Bernie Wing: God’s Viewpoint on the Sanctity of Life

Bernie Wing, True Bridge Ministry and former pastor at Grace Life Church, Marhall, Minnesota

Hi Mark,

I enjoyed your article: God, Government, and You.  I so agree and also have tried to establish good relationships with local government leaders.  We have two County Commissioners that are elders at Grace Life Church. 

I thought you might enjoy this recent article I wrote on my thoughts about the Sanctity of Life issue. 

Blessings to  you and your family,

Bernie Wing

Viewpoint: Bringing God’s Point of View to Man’s Point of Need

Science, medical advancements, and technology are shedding more light on the subject of abortion. Research of DNA is validating that viable life begins at conception. The heartbeat can be detected as early as 51/2 weeks after gestation. Advancement in the medical field has proven that a child born as early as 21 weeks of development and weighing in at one pound or even less can live and become healthy child.

Since the decision by the Supreme Court in 1973, 61,628,584 babies have been destroyed in the womb. Even though the yearly numbers are a little lower than earlier years many are seemingly thumbing their nose at God. Some states have recently passed laws to terminate the life of a child as it is being born full term. Some are using the advanced ultrasound technology to choose to terminate the life in the womb based on gender or if down syndrome is suspected. One comedian Michelle Wolf even bragged how having an abortion made her very powerful and akin to God.

How is Abortion Related to Division in America?

My thought is the devaluing of life beginning in the womb and choosing to destroy these many millions over these past 47 years are a direct link to the division, strife and hatred in our nation. Also a direct link to the mass shootings we are experiencing in our schools, churches, malls, and in other public places that normally were considered safe zones.

Our nation is in trouble. We are divided, divisive, and destroying one another with our words and ways made legal by a few supreme court justices. How will we find healing and restoration back to civility and alignment with the Word and Ways of God?

What is the Solution?

So is there an answer? How can we heal our nation? What does God say. James 1:5-6 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.

II Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.God has given us an answer and it is up to us to humble ourselves, pray as we seek His face and turn from our wicked ways.

Let’s Get Specific and Practical

What are our wicked ways we need to turn from? As I pondered this question my mind went to the story in Matthew 25 and the story of the talents. Three men were given talents by their lord. One was given five, one two, and one was given one talent. When the lord returned from his travels
he asked for an accounting. The first two had invested their talents and doubled them and were told Well done, good and faithful servant.
The one given one talent hid it by burying it in the ground and he heard from his lord, You wicked and lazy servant.

Could this servant who did nothing with what he was given be a comparison to us and our wicked ways? Are we the people called by the Lord’s name the ones who are unwilling to stand up, speak up and do something for the most vulnerable the ones living in the wicked ways?

James 4:17 Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. I do believe our sin of omission is what God is addressing in this hour to us. We may feel proud of the sins we have overcome and compare ourselves with those still trapped in obvious sin.

Specifically, What is God Asking You to Do?

Maybe we need to consider what it is God is asking us to do as His witnesses and ambassadors to the world. We know it is our duty to stand up and speak up for what is right in the eyes of God no matter what the ways and laws of the world may say is totally Okay.

The world and current laws say it is our right to choose to kill the most innocent and vulnerable of all human lives while still in the womb.

What is God’s Viewpoint on the Sanctity of Life?

What is God’s viewpoint on the sanctity of life? I believe what is recorded in Psalms 139:13-17 (NLT).

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, God.

–Bernie Wing

God, Government and You

God, Government and You

God . . . government . . . and you? What is God’s design? How should we as Christians relate to government and government officials?

Many struggle with government. Some ignore it, some hate it. Criticism runs rampant. A few jump into policy issues, while most stand aloof.

What does the Bible show about God and government and you?

I was surprised as I read through the book of Second Chronicles to find such a strong connection between the religious (the prophets) and the government (the kings).

Nearly Every King Had a Prophet

Rehobam had a man named Shemaiah

Jehoshaphat had Macaiah, Jehu, Jahaziel, and Eliezer

Hezekiah had the famous Isaiah

Zedekiah had Jeremiah

The list could go on. . . .

What Does This Tell Us about God and Government?

1) God is interested in human government. In fact, He is very interested–more than most know. More than most pastors and church leaders know. If we who lead church meetings knew, we would begin our church services with prayer for various governing entities.

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men,

for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity (1 Tim 2:1-2).

God enjoins churches to practice prayer for authority figures as a top priority in both private and public meetings (1 Tim 2:8). Not just any prayers. Specifically, we are urged to make entreaties, petitions and thanksgivings as well as regular prayers for various authority figures.

