Amplify Conference at Wheaton College


Amplify Conference of Evangelism at Wheaton College, June 28-30, 2016


I plan to participate in this conference.


    The event is sponsored by the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism at Wheaton College. The BGCE exists to lead the conversation on evangelism by training, resourcing, and mobilizing followers of Jesus to share their faith; networking leaders; researching best practices; engaging thought leaders; and launching strategic ministry initiatives.


    Many in church leadership positions want to help those in their care to increase their gospel witness and prioritize evangelism. Unfortunately, as our world changes so quickly, strategies for making this happen often cannot keep pace. We are coming together to lead the conversation in evangelism and then implement a renewal of evangelism in our local churches. We will be sharing research, platforming speakers, and conducting breakouts to move the conversation about evangelism and the local church forward. The event will feature a mix of plenary speakers, case studies, research, breakout sessions, and networking times.


    Amplify is for anyone in a church leadership position or in a position outside the local church setting where you are seeking to weave an evangelism ethos into your own life or the lives of others. The conference is intended to equip and inspire you personally and as you lead others in developing a lifestyle of gospel witness.


    Amplify is an annual national conference. In between gatherings, we will be producing and sending out evangelism training, research, and leadership resources regularly. We will also be developing networks of leaders who bond together with a vision for becoming ongoing learning communities and cohorts that gather annually at the conference to make progress.

  • More info is avaliable at





The Changing Face of Evangelism


Editor’s note: The  following post is written by Beth Seversen. Do you see how it relates to Chicken Evangelism?

Beth Seversen is the denominational leader for evangelism in the Evangelical Covenant Church and a Billy Graham Research Scholar. Beth is currently pursuing a doctorate in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She is researching emerging adults and the factors that make churches effective reaching them.


Two critical ways evangelism can adapt to cultural shifts.

This post is part of a series called Amplifying Evangelism. Don’t miss the Amplify Conference on evangelism, June 28-30 at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.

History recounts numerous missional movements that have sought to reach people far from God through cultural accommodation. The Jesuit mission to China and St. Patrick’s Celtic way of evangelism are two examples of how the missionary church practiced cultural adaptation to further God’s mission.

George Hunter’s 2010 work on the Celtic mission informs us that Patrick and his men engaged the Celtic imagination in presenting the gospel through the creative arts of story and song and drama, adapting their mission to pagan culture to induce Celtic awakening. Similarly, to be effective in the contemporary world, evangelism methodologies in the West are adapting to Western culture shifts. Here are two examples.

Encounter vs. Information

Effective evangelism emphasizes experience over information in an increasingly post-Christian and postmodern context. In previous generations, evangelism methods appealed to reason and then called for a commitment to Christ based on a logical presentation of the gospel.

Some missional communities reverse the order today and find translating the gospel to contemporary cultures is more fruitful when an encounter with God precedes explanation about God. In such contexts, non-Christians are led to experience God before receiving a download of information about God.

Experiencing God may take the form of emotional healing from harm imposed by others or from personal addiction. For instance, Christians ministering at Burning Man (a self-expression and arts festival that annually draws some 60,000 people, many of them millennials) adapt the cultural tools of the festival to reach “Burners” through encounter.

Burning Man is an experimental society and participants dabble in everything from drug-induced altered states of consciousness—often associated with artistic creativity—to consciousness-raising projects. Personal and global transformation are explicit goals of Burning Man, as is taking responsibility in working toward a greater future.

Christian groups at Burning Man provide a “menu” of spiritual experiences to festival participants who show up at their camps. Dream interpretation and heart “massage” are popular among young adult Burners who encounter God through healing and listening prayer while believers help them identify their spiritual blockages, unresolved wounds, brokenness and addictions.

Scripts vs. Spiritual Conversations

Similar to the previous generation’s evangelism methodology of information download, in the past people often relied on formulaic presentations of the gospel. Evangelistic scripts like “The Four Spiritual Laws” and “Steps to Peace with God” were found to be evangelistically fruitful.

