Evangelism –I See a Breakthrough

I experienced a breakthrough in the Spirit regarding evangelism on February 13, 2010, the 27th day of a fast. A demonic power that has been keeping people from the Kingdom of God and His church is removed. He has been a strong, effective power to prevent people from entering the kingdom and the church. Now his slot is empty. He is no longer at the door.

In the place where the demonic power stood, I saw an angel of God urgently ushering people in. People were coming into the Kingdom in one’s, two’s and three’s—a steady flow. The Angel of the Lord is continually urging them in.

Now is the time to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives—anyone, everyone—to come to Christ the Savior. The door is open for effective outreach.

Confirmation of spiritual revelation is always helpful. I spoke to the Aglow Prayer coordinator for the State of Iowa, Deb Iliff. I asked, “I am seeing a demonic power has been removed. He was formerly keeping people from the Kingdom and the church. Now his slot is empty and an angel of the Lord is urging people in. Do you have any thoughts about this?” She answered, “Just last night I was at a prayer meeting and a nearly identical message was given. Further, some national prayer leaders are saying, ‘This is the year for evangelism!’ There are people you thought would never change, but the light will go on in their heads and they too will come to Christ.”

I have written a poem to capture the time and energize our evangelistic focus.

I see an angel-usher standing at the door;
That demon power-blocker is no more;
Every person you invite, God will speak to him—
So pray, my people; Pray! and invite them in.

Evangelism —The Door is Now Open

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Glossolalia: Sue Cox’s Report of Praying in Tongues

Sue Cox’s Story in her own words (Used with permission)

Note: Sue Cox relates her experience with glossolalia (praying in tongues) and tells of the benefits in her life. She was born in Singapore and immigrated to the United States. Sue is a businesswoman in Muscatine, Iowa and serves as president of the local Aglow chapter. This report of glossolalia is in Sue’s own words with only minor editing.

I have been a Christian since 2005, my first encounter with “tongue” speaking was in February, 2007 at the Church of the Living Water. It was a very strange experience, it was like my mouth was no longer belongs to me but something so very powerful took control of it. The language that came out of my mouth was so foreign to me (yet I speak three different languages and several Asian dialects) I do not understand a word that came out of my mouth. It was totally supernatural!

Ever since that day, I have been growing tremendously in spirit and I have been praying in tongues all these years. I loved it!!

My experience with praying in tongue (glossolalia) has brought me to several supernatural encounters with the Lord Jesus. One particular experience I so remember was, I was in such a painful situation and that I needed strength, hope and help. The pain was so powerful that fear took over my spirit, I was struggling to stay calm and trying to pray in senses and I remember the story of Jesus calm the storm. But the fear was over powering me and I literally felt like a lump of marshmallow, my mouth was dry and I was trembling with fear. I couldn’t even speak a word not to mention praying in words.

I remember once my church brother told me “if you don’t know how to pray, just pray in tongues”. I began to pray in tongue and on and on I was praying in tongue and in spirit. Next thing I know, I was in the Garden of Gethsemane (in spirit). I saw Lord Jesus in His agony and pain. He was asking God to let the cup pass if possible. I felt His heart beat, I felt His pain, His fear, His agony. For a moment I was in Him and I felt it all. During this experience, I realized that I was communicating with God in tongue, a heavenly language. It was an actual communication except it was in tongue and I don’t understand a word that I said, I saw myself spoke through Lord Jesus and pleading for God’s mercy and grace. Then I heard the Lord said “Father, Thy will be done and not mine!” I said the same but this time in English, and then, in that very second, all my fear, pain, suffering and agony just lifted up and disappeared. Glossolalia set me free by the power of God!

I continue to pray in tongues today. I also came to recognize that there are many different ways of praying in tongues such as pleading, communicating, praising, warfare and I have also heard some people “chanting” in tongues.

But as for me, praying in tongue is a way I communicate with God the Father in Heavenly Language.
Nothing brought me closer to God then spends time with Him and communicate with Him in His Language.

I encourage all believers to do the same. It is simply Amazing!

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Tongues –Jesus’ Blood Paid the Price

Jesus gave a free gift— tongues. How much did it cost Him? The answer may surprise you.

Would you think about this with me? Tongues are a free gift (charisma) for us, yet what price did Jesus have to pay to send this gift? Far more than most of us have ever imagined. “But this He spoke about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” (John 7:37) Jesus had to be glorified before He could send the Spirit. Glory comes through suffering, as you probably know. Suffering produces glory (Romans 8:17).

It was with every blow of the whip master’s lash that Jesus paid for our gift. Each spit, each mock, each ridicule preceded the gift. Every criticism, every humiliation, every prick from the crown of thorns paved the way for our gift of the “unknown language”. The nails, the thirst, the scorn, the hate, the rejection were all a part of the pre-determined plan of the Father for the death, resurrection, glorification of Christ and His subsequent release of the Spirit on Pentecost.