2) God is so interested in government that he repeatedly sends prophetic messages to governing officials through prophets or men of God. Could God use you?

3) God wants to direct the affairs of government.

The Biblical messages through the prophets included a vast array issues: military advice, when to go to war, when not go to war. Advice about foreign policy. How to treat prisoners of war. Religious matters.

4) God wants more than prayer for government; He wants His chosen people directly involved.

How Does God’s Concern for Government Apply in 2020?

In 1 Cor 10:11 we note that these things . . were written for our instruction.

The fact that the Bible shows so many of the kings had prophets whispering, or sometimes shouting in their ears, shows that God wants to teach us something.

Looking into the Bible records, we find that the prophets who spoke most effectively formed a relationship with the king. Isaiah’s relationship with King Hezekiah is an example. Nathan’s friendship with David is another.

Let’s Apply This to Local Government

Most of us will not have access to the president of our country. But we generally have surprising access to various forms of local government: councilmembers, perhaps the mayor, even state representatives, governors and senators.

I have a good relationship with our state representative and state senator to Des Moines. They respect me and I respect them. We have talked over some of the issues and they have asked me my opinion.

The church has a prophetic mandate to speak with local authorities. If approached well, especially if we have taken the time to become acquainted, most elected officials will welcome you and your ideas.

I have personally encouraged our state officials to vote for the fetal heartbeat legislation in Iowa. It passed and Iowa became the first state in America to enact a fetal heartbeat law. This law was designed to protect the lives of babies in the womb from the first day a heartbeat can be detected.

(Unfortunately, the Iowa Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional; now we are by faith dealing with changes on the court and in our State of Iowa constitution.)

How Are You Doing in Regard to God and Government?

Are you giving regard to God and His interest in leading the nation?

Are you praying regularly for your governing officials? The stakes are high.

Do you know your local officials? Have you developed relationships with any?

Are you willing to be used by God?

What Does God Want You to Do Now?

What is your part in God’s plan?

Rani Thomas’ Chicken Evangelism Testimony

Click the “Play” button to see and hear Rani’s report.

Rani Thomas tells the story of how she led a janitor to salvation through Christ Jesus. Rani has led numbers of people to eternal salvation and helped them get started in the Christian life.

This momentous event took place in October 2017. As I review the footage of Rani’s report, I’m moved at the significance.

A man’s eternal destination has changed. A man has been bounced out of hell into heaven!

A man has been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.

A man now has redemption.

He has the forgiveness of his sins.

His name is written in the Lamb’s book of life.

He is now qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

Of course, as Paul adds in 1 Corinthians 15:2, this man must hold fast the word [of the gospel which was preached to him], unless he believed in vain.

Sometimes we become cavalier about what it means to be saved. We forget about the fires of hell and the glories of heaven.

Have we really any idea about how long eternity is?

I post this testimony so we can focus fresh on the eternal significance of Calvary.

Have you had any conversations about eternal life with strangers lately? I’m writing to encourage myself as well as anyone who reads this. The more we live in the atmosphere of salvation, the easier it is to share our faith.

God’s grace is upon us. His love is not lacking. His power is here.

God bless you.

Jim McCracken: What are the Top Two Things an Apostle Can Do for a Church?

Jim McCracken answers the question “What are the top two things an apostle can do for a local church?”

Kari and I spent some time with Jim and his wife Mary at the 50th Reunion (November 15-17) of Grace Life Church in Marshall, Minnesota. The founding members officially began as “The Church on the Hill” in 1969 in Lynd, Minnesota.

Grace life has passed through several modifications, yet has remained faithful to God’s calling throughout her history.

At the 50th Reunion celebration Pastor Doug Wing outlined four values the church continues to hold.

The Bible is the Word of God and has power to save eternally and transform life and society.

Grace is God’s power which He gives freely to humble people.

The Holy Spirit is sent from God to enable believers to life like Jesus. Speaking in tongues enables believers to keep filled with the Spirit.

Above all, genuine Christian love is our aim in life.

Brian Miller was the founding pastor of the church.

In 1968 Kari helped plant the church and was the first woman God joined to the church. Kari is the attractive woman in standing in blue.

I served as assistant pastor of the Church on the Hill in 1971-1972. Kari and I were married September 30, 1972 in the glen below the hill.

You Are United with the Mexican Church

Pastor Gustavo and his Wife Marta

Pastor, prophet, apostle and church planter–all that resides in the job description of Gustavo Villanueva. He and his wife Marta and their extended family reside in Mexico City, Mexico.