The previous Christian generation might assume that their non-Christian audience shared their belief and trust in absolute facts, observations and logic, and therefore tended to approach evangelism with argumentation, evidence and reason. Those assumptions are not always accurate today.

Cultural observers note that as culture shifts to more postmodern ways of thinking, non-Christian audiences no longer assume there is absolute truth, but that truth is biased and facts are socially constructed based on assumption.

What’s more, people today are less interested in being “taught” when they can become “experts” by educating themselves through the Internet. Popular culture emphasizes discovery, journey and narrative over apologetics, debate and persuasion. Today, fruitful evangelism looks more like story than propositional truth, telling God’s story and explaining how our own story fits in with God’s larger mission.

Significantly, younger generations don’t want a script or even a verse—but they do want to converse! Recent studies by Pew Research Center and the American Religious Identification Survey on the “Rise of the Nones” assure us that even those who are religiously unaffiliated generally still believe in God, pray frequently, enjoy community and often care about significant causes like human trafficking—providing plenty of opportunities for relational evangelism and spiritual conversations.

Encounter and story are two ways evangelism is effectively adapting to contemporary culture.


6 Most Influential Evangelism Sites

Influential Evangelism Sites

Influential Evangelism Sites

What are the Top 6 Most Influential Evangelism Sites in My Life? Most of us need help with personal evangelism. If you are like “most of us,” try one or more of these sites. If you’re stuck in regard to personal evangelism, I especially recommend the first or the last of the six.

Alongside the giants in this list, most people have never heard of Evantell. Yet they highly impacted my life and understanding of evangelism. First, they defined the gospel for me like no one else. Based on 1 Corinthians 15:1-6:  “Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.” Second, Evantell taught me how to biblically pray for the lost.



Campus Crusade

Thank God for Bill Bright. In the 1960’s the hottest training team around was Campus Crusade for Christ. I gained from the training and led numbers of students to Christ. Campus Crusade has expended and adapted to change over the years. Some people may try to tell us, the “old” approach doesn’t work anymore, but don’t let that throw you off. The Four Spiritual Laws still work. The online presence is now called “cru,’ and can be located at


Luis Palau

Luis Palau led an area wide evangelistic campaign in the Quad Cities (Moline, Davenport, Rock island and Bettendorf) some years ago. One line from Dr. Palau’s training  may have wavered, but never left me. “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyelids.” Go to


Billy Graham

Influential because it’s always been there as long as I can remember.  Yet,  I’m including Billy Graham on this list of influential evangelism sites for a peculiar and very current reason. Their follow-up tracts (which appear to be a knock-off of the Four Spiritual Laws) fit into my wallet better than any other. How often I have witnessed with a man and then had no tract to leave in his hand. If you want a good wallet-sized tract, Go to


Outreach Magazine

This is a newcomer to my list. I include it primarily because of the articles by Thom Rainier. Well worth listening to. This author is one of the foremost evangelism and church growth thinkers today. You can access them at



Chicken Evangelism

Do you think I’m joking? Not on your life! Stories impact. This is an influential evangelism site because it tells simple stories of personal evangelism. Where else can you find so many stories of personal evangelism? Or any stories for that matter? I did a search of the top 100 evangelism sites on google. I was trying to find examples – stories, if you will – of personal evangelism. I found only one site in the top 100 with an example of personal evangelism. Many sites talk about evangelism and tell how to do it, but  inspires by example.


Have you got a site that is actually helping lead people to salvation in personal evangelism? Pass it on in the comment section.


If you have led someone to salvation by means of personal evangelism, let the world know. Inspire others by telling your story.



Global Outreach Day May 21

Editors note: This article was first posted by By

Global Outrach Day

Global Outreach Day

Global Outreach Day
May 21
Across the World

There are five million fewer people claiming to be Christians today compared to nine years ago, according to a recent Pew Research Study. This May, millions of Christians are rallying together to change this trend by proactively engaging in conversations about their faith in Jesus Christ.

