Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony
God Made Our Bodies to Heal –Julie Cano Testimony of Healing Part 4
Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony
God Made Our Bodies to Heal –Julie Cano Testimony of Healing Part 4
Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony
Julie Cano tells why forgiveness is necessary for healing. Part 3 of this cancer healing series will open eyes. Anyone wanting to get physical healing will find one of the keys to physical and emotional health.
Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony
She received healing without chemo, radiation, or surgery.
What I Did –Julie Cano’s Breast Cancer Healing Story–Part 2. Julie Cano lives with her husband and family in Birkenfeld, Oregon. I had the privilege of interviewing her when she and her daughter visited our home in Iowa. This 8 part series reveals vital facts about healing from cancer.
How God Healed Julie Cano from Breast Cancer. Watch the one minute 20 second video.
Times have changed. There are Answers for Cancer. You don’t need to die from cancer anymore.
Natural Healing vs Instant Miracle Healing
Publisher’s note: My wonderful wife Kari is a faithful witness to my natural healing vs instant miracle healing. She saw every bit of my suffering and trial through cancer. She held my hand when I could barely walk. She read to me when I could not read. She fought the fight of life with me that God would restore my life. Hear her report as we pass on what we have learned. We praise God together for natural as well as spiritual healing.
Mark has been teaching a series about insights into healing for our adult Bible class, especially as it relates to natural healing vs instant miracle healing. When I read Revelation 22 for my morning devotions, the fact that the leaves of the tree (of life) were for the healing of the nations (verse 2), it stood out to me.
It dawned on me that God provided natural healing from the beginning of creation. Genesis 2:9 …the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The only tree forbidden to be eaten was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That means that initially, God wanted them to eat from the tree of life and be healthy. Revelations 22:2 explains that the leaves of the tree of life were for the healing [health]of the nations.
From the very beginning, God’s design was for natural health/healing with plants. Of course, all this changed. In Genesis 3:22-24, He stationed the cherubim, and the flaming sword which turned every directions, to guard the way to the tree of life. It shows that even before Christ’s death on the cross where His stripes made us whole, God’s desire was to provide a way of health and healing for us.
We live in marvelous times because God is restoring the truth of natural healing. (Just for the record, we are not vegetarians and we also eat meat.) While this post focuses on natural healing, we also believe firmly in spiritual healing. On Jan 15, 2012 I felt the Lord whisper to me, “I will heal your husband — soon.” Several supernatural encounters with God followed.
I have personally witnessed Mark’s amazing recovery from stage 4 inoperable cancer. When 14 rounds of chemo did not succeed in healing cancer or keeping it away, God led us to seek out natural cures. To this day, Mark takes no medicine but is careful to eat a natural anti-cancer diet.
Two of the most effective things he does every day is drink Essiac Tea and the Budwig Protocol. Essiac Tea is a Canadian Ojibwa tribe concoction consisting of four plants: Burdock, Slippery Elm, Sheep Sorrel and Turkish Rhubarb root. The recipe is easily found online. This “Tea of Life” is responsible on its own for curing many cases of cancer.
The Budwig Protocol is also natural and is made from only two ingredients: cottage cheese and flax oil. Mixed together in proper proportions, allowed to rest a few minutes and then blended on a high speed in a blender, this mixture forces oxygen into cells, killing the cancer in those cells. This recipe is also freely available online.
I want to repeat. We truly live in marvelous times!
I also have my own story of natural plant healing. As a child, I had reoccurring rheumatic fever, once spending three months in bed with very achy legs, missing school and having home doctor visits. I remember some friends of my parents telling them, “Give her alfalfa tablets!” Well, my situation was so desperate my parents were willing to try almost anything, so they gave me alfalfa tablets. I still remember those huge things that yes, smelled every bit like alfalfa. I recovered and have been healthy ever since!
Recently, I had to replace my lost eyeglasses. When filling out the health forms at the eye doctor, the receptionist said, “Kari, if there’s not enough room to list your meds, you can give me a list and I’ll copy it off and staple it onto the page.” I looked at her and chuckled, “Well, I take [only] Vitamin C!” “You’re lucky!” She replied.
So, I say, “Thank you, Jesus for not only providing healing on the cross but also natural healing from the leaves of the tree. You desire that we live in divine health!”
John McCain Brain Cancer
Dear John McCain,
I heard you have brain cancer and that you are taking chemotherapy treatments. God bless you and may you soon recover. You became a hero to me during your days of captivity in Viet Nam.
I too had cancer – the worst kind, stage four inoperable cancer. I write you because I had a pastor friend with cancer similar to yours. If I had known then what I know now, I might have been able to save him. I didn’t know how to help him, so I lost him. I don’t want to remain silent with you now.
Your situation is undoubtedly different from mine. I took chemo, got better, and thought I was cured. But after 30 days the cancer came roaring back with a vengeance. I nearly died. The doctor gave me a 10% chance to survive. I took more chemo, but realized that if I were to survive, I’d have to find something beyond conventional medicine.
Many well-meaning people offered me advice – advice that I didn’t need and didn’t ask for. I do not want to do that with you. I simply ask, “What can I do to help?”