Kari and I caught them breaking a fast following the recent prophetic conference which he and his church hosted.

Column of Fire is the English translation of their church’s name in Spanish: Columna de Fuego. Pastor Gustavo is a fiery evangel with a passion for God.

For my wife and me, it was an experience to see this man in action. A dynamic preacher with a keen word of knowledge, we saw first hand as he preached the Word and led someone to Christ. We witnessed many healings following his messages, and we saw how God uses him in prophecy.

Perhaps most significant of all, Pastor Gustavo aptly trains numbers of young men and women for ministry. At least four churches are currently growing up under steady leadership from Gustavo and Marta.

Mexican Hospitality–a Lesson for the World

I once remarked to Rocio (the wife of Pastor Waldo) that Americans are noted for independence and efficiency. I then asked, “What in your opinion is the forte’ of the Mexican church?” Without a second thought, she replied, “Hospitality!” So right she is.

Each excursion we enjoy into Mexico, the saints outdo each other with genuine love and hospitality. Churches the world over could come to Mexico to learn first hand what Biblical hospitality looks like. The saying Mi casa es su casa exemplifies the heart to serve and put others first.

Our Hostess Aracely and Their Son Ray

Araceli and her husband Ray are a delightful couple. (Sorry I don’t have a picture of you, Ray senior.) They opened their home to us even though they had not fully moved into their new house. Each drove us around Mexico City for hours on end. They interpreted so capably for us. What wonderful examples of Christian service and hospitality. Thank you, Ray and Araceli and family!

Kari with Another of Our Hostesses, Laura

God used Kari in Mexico. One of our purposes was to challenge capable Christians to hear and obey the call to missions. Kari is an “object lesson” for all to see when it comes to hearing God and following Him.

When God spoke to Kari to go to Murang’a County in Kenya, she prayed and went. She obeyed to go to Mongolia. In each of those nations Kari was able to encourage pastors. She is now in the process of equipping pastors with the Jesus film in their native tongue complete with solar powered projectors, screens and backpacks.

Local Churches in Mexico are Empowered by the Spirit

La Pescadora (the Fisherman’s Church) pastored by Waldo Ceron and his wife Rocio) are a joy to visit. We had so much fun there and the people are so responsive.

Marco (and his wife Melissa) Mendoza lead El Pastor de Amor (The Shepherd of Love) church in Mexico City. This large church is built on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Strong and stable, it serves as a Lighthouse beyond it’s walls in the city.

The church in Mexico is strong and growing. Prayer, fasting, and preaching the Word are pillars of the ministry. Genuine love, as for churches everywhere, is central to the message. Every church we visited begins with a time of ministering to God through talking in tongues.

May God be glorified in Mexico!

We are all united in Christ. What a joy awaits us when we will gather together in heaven to worship our Savior.

California Wildfires

California Burning Again

California Wildfires, Puerto Rico Hurricane, and 107 MPH Winds in the Midwest. How Do We Make Sense of these Things?


Could all these be “natural disasters?” Are these the results of “climate change?” Or is there something greater involved?

One thing is for sure. God is getting the world’s attention. He’s stirring the pot aplenty.

Thee Bible prophets often portray natural disasters as not just natural; they have meaning.

It’s the prophets calling to interpret these so-called “natural events” for the rest of us.

Here’s My Take

Behind every flood, hurricane, or fire stands a great and loving God who wants the best for His creation. Nothing stands outside His love. So when mind-boggling disasters occur such as the California wildfires, there has to be an exponentially greater disaster ahead. A disaster of eternal and unthinkable dimension.

I’m not a doom and gloom guy. Nor do I speak ignorantly.

Tornado force winds severely damaged our house. Cancer wracked my body, nearly to death. Each left scars, each marked my life.

Nevertheless, I’m here to say that God is good and has a purpose for everything He allows. Even death brings hope for a better resurrection.

When we’re going through the onslaught, when we’re filled with confusion, when death surrounds us, it’s hard to look up. Still, let’s cheer up, look up, and find the purpose in it all.

The prophet Amos speaks of famine, drought, tornado, pestilence (would a current translation be virus?) plague, war, terrorism, fire and wind as judgments from God.

But you have not returned to Me, declares the Lord (Amos 4).

All of these seemingly natural events were designed to turn the people back to God so that nothing worse would come on them. Each was a dramatic and powerful call to action: Return to Me!

Jesus weighed in on a natural disaster during His day: Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish (Luke 13:4-5).

