store and brought it on us; for the Lord our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice (Daniel 9).

Why fires, floods and hurricanes? I don’t know all, but I do know that in the Bible many natural events were designed to get people’s attention. To shake people up. To get us out of our selfishness. To bring us to the breaking point where we have to admit, “There’s Someone or Something bigger than us around here.

Is every rainstorm, earthquake or tornado a judgment from God? Of course not.

But God has been speaking to me since about 2013 to “Prepare the people for judgment.” Judgments come in many forms. In fact, about 19 different kinds of judgments are mentioned in the Bible. Some ae scary, some are temporary, some are final. But all are true and righteous altogether. By them Thy servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward (Psalm 19:9-11).

I’ve been in earthquakes. Nothing like an earthquake to make you feel totally inadequate. It’s awesome. In an earthquake a person is absolutely, completely helpless. You can’t go up, you can’t go down, you can’t go out–no time. No place to go. No way to hide. Normal intelligence cannot reason with it. Little wonder, in Revelation 6 people cried out for the mountains and rocks to fall on them. I remember in an earthquake in Portland, Oregon, a woman in our apartment ran down the hallway in her nightgown screaming!

These are days when the pillars of civilization are shaking. Take “knee-time” seriously. Not a time to despair. And when the ashes settle, realize God is speaking–and not with words.

These are days of opportunity. These are days to look up. Take heart. Seize the day. Redemption draws near.

Can Forgiveness Change Your Future?

Can forgiveness change your future?

As you study the dog’s face, what is he communicating?

What do you think? Can forgiveness change your future?

Jesus thinks so. In fact, He says so.

I’m experimenting, and I’m looking for more evidence of what Jesus says about future change through forgiveness.. I’m not doubting what He says, I just want to see and document more of it. Will you help? Send me your story of how forgiveness has changed circumstances if you have one.

Three Specific Ways Jesus Asserts Forgiveness Changes Your Future

First. Matthew 5:14-15: For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions.

This well-known and oft overlooked statement makes it clear that God’s attitude and actions toward everyone stem from the fulcrum of our forgiveness of other people. Or our lack of forgiveness. That’s supernatural.

It shows one reason why some folks live in the camp of blessing and others in the wilderness. 

My parents, Rognar and June Anderson, experienced seventy-three years of happily-married life. (I’m not saying they never faced struggles. They did. One of their struggles was raising me!) 

Nevertheless, when dad was about 94 years old someone interviewed him with the classic question, “To what do you attribute your long-lasting success in marriage?” Dad’s answer: “Forgiveness.”

Forgiveness Creates More Love

Here’s a second way forgiveness changes a person. It creates more love and blessing.

Forgiveness today creates love more love tomorrow. Perhaps we can say the amount of love we have today is determined in part by the amount of forgiveness we experienced yesterday. See Luke 7:47 . . . he who is forgiven little, loves little. 

Let the converse also be true. He who is forgiven much, loves much.

Forgiveness Liberates

People are puzzled by Jesus’ words in John 20:23. But if we take them simply the way a child does, He is saying forgiveness releases a person. Just think how many husbands need to be released! (Release is what forgiveness means.) How many wives! How many wayward kids!

Forgiveness liberates. Forgiveness absolves sin through the blood of Jesus!

The man’s future in Matthew 18 was determined by his forgiveness or lack of it. Because he failed to release his coworker, he ended up in torment by the choice of the Master.

A Modern Day Example 

I once counseled a man struggling with depression and mental illness. (Let’s call him Dean.)  Life had dealt some hardships and low blows to this fellow. Primarily, his wife and family had forsaken him. It seems no relative supported him socially or emotionally. 

Dean was on the brink of suicide and had been in and out of mental hospitals. As I listened to his stories, I realized he had never forgiven his offenders. 

So the first order of business with Dean was to help him forgive. He spike words of forgiveness. The next time I saw him, he felt a little better. There  was hope.

But he still held onto anger and resentment. He claimed, “I just can’t forgive any more.” I urged him to forgive in faith. I told him he had to work ast it, even to speak aloud in private “I forgive, I forgive, I forgive.”

Perhaps I failed to impart sufficient grace to him. Perhaps Dean chose to hang on to his bitterness (the opposite of forgiveness). Whatever the reason, this man never changed. He kept saying, “I can’t forgive, I can’t forgive.” 

The final time I saw Dean, he remained depressed and was refusing to take normal responsibilities for life.

Can forgiveness change your future? Does unforgiveness affect our destiny?Sure looks like it to me.

I’m experimenting with forgiveness. I’m forgiving President Trump, who is reportedly a new convert to the Christian faith. I’m forgiving broadly. I’m forgiving others just as God in Christ has forgiven me (Ephesians 4:32).

Can forgiveness change your future?

I’m interested in your experience if you can add to this.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Freedom March: 200 Ex-LGBT Come Out

Publisher’s note: I have adapted this article from Janet Boynes of Janet Boynes Ministry. It is her personal report on the May 27 Freedom March: 200 ex LGBT people come out to proclaim their freedom in Christ.


