Sonny Misar Teaches Journey to Authenticiy

Journey to authenticity with Sonny Misar

Journey to authenticity with Sonny Misar

Journey to Authenticity? The phrase is trending as a catchword in some ears. What is meant by “Journey to Authenticity?” In this 18 minute video Sonny Misar relates how God develops authenticity in His children. Sonny speaks with gentle authority from an apostolic perspective.

Note the 6 stages on the journey: new life, learner, warrior, brokenness, surrender and finally, yes finally! — authenticity. Sonny explains “Every stage has it’s glory,” but the stage that shatters us is brokenness. Do we have to go through brokenness (“the dark night of the soul”) to achieve true authenticity? “Yes, it’s part of God’s plan,” asserts Misar.

There’s’ much more for anyone genuinely wanting God to use him or her. Journey to Authenticity is available on Amazon. This book offers welcome training for any aspiring minister and give understanding to any Christian who wonders “Why has the bottom dropped out of my life?”

But Journey to Authenticity doesn’t stop there. Misar offers genuine hope in an understandable and intelligent way to honest seekers. People, especially young people, want authentic leaders. This book will help us all get there.

Now more than ever, character matters. If you are concerned about character in leaders, particularly apostolic leaders, click here.

How I’ve Changed My Evangelism Strategy

Chuck Lawless is Dean and Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC, where he also serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions. In addition, he is Global Theological Education Consultant for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.


I realize this approach isn’t always easy to do (and in some parts of the world, it’s not the best one), but I’ve changed my approach to most of my evangelism. I still most often try to evangelize in the context of relationships, and I do think relationships provide credibility to evangelize. In the past, though, I typically tried to find open doors or create “bridges” to share the gospel – and it increasingly felt like I was trying to sneak in a side door. Sometimes I caught myself not listening well because I was looking for that door.

More often now, I simply ask for permission to tell my story. It’s as simple as this: “You know I’m a follower of Jesus, and one of our commitments is to tell others why He’s so important to us. May I take a few minutes to tell you my story?” Here are some reasons that approach works for me:

  1. I’m upfront in my request. That’s not to say that finding bridges is wrong, however; it’s just to say that I don’t have to spend as much time trying to find that bridge.
  2. If the person says, “yes,” I have a green light to press on. I don’t wonder if the listener is involved in the conversation. He or she gave me permission to speak, so I move forward.
  3. If the person says, “no,” I’ve at least started the conversation. That immediate time is apparently not the best time to talk more, but I’ve taken the first step in the direction of evangelism. Perhaps another time will present itself in the future.
  4. It forces me to evangelize concisely and clearly. I’ve asked for a few minutes. If I’m granted that time, I need to keep my word and present the gospel story with focus and passion.
  5. It often gives me opportunity to talk about Jesus. It’s not always the case that others want to listen, but often they’re willing to do so – perhaps out of politeness to me, or perhaps out of a genuine interest to hear. Either way, I have a wide-open door to talk about Jesus in my life.
  6. It helps me in evangelizing people I don’t know well. I’ve already said that relationships are important, but I don’t think we should evangelize only if a relationship is already in place. This method helps me to talk to people I don’t know, too.
  7. It helps guide me in praying for others. How I pray for the person who hears the story is different from how I pray for someone who isn’t ready to hear it. I can pray with intentionality after these conversations.

I make no claim that this method is the best one or the only one. I’m still learning, and I’d love to learn from you. What’s working in your evangelistic efforts?

Publisher’s Note: Chuck Lawless is a very smart guy. After all, he’s dean of a theological seminary. He’s also very practical. Note particularly how he’s now using more of the Chicken Evangelism approach.

Fred Herzog Describes Ideal Church Apostle Relationship


Fred Herzog, seasoned apostle from Minnesota, offers insight as he describes the ideal church and apostle relationship. Fred has been around a long time and “seen it all.” He’s a humble man with a timely perspective.

I realize the concept of modern-day apostles is controversial for some. Browse this site for several posts that discuss the issue. A good place to start is “What is an apostle?”

Edgar Olvera Leads a Man to Eternal Salvation

Publisher’s note: Edgar Olvera teaches at Universidad Tecnológica del Valle de Toluca, and Tecmilenio Online.
He also works alongside Eric Martinez to lead a faith filled church in Mexico City. I have served with Edgar and Eric as they minister in faith and love to a wide sector of people. Edgar and his wife Ginny are parents of two children. What follows is a report from Edgar in his own words.

Today, a block from our house we saw a man lying in the street, he was unconscious.

First I reported it to 911, however he started moving and got up. He was confused, and commented that he had emphysema and this happens when he lacks air. I asked him if he needed anything.

He is a person who sells sweets on buses, and he only asked me if I had something for him to eat, so he would not think he would use alcohol or drugs.