On May 21, believers across the U.S. will unite through a commitment to share the Gospel with at least one person during Global Outreach Day. Cru, an interdenominational Christian evangelism organization, is supporting Global Outreach Day by encouraging Christians to share their personal stories and introduce God’s story to others.

Global Outreach Day provides Christians with extra confidence to share their faith with others, knowing they are joined in their efforts by millions around the world. In 2015, 1.7 million people made decisions to commit their lives to Jesus as a result of Global Outreach Day efforts, and more than 43.2 million Gospel tracts were distributed.

While some Christians may desire to share their faith but feel unprepared, Cru provides resources and programs tailored for people from all walks of life.

Fun to Witness 1

Fun to Witness

Fun to Witness

In Seattle I was trying to buy gas at a Costco store.  Unfortunately, my card didn’t work.  An attendant came over and offered to help.  With his instructions, the gas began to flow and I was left for the 3 minute fill with a helpful attendant.

“Have you received Jesus Christ into your life?” I queried.  “Yes, I have!” came his cheery response.  “And this job is a result of my faith.  I was out of work and needed a job.  God answered my prayers and this job suddenly popped open.  They selected me and I really enjoy what I’m doing.  I get to help people like you all day long.”

“That’s great,” I remarked.  ”Your faith really shows.”  He helped me in my moment of need and I was able to encourage him.  We parted with the happy satisfaction of being friends and brothers.

Chicken evangelism is just plain fun!

Apostolic Healing vs Local Church Healing

Differences between Evangelistic (or Apostolic) and Pastoral (Local Church) Healing  I’m writing to encourage pastors and church members. We often think healing should look like the miracles in the Bible. We tend to get discouraged when things turn out differently than expected. I’m offering a fresh paradigm which, I hope, will inaugurate a flood of supernatural healing based on a clearer understanding of God and the Bible.  What are some differences between evangelistic or apostolic healing and pastoral (local church) healing? 1 God has given a wonderful, yet distinct, anointing to pastors and local church members that differs from evangelists and apostles. For example, churches have a special grace to care for the flock of God on a long-term basis. On the other hand, evangelists and apostles generally have the gift of miracles, a gift which most pastors lack. It only makes sense that the different gifts and anointings lead to differences in the way healing functions. 2 The evangelistic and apostolic ministries are linked primarily to justification. Their burden is to see unbelievers saved and brought into God’s kingdom. On the other hand, pastoral healing is linked primarily to sanctification. The pastor’s burden is to see believers grow in kingdom living. 3 Healing in the Bible (Jesus Christ being the chief apostle and example of an evangelist) is generally immediate. Pastoral healing may be immediate, yet is often gradual. Pastoral healing often begins as a “seed” in the inner man, in the spirit, and must be fueled by faith in order to manifest in the body. Faith without works is dead. I’m convinced many are healed, but are not aware of it because they expect an immediate physical manifestation.  Related to this issue of immediate verses gradual healing is the fact that the itinerant evangelist often has one opportunity to bring healing; the pastor can pray repeatedly for a sick man until he gets well. 4 Evangelistic and apostolic healing take place regardless of the spiritual condition of the diseased person. Consider Matthew 4:23 where Jesus was “going about in all Galilee . . . healing very kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.” Imagine all the varied spiritual conditions of those He healed. Some were good men; some may have been wife-beaters. Some may have been homosexuals, some child neglectors, some adulterers or fornicators. Yet Jesus healed them all without attempting to deal with the causes of pains or diseases. Pastoral healing in the local church must often deal with the spiritual condition of the sufferer. Notice Pastor James in 5:16, “Confess your sins one to another . . . so that you may be healed.” Forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation are conditions for health in the local church. The pastor and the local church are uniquely qualified to deal with such issues. 5 Evangelistic and apostolic healing take place regardless of the cause of the disease. Traveling ministries generally don’t have time nor grace to deal with the causes of disease. Pastoral healing must often take into account the spiritual, psychological, and emotional causes of disease. Some studies show 80 percent of hospital beds are filled by people with emotionally induced sickness. Unresolved anxiety is a major contributor to both cancer and heart-disease. Pastors must initiate long-term solutions by dealing with underlying causes of disease. 6 Again, evangelistic and apostolic healing take place regardless of the cause of the disease. Pastors need to identify and help people with both the natural causes and the natural remedies of disease. Toxic overload, obesity, lack of exercise, etc. are all natural causes of disease. People may get healed, but unless the natural cause of sickness is dealt with, the sickness often returns.  Bernie Blaskowski is an example of local church healing from heart disease. His health and healing today resulted from a series of processes over time. Lifestyle change, weight loss, medical intervention, and prayer, all played a role. Perhaps most significant of all, Bernie took personal responsibility for his health which resulted in his dramatic healing. In his pastoral epistle Paul instructs Timothy to “use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent aliments (I Timothy 5:23). Can you imagine Jesus in the middle of the multitude advising, “Drink more grape juice and you will be healed.” Of course not. The evangelistic and pastoral gifts are not the same. Each is wonderful, each is from God, and each is distinct.  7 Apostles and evangelists are given strong healing ministries to bring unsaved people into the kingdom of God. God requires nothing from unbelievers except openness to Christ.  God gives pastors strong healing ministries to help believers grow up as kingdom people. God expects His children to grow up in faith and take personal responsibility for their own healing.  While this article identifies distinctions between various ministries, the differences are not absolute. Evangelists or apostles may occasionally oversee a long-term healing process for some individual. Pastors and local churches also experience immediate and dramatic miracles of healing. In fact, the gift of miracles (1 Cor 12:10) is a local church ministry and needs to be developed in New Testament churches.  This article identifies distinctions between various ministries, yet there are also similarities. All healing is from God. All stem from the cross of Christ, and all need to be motivated by God’s love. May we be encouraged by the calling God has given to each. May we see a flood of divine healing released in and through the church to the glory of God!