If you wish, I could send you a copy of my book Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys. But I won’t send it unless you ask. Alternatively, you can get it directly from Amazon.
Please take heart. I am well today because of the keys in the book. Nobody needs to die from cancer anymore. There’s hope. Cancer is not a death sentence.
One of the keys that helped me was Christian meditation. While I was meditating on a Bible passage, God’s presence came over me in such a way that I knew I was healed. I did other natural things too.
I like to say, “I’m not in remission, I’m on a mission — a mission to see many people freed from cancer.
I pray for your quick recovery. May God bless you.
Alarm Bells Are Ringing! The nation’s health crisis needs attention. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must take leadership because the church is the pillar and support of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15).
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Vitamins and supplements became crucial for me as I fought to overcome cancer. I pass this info on with the hope it will free God’s ministers into more energy and better health. Vitamins can free from lethargy and help us live longer. I get no money from this series. I only hope it can help. After all, Dead Pastors Don’t Win Souls.
Three ways to get healed. I am healed of stage 4 inoperable cancer.
Praise God!
I nearly died twice.
I’ts good to be alive and well!
When I say there are 3 roads to healing, I know by experience what I’m talking about.
It’s best when these 3 ways to get healed converge.
They can work together.
In our society it’s the medical or conventional route.
Modern medicine is nearly miraculous.
The medical field is especially astute in 2 areas:
Diagnosis and emergency intervention.
I needed both.
Doctors couldn’t find what was wrong in my body.
Finally, a medical technician discovered (by accident) a cancerous lesion on my lung.
Next came chemotherapy.
I don’t recommend chemotherapy if it can be avoided.
Most oncologists would not treat their own family members or get treated themselves with chemo.
For me, however, I was so far gone I needed emergency intervention.
Chemo may have saved my life.
Don’t miss or dismiss it.
Supernatural intervention.
In other words, through prayer, faith, divine healing or however you describe it.
It’s God’s pleasure to heal people.
He’s doing a lot of supernatural healing these days.
One day I was meditating on a Bible verse (Galatians 3:13).
The presence of God came on me.
How do you explain a mystery?
I can’t.
Yet I know it was Jesus Christ’s presence.
(I’m awed as I describe this.
It’s taking my breath away.)
I knew then and there, I was healed.
The key is to get in God’s presence.
If you listen to the many cancer survivor stories,
note how often they mention God, prayer, or an angel who mysteriously and wonderfully effected change.
Natural or alternative methods.
The world is catching on.
Think organic foods.
The grass fed movement.
Think diet, detox, exercise.
I found out chemo could not keep cancer away.
My wife and I researched.
We found what would keep cancer away.
Now, every day I detox.
I oxygenate my body.
I alkalize.
I eat 4 vegetables every meal
I avoid sugars and sugar substitutes.
I cut out all white flour.
I eat Biblically.
I develop my immune system.
Some people try only one of the 3 ways to get healed.
From cancer, they usually die.
We generally need all 3 ways.
The 3 ways to get healed work synergistically.
What are you doing to stay healthy or get healed?
This Book is Saving Lives
Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys
God healed me from stage 4 inoperable cancer (lymphoma) through spiritual and natural intervention. He used my meditation on His amazing, divine Word and natural elements to heal me. Originally, I took chemotherapy treatments which perhaps saved my life at the time. But the cancer came roaring back. Here’s my story in Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys.
Beginning January 1, 2018 we will no longer update our health info. Health concerns are important; in fact, good health is one of the growing trends of the church 2018. We are not minimizing health; rather, we want to emphasize it by moving our health section to the B Mark Anderson Facebook Page. By doing so, we are focusing this blog on two areas of significant need in the church: evangelism and apostleship.
Again, we do not plan to post further updates about my remarkable cancer healing story on this blog. As time goes on you will find helpful and life-saving health information on the B Mark Anderson facebook page, info such as:
You have cancer! What’s the first thing you should do?
How to prevent cancer?
How to find healing from cancer if you or a loved one are diagnosed with cancer?
Is faith all that God expects of us in order to get healed?
How does apostolic healing differ from individual or local church healing?
Is cancer a death sentence?
How does the Budwig Protocol cure cancer?
What websites do I recommend for cancer patients and cancer caregivers?
What books do I recommend if someone has cancer?
What should you say to someone diagnosed with cancer?
Is cancer curable?
What are the best cancer treatments?
Today I’m happy to be alive and help people defeat this deadly disease. Go to Facebook and click on B Mark Anderson for information and updates. If you like what you see, spread the word. By becoming a fan, you could save someone’s life.
Can Meditation Cure Cancer?
For me, it sure did help! No doubt about it. I did a lot of other things too, but meditation on God and His Word, brought the healing Presence of Jesus Christ into my disease-ridden body. I knew when it happened.
Can meditation cure cancer? Or for that matter, any other disease? According to the vast and increasing amount of science based research from many sources, meditation plays a role in physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
During my experience of healing from stage 4 inoperable cancer, I wrote my story Answer for Cancer:9 Keys. Meditation is one of the keys.
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