I took him to a small dining room that is a few meters away, and I told him about Christ. That Jesus Christ gave himself up for his life, that God forgives him, that Jesus rose again and needs him. He decided to receive Christ and we prayed together. I also prayed for the healing of emphysema.

In the end he gave me a hug and his face changed surprisingly. I saw through his eyes a redeemed of the Lord. I think that’s what is called Chicken Evangelism. Hallelujah!


Edgar Olvera

Steve Fatow–How Do You Become an Apostle?

Right on, Steve. You nailed it! Worth a listen. While we’re at it, some might be asking, “What is an apostle?”

How Does One Become an Apostle?

How Does One Become an Apostle?

Jim McCracken answers the question in this 1 minute 19 second video. Jim leads the Truebridge Family of churches based in Minnesota. His proven ministry is worth a listen.

Jim’s answer to the question “How does one become an apostle?” sparkles. But some may be asking “What is an apostle?”

What is the Church to do when “Gay Pride” comes to town?

What is the Church to do when “Gay Pride” comes to town? by Bob Vander Plaats

The following op-ed appeared in multiple Northwest Iowa newspapers just prior to the first-ever “Gay Pride” event in Northwest Iowa’s Orange City.

Donna Red Wing is the former head of One Iowa, the state’s most significant advocacy organization for those identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or those questioning their sexuality. I am the president and CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER, a prominent Christian family organization that focuses on inspiring leadership in God’s three institutions: the family, the Church, and government.

Donna and I see the world very differently. We are not natural coffee pals, much less expected to be friends. Yet we are both. It all started when Donna came to one of our annual Leadership Summits and at the lunch break asked if I’d ever entertain joining her for coffee. I said, “Yes.” That conversation began a journey where I got to know Donna and she has gotten to know me. While our views surrounding sexuality and marriage have not changed, we have developed a deep friendship. Our unlikely friendship has been headlined by the Washington Post and Des Moines Register and has been the video subject of Mutual of Omaha’s “Aha Moment” campaign.

In addition, Donna and I have been asked to present at universities, colleges, community leadership seminars, and a host of other forums featuring civil dialogue around deep disagreements. It has been an amazing journey!

I was recently asked, “What is the Church to do when ‘Gay Pride’ comes to town?” Through the lens of my relationship with Donna, I suggest the following …First and foremost, check your heart.

The book of Proverbs tells us, “Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.” If your heart is to win while others lose (in reality or figuratively), back away. In a battle to make the other side “lose,” nobody wins, and neither does the cause of Christ.

If, however, your heart is filled with love, first for God and then for your neighbors – including those in the parade adorned in rainbow colors and stickers – then engage with a heart of love. This follows Christ’s “new command” to love as He loves (John 13:34-35) in the New Testament. Jesus also reminded us the “first and greatest” commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength, and the second command, like the first, is to love your neighbor as yourself. The people celebrating gay pride in your community are the Church’s neighbors. Thus, lead with a heart of love and compassion.

Once the Church, as individuals and collectively as the Body of Christ, checks its heart with these two commands … then it is the Church’s call and responsibility to “speak truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15). Again, notice the consistent and clear parameters of love: It’s a constant check on the Church’s heart.

At the same time, it is neither love for God nor for others if we conceal the truth. Donna and I have had many conversations in private and in public regarding truth. It is not a feeling nor an identity; truth is God’s Word, and Christ made it clear that He came to “testify to the truth.” And speaking truth out of a heart of love is the culmination of loving God and loving your neighbor. Donna may not agree with me, but she does respect me for reaching out to her with truth in love.

Neither is it love for God and others to remain silent, to ignore our neighbors when we hold God’s Word of life and hope and healing in our hands. Pastors, college and university presidents, and other Christian leaders should enthusiastically seize the opportunity to teach God’s Word in love when “Gay Pride” comes to town.

God’s Word is timeless, and its teachings on marriage and sexuality are clear and as relevant as ever. Thus, encourage your pastor, your college presidents and chaplains, and other noted ministry leaders to open God’s Word and to boldly and courageously speak its truth to adequately prepare their congregations, their students, and their communities with a firm foundation prior to “Gay Pride” coming to your town. This is an opportunity to celebrate God’s design and desire while being a vessel to reach out with the eternal gift of the gospel.

And one more thing: Remember we all fall short of the glory of God, and we all need a Savior. Donna needs a Savior. I need a Savior. We all need a Savior.

When “Gay Pride” comes, prepare your town for a revival where we all repent of our sins and turn our hearts toward God. What an opportunity for the Church to be the Church!

Chicken Evangelism-21

Chicken Evangelism

Chicken Evangelism

Chicken evangelism — share Christ before you “chicken out!”

David works at a local hardware outlet. He has waited on me before and has always shown himself polite and helpful. Currently, I needed someone to help me load 2 sheets of 5 x 8 drywall. David was the first worker I spotted so I asked him to come help.

While loading, I asked David my favorite starter question, “Have you received Jesus Christ into your life?” David was quiet and pensive for a moment.