Throughout Scripture natural disasters are viewed as calls for repentance in order to forestall or avoid further judgments from God that we bring on ourselves. God is a loving Sovereign willing to do whatever it takes to keep people from the eternal fires of hell and bring people back to Himself.

What Should We Do When Disaster Occurs?

One response is to bring further judgment, “They deserve it.” It may be true: They (We) deserve it.

But a better response is to humble ourselves, repent, and call for forgiveness and mercy. In fact, that’s what Jesus advised. He basically said, “Repent or perish,” even when we are not directly involved. Read Luke 13:4-5 again and see if you agree.

Learn from the Prophet Daniel

Daniel modeled this attitude following the invasion by the Babylonian army into Israel.

I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said, “Alas, O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments, we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and all the people of the land. Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us open shame,

O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” [A]ll this calamity has come on us; yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our iniquity and] giving attention to Your truth. Therefore the Lord kept the calamity in store and brought it on us; for the Lord our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice (Daniel 9).

Why fires, floods and hurricanes? I don’t know all, but I do know that in the Bible many natural events were designed to get people’s attention. To shake people up. To get us out of our selfishness. To bring us to the breaking point where we have to admit, “There’s Someone or Something bigger than us around here.

Is every rainstorm, earthquake or tornado a judgment from God? Of course not.

But God has been speaking to me since about 2013 to “Prepare the people for judgment.” Judgments come in many forms. In fact, about 19 different kinds of judgments are mentioned in the Bible. Some ae scary, some are temporary, some are final. But all are true and righteous altogether. By them Thy servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward (Psalm 19:9-11).

I’ve been in earthquakes. Nothing like an earthquake to make you feel totally inadequate. It’s awesome. In an earthquake a person is absolutely, completely helpless. You can’t go up, you can’t go down, you can’t go out–no time. No place to go. No way to hide. Normal intelligence cannot reason with it. Little wonder, in Revelation 6 people cried out for the mountains and rocks to fall on them. I remember in an earthquake in Portland, Oregon, a woman in our apartment ran down the hallway in her nightgown screaming!

These are days when the pillars of civilization are shaking. Take “knee-time” seriously. Not a time to despair. And when the ashes settle, realize God is speaking–and not with words.

These are days of opportunity. These are days to look up. Take heart. Seize the day. Redemption draws near.

Will Kari and I See You in Mexico?

Apóstoles Globales Iglesias Locales
Apóstoles Globales Iglesias Locales

Kari and I will participate in a Prophetic Conference in Mexico City on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 25-27. We will also minister at various local churches following the conference.

The host pastor is a wonderful guy named Gustavo. We met Pastor Gustavo Villanueva and his wife for the first time in March, 2018. Without even knowing us personally, he trusted us to speak at his church based on reports he’d heard about us. He had a lot of a faith to invite us!

We went to his building and found an amazing and wonderful fellowship. So many young people! So much uplifting music! So much hospitality!

God has orchestrated Pastor Gustavo’s life and placed him in a position of influence in Mexico.

May God use the upcoming prophetic conference for purposes beyond the ordinary. I don’t know the contact details. If you want to be a part of this conference or visit Pastor Gustavo’s fellowship, contact me via the form below or on Whatsapp at 1 563 554 1401. I will try my best to get back with you with the place and time.

In the meantime, please pray that God will use and anoint us for His purposes on this trip to Mexico.

May God guide and bless you and yours.


B Mark and Kari

“Get Yourself to Mongolia.”

Led by the Spirit
Led by the Spirit

God spoke to me, “Get yourself to Mongolia.”

Out of obedience I went!

When I got settled in a hotel I asked God to show me why He sent me there and I felt impressed that there was one person in particular God wanted me to meet.

I met her that day in a shop. Duure, a young, but very mature, 19 year old Christian girl.
My new friend, Duure.

I attended her church a couple of days later which turned out to be a Spirit-filled Presbyterian fellowship made up of such wonderful people. They greeted me warmly asking me to share a welcome and singing to me and inviting me back. The pastor told me that he was formerly a gangster and is now president, or such, over a pastors’ group of 400 pastors in Mongolia.  The associate pastor shared with me that he’s the youngest pastor in Mongolia.

At the church I met a man who has started several house churches in the countryside and he took Duure (the young girl) and me on a very, very long drive into the country to meet some of these dear people in home churches.

Later that week I taught a Bible study at a cell group led by Duure.