Millennials and Gen-Xers stood together, unified with a voice that declared freedom is possible through Christ.

The message is what so many need to hear but has been so quickly shunned. It lacks popularity but is packed with power.

Jeffrey McCall, the founder of the Freedom March, invited me to be a part of this historical event. Watching so many younger than I stand unashamed and passionate about their experience of walking out of the lifestyle of homosexuality into a life of freedom in Christ was a magnificent experience. This is an answer to prayer.

They stood together, each one with their own story of how Christ came into their heart and gave them a brand new life. These young people were vibrant and energetic.

It wasn’t a ‘gay to straight’ thing; It was a ‘lost to saved’ thing,” proclaimed one of the founders of the event.

Their enthusiasm was clearly visible as they shared their testimonies of coming out of darkness into the marvelous light of Christ. 1 Peter 2:9 says in the Message Bible, “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you-from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”

While they had no qualms in reminding me that I was part of the “older generation” and spoke of my “mothering heart,” I couldn’t help but to be amazed as I watched them speak boldly and with much assurance that it was only Jesus that have kept them and brought them to this point. They did not hesitate to let everyone know that change is possible, hope is tangible, and love is available. 

This march represented so much more than just a group of people gathering to share their thoughts. This was a march in the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. This was a true declaration that Jesus is not dormant or dead. Jesus is very much alive and able to change lives.

While the LGBTQ community has no hesitation in parading their doctrines and agendas before anyone, this Freedom March gave the ex-homosexual a clear voice. They were able to declare openly, right in our nation’s capital, that the lifestyle they once embraced was not God’s will for their life or anyone else’s life. They were able to freely stand up and say that they chose Christ and holiness over all of their sins. 

There were no hidden agendas. Everyone was accepted. There were so many people from all cultures and nationalities. Everyone was important, no matter what titles they held or didn’t have. The love and respect for each other was so apparent. For a moment, I forgot I was 61 years old and I just blended in with these young motivating marchers. 

It was a true honor to be a part of this wonderful event. For this moment, every Christian had a voice. Each person in this march was speaking for so many others. The message was in the songs they sang and the messages they declared.

They spoke for the countless people who were not able to march and could not attend. They spoke for the person struggling with their sexuality. They spoke for the person who is gender disoriented and insecure. They spoke for the cross-dresser and the transgender. They spoke for everyone and anyone who is unsure of themselves and unable to find love and hope. They marched to show that there is hope and there is unconditional love available through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Freedom March declared to everyone that our God is not dead. He is very much alive in all of us and anyone who will allow Him to come in. No one is refused. No sin is too ugly or vile. Jesus stands with outstretched arms for everyone. (Psalm 136:12). That is true freedom and it is only found in our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Publisher’s comment: Why am I publishing Freedom March: 200 Ex-LGBT Come Out? Three reasons. First, God has used my wife and me to lead a lesbian woman to salvation and simultaneously into a normal sexual lifestyle. She later married, rasied children and continues to this day as a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

Second, Christian people need to stand up and tell the truth, not silently acquiesce, about the fallacies of the homosexual lifestyle.

Third, the world needs to know that people can change. No one needs to be stuck in the sin of homosexuality. If you or anyone you know wants freedom from sex sins, contact Janet Boynes Ministries or this website.

Take Care What You Listen to

Alsert fox with ears perked up0 to catch every sund

Have we grasped the seriousness of Jesus’ warning? Take care what you listen to (Mark 4:24). He specifically states we either gain or lose by what we listen to (Mark 4:25).

Where do the thoughts in our heads come from? Ultimately, there are only four sources: the devil, the world, our flesh, and from God. Which are you listening to?

This article focuses on “voices” from the world, specifically the news media. Further, it challenges us to choose our sources carefully.

I’m alarmed. I’m seeing the devastating results of some friends listening to unBiblical news and media.

A good minister is becoming increasingly critical of our country. He listens to CNN.

A convicted felon is totally unaware of the Trump administration policies to promote jobs, programs and infrastructure to aid the poor and felons. Mainstream media minimizes or refuses to cover these initiatives. So the guy is frustrated.

A minister is promoting “open borders,” not accepting the fact that the Bible speaks much about national borders and expects citizens to honor borders.

I see two problems. First, many people don’t know the Scriptures; as a result, they are not able to evaluate news sources or other information. Second, many Christians are simply tuning into untrue “news.”

Jesus’ warning from long ago is pertinent: Take care what you listen to. He adds, For whoever has, to him shall more be given. When we get true information, either from God Himself or from news networks, we will gain and grow. The opposite is also true. And whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him (Mark 4:25). The stakes are high. And it depends on what we choose to listen to.

I feel like shouting, Be careful what you listen to! (Mark 4:24)

We need to become Bible men and Bible women. Every news service has a temperament or bias toward something. Bias is not always bad. If we are grounded in Scripture, we will have a bias, a leaning, toward truth. Locate news services that lean toward Bible truth, not away. There are many.