What are the differences between apostolic healing and pastoral healing?

I submit there are differences between apostolic healing and local church (pastoral) healing. When these are understood pastors and local church members will be encouraged, gifts will be released, and a flood of healings will ensue.

I’m writing to encourage pastors and church members. We often think healing should look like the miracles in the Bible. We tend to get discouraged when things turn out differently than expected. I’m offering a fresh paradigm which is inaugurating a rising tide of supernatural healing in our local church based on a clearer understanding of God and the Bible.

Seven differences between evangelistic or apostolic healing and pastoral (local church) healing

1 God has given a wonderful, yet distinct, anointing to pastors and local church members that differs from evangelists and apostles. For example, churches have a special grace to care for the flock of God on a long-term basis. On the other hand, evangelists and apostles generally have the gift of miracles, a gift which most pastors lack. It only makes sense that the different gifts and anointings lead to differences in the way healing functions.

2 The evangelistic and apostolic ministries are linked primarily to justification. Their burden is to see unbelievers saved and brought into God’s kingdom. On the other hand, pastoral healing is linked primarily to sanctification. The pastor’s burden is to see believers grow in kingdom living.

3 Healing in the Bible (Jesus Christ being the chief apostle and example of an evangelist) is generally immediate. Pastoral healing may be immediate, yet is often gradual. Pastoral healing often begins as a “seed” in the inner man, in the spirit, and must be fueled by faith in order to manifest in the body. Faith without works is dead. I’m convinced many are healed, but are not aware of it because they expect an immediate physical manifestation.

Related to this issue of immediate verses gradual healing is the fact that the itinerant evangelist often has one opportunity to bring healing; the pastor can pray repeatedly for a sick man until he gets well.

4 Evangelistic and apostolic healing take place regardless of the spiritual condition of the diseased person. Consider Matthew 4:23 where Jesus was “going about in all Galilee . . . healing very kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.” Imagine all the varied spiritual conditions of those He healed. Some were good men; some may have been wife-beaters. Some may have been homosexuals, some child neglectors, some adulterers or fornicators. Yet Jesus healed them all without attempting to deal with the causes of pains or diseases.