I was invited to visit a family who lived in a ger (yurt) and gave them a Mongolian bible and prayed with them all. I was asked to try on a traditional Mongolian dress, which I loved and purchased from the mother who continued to pour out gifts to me – salted, canned chives, dried milk chips, and silver earrings which she carefully inserted into my ears!

I was asked to join the home church pastor’s family for a birthday party for their boys, ages 17 & 19.

I expect to keep an ongoing relationships with these people.  God led me and I’m thankful.

My stay in Hong Kong was for my business but I did find a wonderful Spirit-filled church there and when one of the pastors came to chat with me, I asked what we should pray for? He said, “Pray for Hong Kong.”

Then I visited our youngest son, John, in Bangkok. He’s a captain in the United States Army and works for the Embassy there. I attended a ceremony with John honoring POW/MIAs and met so many people including the acting US ambassador to Thailand. John had taken a week off and we then explored southern Thailand together.

I asked John what I could do for Thailand and he said without skipping a beat. “Mom, Thailand needs missionaries!”

I encourage anyone who senses that God is directing them, “GO!” He will lead and guide and bring much fruit for His Kingdom.

5 Reasons to Join a Local Church

5 Reasons to Join Local Church
5 Reasons to Join Local Church

Can you name 5 reasons to join a local church? Some people are saying they don’t need to go to church. They say it’s a waste of time. Or they have other reasons: “I can’t find a good church,” “Too many hypocrites in church,” “I’m too busy,” “Sunday is my only day to rest.”

Joining a Local Church Demonstrates that Jesus Christ is Your Lord

At salvation, a new believer is automatically joined to the universal body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). When we allow Christ to become our Lord, we join a local church (a local expression of His body).

At conversion, we as infant believers have little knowledge of who Jesus really is. Few, if any, Christians know Jesus as Master (Lord) at justification. As time goes on, we become aware that Christ is sovereign, that He is trustworthy, that He is Healer, Lord, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, and Soon-coming King. We are all learning more about Jesus as we grow.

Is Jesus Christ your Lord? You will join and be a functioning member of a local church!

Second Reason to Join a Local Church

The local church is God’s primary unit of spiritual warfare. The reason the Son of Man came was that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8b). Every church that follows Jesus will battle the devil in one way or another.

No one goes to the war zone alone. If he faces the opposing army by himself, he is almost 100% certain to die. We need each other to be effective in spiritual conflict.

Psalm 148 speaks of spiritual warfare in both the public and private settings:

Let the high praises of God be in their throats. and a two-edged sword in their hands, inflicting vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, binding their king with chains and their dignitaries with iron shackles, carrying out the judgment decreed against them.

This is an honor for all His godly people. Hallelujah!

The believers dual weapons–high praises of God coupled with commands of faith–are powerful. We are seeing media giants exposed, pastors removed from pulpits, and politicians taken down.

There’s much more to do. Join a local church that has an intercessory fighting unit. Or better yet, lead one yourself.

Third Reason to Join a Local Church

Obedience. The Bible implores not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near (Hebrews 10:25).

Verse 24 shows the purpose of this command: to show concern for one another and to promote love and good works.

Fourth Reason to Join a Local Church

Holy Communion and its benefits. True, one can take the “Lord’s Table” in a family or solitary setting, but do they? It’s much like the man who says, “I can worship God on the golf course.” That may be true, but does he?

Communion with Christ though the bread and wine brings benefits. Immediately following one of our regular communion meetings, a man blurted out with excitement, “I’m healed!” “From what?” I asked him. “From cancer,” he replied so all could hear.

Fifth Reason to Join a Local Church

The local church is not complete without you. Let’s look at the illustration in 1 Corinthians 12:14 Are you an eye to the body? Without you, the body is blind or at least sight-impaired.

Are you an ear to the body? Without you the body (the local church) is either deaf or hearing-impaired.

Are you a foot to the body? Without you, the local church is suffering some form of paralysis.

By not participating regularly, you are defrauding the other people in the church. Every member is important. To not join a church is to withhold your gift from the church. You are important and necessary.

By refusing to become faithful and active, you are frustrating God’s plan for both you and the church. God gave you the gifts primarily for other people, not for yourself. Without your regular participation, you may even endanger the other people in the church.

To illustrate, a minister in Africa invited me to come to his country and hold prophetic meetings. I was interested and began making plans to travel. Bernie, a member of our church got a “check in his spirit” about my plans. He advised me not to go. Fortunately, I cancelled my plans. I found out later that if I had gone, that trip would have caused me great grief. Bernie’s gift spared me!