“Not yet” he replied, “but I’m getting closer.” (I thought I had talked with David earlier about his relationship with the Savior, but I couldn’t remember for sure.) Most likely, God had been preparing him in a variety of ways.

I told David that I had received Christ into my life, that He had forgiven my sins for all eternity, and was really helping me in my life. I also noted that my life didn’t change right away, but Jesus had come inside me and gradually began to change me.

Then I remembered that while a testimony helps people trust in God, it doesn’t save. The gospel alone is God’s power for salvation. So I gave David a brief gospel message: “Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. He gave His blood for us. Then He rose from the dead as proof that He was God’s Son. Now He’s offering a free gift of salvation which we can accept in child-like faith — just like a child receives a gift from his father.”

“Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes, I do,” responded David both verbally and with an affirmative nod.

“Is there anything stopping you from receiving Jesus into your life right now?” I asked.

“I want to go to church, but I have to work on Sundays,” he returned. “I want to go to Calvary.”

”That’s a good church. I know the pastor there. But you don’t have to go to church to receive Jesus Christ into your life. You can do it right here in the shade at Menards. If you understand what I’m saying and you want to, you can pray right here and ask Jesus into your life. Do you want to receive Him now?”

David nodded affirmatively.

Go ahead and pray. Ask Jesus into your life. Use your own words. When you’re done let me know.”

No one was around, David bowed his head and I could tell he was sincerely praying. We could hear men talking in another part of the building, but no one with us at the moment. David prayed quite a long silent prayer. Actually, a very long prayer. I began to wonder if he had misunderstood me. Finally, he looked up and nodded.

“Did you ask Jesus Christ to come into your life?”

“Yes, I did,” he replied.

“Sometimes we feel differently, sometimes we don’t. The feeling doesn’t matter. The fact that Jesus Christ came into your life is what matters. Jesus said, ‘I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door – as you just did – I will come into him and fellowship with him.”

David smiled and thanked me twice. He then reached out his hand for a handshake. “It’s nice to see you again,” he said as he walked away.

Chicken evangelism works because God has already prepared many people to receive salvation. The fields are actually white for harvest!


Benjamin Follows God

Benjamin Follows God

Benjamin Follows God

Benjamin is  a young man from the Czech Republic who recently visited in the United States. He gave his life to Jesus Christ the first or second time our son Matthew met him. (That’s Chicken Evangelism — share Christ before you “chicken out!“) Shortly after, Benjamin received the fullness of the Holy Spirit including speaking in tongues. By that time he was already witnessing and sharing his faith. He is a new convert actively making disciples.

We continue to keep in touch. Following are a couple of emails we have received from Benjamin. They are printed exactly as he wrote them.


Hi Mark

We are reading bible daily and that

 enlights our steps.
As the song says ‘There is power in the
name of Jesus.’ – I totally agree.
I’am glad You doing well . . . .
I have actually baptised many souls by fire and a little evangelism.
So far I’am planing to start bible readings at my flat on Prague.
The very testment for me is to live on place where people are smoking, drinking, turning to rebelion against God’s law and I do not feel able to just leave them, because somebody should show them some way. So on it’s testing my faith daily. I had to make some missleading steps with faith to help others so those who belief are now hesitating and it’s hard to rebuild such faith… especially because it seems that I have been helping those who were just lazy.
On the other hand there are at least few guys seriously on my side or better just on their way to Jesus and it’s awesome to see. 🙂
Love in Christ
Benjamin Samson

Hi Mark,

I’m thanking God he cured my addiction on cigarets and thanking You for prayers.
It’s one week I’m out of such circle and can live without such limitation.
God is good.
Have a good time! 🙂
Benjamin Samson
As you can see, Chicken Evangelism works to bring people to salvation. Some of those converts, like Benjamin, will become disciples who will make other disciples.
Chicken Evangelism means to share Christ befor you chicken out. I’m writing a book to tell the stories of men and women who have received salvation through personal evangelism. Currently, there is a revival of personal evangelism rising. Have you tapped in and led someone to eternal salvation through Christ Jesus lately? Tell your story to encourage others.

I led my niece to the Lord.


Roy Meyers shared this story.


I led my niece to the Lord. She asked me how to be saved.

I explained to her the ABC’s of salvation. A all have sinned. B believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. C for whosoever shall call on the name of Lord shall be saved.

After explaining those 3 scriptures she invited Jesus into her heart.

The following Sunday she was baptized. Thanks for letting me share this.


Here’s what I replied to Roy.


Hi Roy, What an inspiring story! I’m so thankful. Just imagine with me how thankful Jesus is that His suffering and shame did not go to waste. Rather, it brought eternal salvation to your niece.

Thanks for sharing. If you are willing, please send a picture of yourself. I would like to publish it as a way to encourage others.

May God keep blessing and using you. Sincerely, Mark