Pastoral healing in the local church must often deal with the spiritual condition of the sufferer. Notice Pastor James in 5:16, “Confess your sins one to another . . . so that you may be healed.” Forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation are conditions for health in the local church. The pastor and the local church are uniquely qualified to deal with such issues.

5 Evangelistic and apostolic healing take place regardless of the cause of the disease. Traveling ministries generally don’t have time nor grace to deal with the causes of disease. Pastoral healing must often take into account the spiritual, psychological, and emotional causes of disease. Some studies show 80 percent of hospital beds are filled by people with emotionally induced sickness. Unresolved anxiety is a major contributor to both cancer and heart-disease. Pastors must initiate long-term solutions by dealing with underlying causes of disease.

6 Again, evangelistic and apostolic healing takes place regardless of the cause of the disease. Pastors need to identify and help people with both the natural causes and the natural remedies of disease. Toxic overload, obesity, lack of exercise, etc. are all natural causes of disease. People may get healed, but unless the natural cause of sickness is dealt with, the sickness often returns.

Bernie Blaskowski is an example of local church healing from heart disease. His health and healing today resulted from a series of processes over time. Lifestyle change, weight loss, medical intervention, and prayer, all played a role. Perhaps most significant of all, Bernie is well today because he took personal responsibility for his health which resulted in his dramatic healing.

In his pastoral epistle Paul instructs Timothy to “use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent aliments (I Timothy 5:23).

Can you imagine Jesus in the middle of the multitude advising, “Drink more grape juice and you will be healed.” Of course not. The evangelistic and pastoral gifts are not the same. Each is wonderful, each is from God, and each is distinct.

7 Apostles and evangelists are given strong healing ministries to bring unsaved people into the kingdom of God. God requires nothing from unbelievers except openness to Christ.

God gives pastors strong healing ministries to help believers grow up as kingdom people. God expects His children to grow up in faith and take personal responsibility for their own healing.

While this article identifies distinctions between various ministries, the differences are not absolute. Evangelists or apostles may occasionally oversee a long-term healing process for some individual. Pastors and local churches also experience immediate and dramatic miracles of healing. In fact, the gift of miracles (1 Cor 12:10) is a local church ministry and needs to be developed in New Testament churches.

This article identifies distinctions between various ministries, yet there are also similarities. All healing is from God. All stem from the cross of Christ, and all need to be motivated by God’s love.

Go here to gain some astounding insights about how churches related to apostles in the New Testament Era.

May we be encouraged by the calling God has given to each. May we see a flood of divine healing released in and through the church to the glory of God!

God Heals: Tumors Disappear

Bernie Blaskowski, Ministry Team Leader

Bernie Blaskowski, Ministry Team Leader

God heals: tumors disappear. Bernie Blaskowski, leader of the Ministry Team at The Church of the Living Water in Muscatine, obviously enjoys relating this healing experience. The video lasts only 55 seconds.


If you prefer to read instead of viewing the video, here is the transcript.

Pastor Mark in the background: Again, I’m so thankful for our Prayer Ministry team. You guys just do great things… by God’s power.

Bernie: Last Sunday after church…..our Prayer Ministry…. where we pray for people. Diane can I… can you stand please? This is a really fun deal, Diane… when she came up for prayer… I think you can..could actually see the swelling on the left side of her neck, before we started to pray. After we were done praying,… it was gone…. It was gone. I was.. I mean… I could….I could visually see the difference! Between the time we started praying and the time we got done. I mean… Do you want to add somethings to that?

Diane: Yes! Praise the Lord!

God Heals

God is visiting churches in Muscatine. The Church of the Living Water is only one of many excellent Muscatine area fellowships. If you need physical healing, find a church that can stand with you in faith, prayer, and natural counsel to bring the healing. God heals tumors, cancers, heart disease, headaches, etc. There is no limit to what God can do. I myself have been healed of cancer by the power of God plus natural changes.

God Heals Cancer

For the next few days, you can get FREE access to the 9 part video series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest.  You may save someone’s life by  clicking here.


Chicken Evangelism Breakthrough

Tom Lee recently experienced a chicken evangelism breakthrough. He led a man to salvation through Christ Jesus!