I’m interested in your thoughts. What do you think of these 5 reasons to join a local church? What are other reasons? If you would, please send your ideas to me.

Review of C. Peter Wagner’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

C Peter Wagner

C Peter Wagner’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts was published by Chosen Books in 2017.

Though short in stature, C Peter Wagner was a whale of a man and minister. His writings and life have left a monumental wake on current Christianity in America and around the globe.

I enjoyed the man and found his ministry heart-warming and enlarging. He was a genuine modern day apostle. Peter died in 2016.

He also had a delightful sense of humor.

In earlier years, I may not have dared to critique the works of such a noteworthy figure. Now I know even heroes need to be reviewed.

So here goes. . .


Significantly, Wagner is writing about spiritual gifts, a subject too often neglected and misunderstood. His fame, wisdom and understanding helps right the ship.

The short history of spiritual gifts in chapter one can be helpful to many.

Wagner emphasizes the fact that “spiritual gifts are for use within the context of the Body” and that “individual Christians disconnected from the Body are not as useful as they could be. Spiritual gifts are not for Lone Rangers.” He constantly emphasizes the Body of Christ, whether the nuclear body (the local church) or in the marketplace (the extended Body).  

Chapter 4, Pitfalls to Avoid, especially “Gift Projection,” is well worth digesting. This spoke to me and may help bring unity and confidence to church members.

Wagner is a true apostolic father, often considered “the Grandfather of the New Apostolic Reformation.” He sincerely labors to help members of the Body of Christ to discover their spiritual gifts. He designed his questionnaire to aid Christians to become everything that God wants them to be.


Wagner Minimizes the Importance of the Fullness of the Holy Spirit

Surprisingly, Wagner, does not mention the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (or Fullness or filling, or whatever people call it). If he mentions it at all in this book, I missed it. He simply assumes that believers receive one or more gifts at conversion. This assumption leaves many, perhaps most, believers unaware of receiving spiritual gifts.

Wagner teaches every believer receives spiritual gifts at the time of conversion. Is that true? He bases his theory on the references to spiritual gifts in Romans 12, Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4:10. In the New Testament era, all the churches emphasized the Fullness of the Holy Spirit. When there were some churches or individuals who were not yet baptized in the Holy Spirit, the apostles took action to get them filled (Acts 8:14-25). The baptism in the Holy Spirit is part and parcel of the Full Gospel (Acts 8:25).

The same scenario occurs in Acts 19:1-7 where Paul brought the novice believers up to speed by asking, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” “No, we have not even heard there is a Holy Spirit.”

The situation differs significantly today where there has been little or no teaching of the importance that converts open to and receive the Fullness of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues as was the practice in the early church.

Practically and experientially, most believers today become aware of the gifts when they receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. Tongues then become the gateway to the other Holy Spirit gifts.

I Have Trouble with His List of Gifts

With no Scriptural backing, Wagner lists voluntary poverty and martyrdom as spiritual gifts. Although each is mentioned in 1 Cor 13:3, neither are designated as a spiritual gifts.

He correctly includes celibacy (from 1 Cor 7:7) as a charismatic gift. However, on the basis of that verse, he would also have to include marriage as a spiritual gift. Does that mean that marriage is a charisma? Perhaps something deeper, something in the nature of God and creation, is at work here.

Is hospitality a charisma, as Peter Wagner claims from 1 Peter 4:9, or is it an attribute for all members of the Body of Christ to develop? Without a clear Bible designation, it seems most appropriate to name hospitality as an attribute for all Christians to work toward.

He also includes deliverance, which is the casting out of demons, as a spiritual gift. However, Mark 16:17 says deliverance will “accompany those who believe,” not limited to those who have a spiritual gift for it.

In Romans 5:16 salvation (justification, dikaiosune) is directly termed a charismatic gift. (This means even the most inflammatory anti-charismatic is actually a charismatic whether he knows it or not!) Wagner nowhere lists salvation itself as a spiritual gift.

What is a spiritual gift and what is not? Wagner leaves us with no clear understanding. On the basis of his writing might I suggest a few more spiritual gifts? What about fasting? What about suffering, is that a spiritual gift? What about investing for the sake of the Kingdom? Perhaps child-rearing? The suggestions could become limitless.


The book is useful, though not without fault. It has helped many understand their spiritual gifts and will continue to guide individuals and churches. C Peter Wagner’s Discover Your Spiritual Gifts was written by a wise and influential apostle. Worth reading as long as the essential requirement of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is emphasized.