Without the crucifixion, there would be no Pentecost. Jesus had to be glorified through suffering and death before the Father could release the long-awaited promise of the Spirit at Pentecost. What was the first recorded act of the glorified Christ in heaven? “Therefore having been exalted (glorified) to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear (i.e., glossolalia).” (Acts 2:33)

In John 19:34 we read “there came out blood and water.” The blood was actual blood with X and Y-chromosomes. The water was literal water from the blood breaking down at death. The blood and the water also carry spiritual significance. The blood is the cutting of the blood covenant by which we overcome Satan. The water speaks of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37). Jesus paid the blood price for the outpouring of the Spirit and the gift of a prayer language.

May no one ever despise the price Jesus paid so He could pour out His chosen gift of tongues! May no one ever despise the cost to the Christ so we could enjoy His presence in this precious charisma!

Tongues –Jesus Paid the Price
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Insomnia? Try Praying in Tongues

Insomnia?  Will praying in tongues help?

Among the common reasons for sleeplessness are worry, lack of exercise, diet (think caffeine), sickness, overwork and troubled relationships.  There’s no one cure for all.

Recently I woke up in the night and couldn’t go back to sleep.  After awhile that Scripture about “tongues brings rest” crossed my mind.  “Why not try it?” I mused.  “Maybe praying in tongues will help me fall asleep.”  I started praying silently in my God-given tongue.  It took awhile, but pretty soon I woke up. . . it was morning!  It worked.

Isaiah the prophet wrote,”Indeed, He will speak to this people through stammering lips and a foreign tongue, He who said to them, ‘Here is rest, give rest to the weary,’ and ‘Here is repose'” ( Isaiah 28:11-12).  Then Isaiah added this kicker, “. . .but they would not listen.”

St Paul applied Isaiah’s words to speaking in tongues when he wrote his letter to the Corinthian church  (I Corinthians 14:21).

It’s all about relationship–relationship with the Lord of life, Jesus Christ.  Tongues connects the speaker with the Soother, the Calmer, the Giver of rest and repose.  There’s no magic in the tongue; rather, the soothing comes from the Giver of all good and perfect gifts in whom there is no shadow or inconsistency due to change.

Suppose you need to get groceries and you live a mile from the store.  You could get to the market by any number of ways.  You could walk, drive, take a bus, taxi or bicycle.  Some ways would be better than other ways depending on weather and circumstances.  The same with relief from insomnia.  Reading a book, ordinary prayer, drinking milk, changing socks might all help insomnia.  Praying in tongues, a form of Biblical meditation, is just one way.

Warning:  Don’t apply ideas about speaking in tongues mechanically.  We can’t always expect a simple cause and effect relationship as in the case of “tongues leads to sleep” or “tongues always bring rest.”  No, the Spirit can’t be reduced to mechanical predictability.  Sometimes tongues bring peace, sometimes energy.  Sometimes rest, sometimes an emotional stirring.

Most accurately we can say using the gift of tongues stirs the Spirit of God, and God gives us what we need.  If we need rest, God gives rest; if we need inspiration, inspiration is what we get.

Praying in Tongues is like Omega 3’s in the Diet

Praying in tongues is like omega 3 fatty acids because it affects every part of the user’s life.

For many years I raised grassfed lamb. The health benefits of grassfed lamb amaze the world. There’s something in the meat of grassfed lamb called omega 3 fatty acid. Omega 3 fatty acids help, prevent or cure a host of diseases known to man–diabetes, cancer, skin problems, depression, etc. How can one substance affect so many physical, mental and emotional symptoms? Because omega 3’s work at the cellular level. In other words, they affect every cell of the human body. No cell is not influenced by omega 3.

Tongues are like omega 3 fatty acids because their use affects every part of life. Healing, revelation of creative ideas, inspiration, motivation, you name it. Even the physical body is affected. Tongues are not limited to spiritual benefits; emotions and the immune system get their share of the results. Why? How does this work? Because tongues affects the spirit of a man. Healing, revelation, inspiration, etc. all begin in a man’s spirit. Affect the spirit and you influence the man. No part of man, no aspect of human life is left unaffected by use of the gift of tongues.


Meet Mark Anderson

Hi! I’m Mark. I’ve been pastoring the Church of the Living Water in Muscatine, Iowa since 1976. For the past years I’ve also been shepherding sheep–the four-legged kind.

Now the switch comes!

I’m changing some priorities. After about 15 years of direct marketing grassfed sheep, I’m closing out that aspect of my life.  (I  still raise sheep, but don’t  take the time to direct market them.)  I want to concentrate on eternal priorities. My calling is pastoring, writing and prophetically serving churches.

I’m moving from shepherding sheep to shepherding people and churches.