Who’s tom Lee? He serves as an elder in The Church of the Living Water in Muscatine. He also teaches music in the Durant Public School system. Perhaps there’s never been a more faithful servant of God than Tom. An exaggeration? Perhaps, but not by much.  Tom is an example of one who loves God and loves people. He spends time with the Lord, prays regularly, and sacrificially serves old and young.

In spite of all of Tom’s virtues, one quality has eluded him in his life and ministry — soul-winning. He has had a strong hand in discipling, training and helping many find their destiny in Christ. Yet, like many mature believers, this matter of reaping souls for the Kingdom of God has eluded him. I have heard Tom pray aloud many times that God would open his mouth, that he would speak boldly, and that he would make the gospel clear, as he ought (Ephesians 6:19 and 20).

Despite Tom’s hopes and prayers, the requests for souls continued to go unanswered. Tom stated, “I saw no fruit at all” from those prayers. Perhaps the same experience may be true for many believers.

But now things have changed! Tom found a chicken evangelism breakthrough! Watch the video to hear his story. It begins as Tom tells his concern for a man named Ryan.





God is faithful to answer prayer!



God Healed My Headaches

“God healed my headaches,” reposts George with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye.

George Blaskowski was troubled by migraine or severe headaches for one to two years. There was no obvious cause, but the pain was debilitating. Pain-killers helped manage the pain, yet nothing could take the headaches away. Nor could anything George or his parents could do was able to prevent the pain from returning day after day.

Yet, God intervened. Here is George’s brief report.

At the Church of the Living Water in Muscatine, Iowa we are experiencing more and more physical and emotional as well as soul healing. It seems obvious God is working with us. If you or someone you know suffers from sickness or pain, consider the ministry of the great Healer, Jesus Christ. The prayer ministry team of the church is available as a means for God to heal you.

For my own story of how God healed me of Stage 4 inoperable cancer, come to

Answer to Cancer: 9 Keys



What is the answer to cancer? God has marvelously healed me of stage 4 inoperable cancer! How I praise Him.

Please understand, I don’t  know everything about cancer. But I do have a story to tell. In fact, my new book will soon be released on Kindle with the title Answer to Cancer: 9 Keys.

The book consists of three parts. Section One tells my story — the good, the bad, and the ugly. Section Two details nine natural and spiritual keys that proved instrumental in my healing and remaining cancer-free. These nine will aid in the prevention of most cancers for most people and will go a long way to keep cancer from returning  on anyone who has suffered through chemo treatments. Section Three majors on the one aspect of healing that most, but not all, authorities neglect or downplay: meditation. Meditation on God and His word opened up the healing power of God for me in my battle with this killer disease.

Answer to Cancer will be available as a Kindle book in the next few weeks. Later it will be published as a hard copy. I also hope to turn it into an audio book because so many folks are being helped by it.

Here’s one review of the book.

Mark—we enjoyed your book so much and can’t wait until it is published so we can give to friends!

In the age of quick​ fixes and too-easily concluded answers that often end up in failure​,​ Mark takes the reader with him ​o​n his journey of the unexpected​, ​shocking​, sometimes​ fearful news of having the life​-​taking killer disease​ called​ cancer. Mark​’s​ experience open​ed​ my eyes and gripped my heart as ​I read ​ of the torments ​he suffered in both mind and body. ​Mark carefully pursued the Biblical and medical ​pathway to a joyful and successful victory.

The Lord ​has indeed ​inspired ​Pastor Mark to write this book to glorify God and to walk others ​to health and healing through the cross of Jesus Christ ​and a healthy lifestyle​. Well done​, faithful servant. ​

Bobby Martz, Hour of Harvest Ministries

If you are willing to read the manuscript and write an endorsement (provided you think it’s worthy of such), contact me via the form on this site or email me. If possible, I may be able send you a digital copy of Answer to Cancer: 9 Keys.

I want to see people healed. If you or someone you know is suffering from this dreadful disease, I would consider sending a digital copy to you.

May God bless you all.