God . . . government . . . and you? What is God’s design? How should we as Christians relate to government and government officials?
Many struggle with government. Some ignore it, some hate it. Criticism runs rampant. A few jump into policy issues, while most stand aloof.
What does the Bible show about God and government and you?
I was surprised as I read through the book of Second Chronicles to find such a strong connection between the religious (the prophets) and the government (the kings).
Nearly Every King Had a Prophet
Rehobam had a man named Shemaiah
Jehoshaphat had Macaiah, Jehu, Jahaziel, and Eliezer
Hezekiah had the famous Isaiah
Zedekiah had Jeremiah
The list could go on. . . .
What Does This Tell Us about God and Government?
1) God is interested in human government. In fact, He is very interested–more than most know. More than most pastors and church leaders know. If we who lead church meetings knew, we would begin our church services with prayer for various governing entities.
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,
for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity (1 Tim 2:1-2).
God enjoins churches to practice prayer for authority figures as a top priority in both private and public meetings (1 Tim 2:8). Not just any prayers. Specifically, we are urged to make entreaties, petitions and thanksgivings as well as regular prayers for various authority figures.
2) God is so interested in government that he repeatedly sends prophetic messages to governing officials through prophets or men of God. Could God use you?
3) God wants to direct the affairs of government.
The Biblical messages through the prophets included a vast array issues: military advice, when to go to war, when not go to war. Advice about foreign policy. How to treat prisoners of war. Religious matters.
4) God wants more than prayer for government; He wants His chosen people directly involved.
How Does God’s Concern for Government Apply in 2020?
In 1 Cor 10:11 we note that these things . . were written for our instruction.
The fact that the Bible shows so many of the kings had prophets whispering, or sometimes shouting in their ears, shows that God wants to teach us something.
Looking into the Bible records, we find that the prophets who spoke most effectively formed a relationship with the king. Isaiah’s relationship with King Hezekiah is an example. Nathan’s friendship with David is another.
Let’s Apply This to Local Government
Most of us will not have access to the president of our country. But we generally have surprising access to various forms of local government: councilmembers, perhaps the mayor, even state representatives, governors and senators.
I have a good relationship with our state representative and state senator to Des Moines. They respect me and I respect them. We have talked over some of the issues and they have asked me my opinion.
The church has a prophetic mandate to speak with local authorities. If approached well, especially if we have taken the time to become acquainted, most elected officials will welcome you and your ideas.
I have personally encouraged our state officials to vote for the fetal heartbeat legislation in Iowa. It passed and Iowa became the first state in America to enact a fetal heartbeat law. This law was designed to protect the lives of babies in the womb from the first day a heartbeat can be detected.
(Unfortunately, the Iowa Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional; now we are by faith dealing with changes on the court and in our State of Iowa constitution.)
How Are You Doing in Regard to God and Government?
Are you giving regard to God and His interest in leading the nation?
Are you praying regularly for your governing officials? The stakes are high.
Do you know your local officials? Have you developed relationships with any?
Are you willing to be used by God?
What Does God Want You to Do Now?
What is your part in God’s plan?
Proverbs 29:12 “If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.”
On the subject of abortion I would remind everyone who cares that the government has to represent all people, not just Christians. Roughly half of the nation believes one way, half the other. I believe it is a mistake to force a law that violates the morals of half the people in the nation.
When I read the bible I see that God gives everybody choices. We should respect everybody’s choice, even if we disagree with it.