What Would Jesus Listen to?

The question is audacious, I know, but. . .

Here are three suggestions. Family Research Council is pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom.

World Net Daily is managed by an Arab Christian, Joseph Farah, and often has a unique perspective on the news., the news service originated by Pat Robertson, merits attention. As one who gives away millions of dollars annually to the poor, Robertson is worth listening to.

Most important of all, what is the Holy Spirit speaking to us these days? He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Here’s my definition of church, the ek-klesia, the called out ones: We are called out, to come together, to hear God, and do what He says.

So how are we doing? Are you hearing God? Am I? And are we doing what He says?

Jesus said My sheep hear My voice. . . and they follow Me (John 10:27).

Take care what you listen to.

Photo image thanks to nathan-anderson-148921-unsplash

What is Biblical Manhood?

Most men don’t know what Biblical manhood is. That’s a problem because most people, including women, admire genuine masculinity.

Let’s face it. Ever since Adam we men have failed in numerous ways. But this is no time to rehearse failure. Rather, let’s survey the opposition and move ahead.

Opposition? There’s plenty. Yes, Virginia, there is a war against men. Primarily, the war against Biblical manhood arises from that ancient foe, the devil. He tries to tempt, deceive and accuse men. The devil is working to corrupt God’s design for men and he has a lot of allies today. For example, the American Psychological Association condemns “traditional masculinity as harmful.”

Satan is attempting to turn culture against Biblical manhood. (He is also trying to corrupt God’s design for genuine femininity, but that’s a subject for another day.)

Culture abounds with pejorative phrases such as “toxic masculinity.” Men, especially “white men” are pictured as evil in popular articles and movies. The Kavanaugh hearings exposed many people’s anger toward men of even impeccable reputation.

For the height of ludicrosity, Facebook now lists 71 gender options. You read that right–71 different gender options! According to Facebook, a man can be born a man, but morph into myriad other options. That is to say, a man doesn’t even have to be a man anymore. He can be half a man or a woman even no man at all.

So Where are the Men?

Behold, the Man! The announcement of Governor Pontius Pilate makes one Man stand out. I’m not talking only about sin or holiness. I’m talking about manhood in the traditional sense.

Jesus showed the endurance of a Navy Seal. From Thursday morning to His death about 3 pm Friday afternoon, He was awake amid some of the most exhausting trials anyone could endure. Betrayed by closest supporters, questioned by religious leaders and civil authorities, mocked and beaten by soldiers, scourged by Roman whipmasters, He was without sleep for over 40 hours according to my count.

Toward the end of that ordeal, beaten, mocked and abused by the Roman gendarmes, he was paraded before the governor. When Pilate saw Him, He marveled, Behold the Man. (Some say, Pilate was sarcastic and ridiculing. I say He was admiring, or at the very least, trying to figure out “Who is this Man?”

Christ’s deportment under scrutiny demonstrates a man of both physical and emotional strength.

What is Biblical Manhood?

What are the qualities of a Bible man, a true man?

In regard to vertical relationships, there is no distinction between men and women. That is, before God (the vertical relationship) man and woman are the same. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

However, in regard to human relationships we find a time-tested divine order. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. (1 Corinthians 11:$) . There are too many man hiding behind their hats today. Here’s my call. Where are you? Come forth, O man of God!

What Does Biblical Manhood Look Like? Five Traits for Starters

Biblical men speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, 4:25)

Adam was silent when he should have protected Eve. While silence may sometimes be golden, many men are afraid to speak out when we need to. Jesus spoke clearly to the Pharisees, Doom to you, and He did it in love for the purpose of waking them up so they could be saved (Matthew 23).

Biblical men become filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

Jesus was filled with the Spirit. ‘Tis a great need for men today so we can become sharers of our faith.

Biblical men fear Christ (Ephesians 5:22)

We fear Christ because He is God. All believers in Christ will stand before the Judgement seat of Christ. At that time we will have to give an account of our lives and be judged for our works (1 Corinthians 3:8ff).

Biblical men take leadership (Ephesians 5:23)

God ordained men to take leadership. Man is not the head of the home; he is head of the wife. God even compares the man to Christ as “savior” of his wife. He saves his wife though prayer (anybody can do this!) and example, as well as other ways.

Biblical men show love through sacrifice (Ephesians 5:25)

Sacrifice is not a featured theme in society these days. Yet it is God’s signature call to men. W are called to lay down our lives for our wives in much the same way Christ laid down His life for the church.

Agape love (covenantal, commitment-type love) rather than eros or romantic love is the type spoken of here. It is shown in forgiveness, focus and until-death-us-do-part commitment to the wife of his vows.

The Tank Man Illustrates Biblical Manhood

I’m not saying the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square was a Christian or had all the qualities of Biblical manhood. But he certainly demonstrated sacrifice and commitment and willingness to lay down his own life.

Click here to view the remarkable 2:22 minute tank man video

Are you a Biblical man?