Chicken Evangelism
Chicken evangelism — share Christ before you “chicken out!”
David works at a local hardware outlet. He has waited on me before and has always shown himself polite and helpful. Currently, I needed someone to help me load 2 sheets of 5 x 8 drywall. David was the first worker I spotted so I asked him to come help.
While loading, I asked David my favorite starter question, “Have you received Jesus Christ into your life?” David was quiet and pensive for a moment.
“Not yet” he replied, “but I’m getting closer.” (I thought I had talked with David earlier about his relationship with the Savior, but I couldn’t remember for sure.) Most likely, God had been preparing him in a variety of ways.
I told David that I had received Christ into my life, that He had forgiven my sins for all eternity, and was really helping me in my life. I also noted that my life didn’t change right away, but Jesus had come inside me and gradually began to change me.
Then I remembered that while a testimony helps people trust in God, it doesn’t save. The gospel alone is God’s power for salvation. So I gave David a brief gospel message: “Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. He gave His blood for us. Then He rose from the dead as proof that He was God’s Son. Now He’s offering a free gift of salvation which we can accept in child-like faith — just like a child receives a gift from his father.”
“Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Yes, I do,” responded David both verbally and with an affirmative nod.
“Is there anything stopping you from receiving Jesus into your life right now?” I asked.
“I want to go to church, but I have to work on Sundays,” he returned. “I want to go to Calvary.”
”That’s a good church. I know the pastor there. But you don’t have to go to church to receive Jesus Christ into your life. You can do it right here in the shade at Menards. If you understand what I’m saying and you want to, you can pray right here and ask Jesus into your life. Do you want to receive Him now?”
David nodded affirmatively.
Go ahead and pray. Ask Jesus into your life. Use your own words. When you’re done let me know.”
No one was around, David bowed his head and I could tell he was sincerely praying. We could hear men talking in another part of the building, but no one with us at the moment. David prayed quite a long silent prayer. Actually, a very long prayer. I began to wonder if he had misunderstood me. Finally, he looked up and nodded.
“Did you ask Jesus Christ to come into your life?”
“Yes, I did,” he replied.
“Sometimes we feel differently, sometimes we don’t. The feeling doesn’t matter. The fact that Jesus Christ came into your life is what matters. Jesus said, ‘I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door – as you just did – I will come into him and fellowship with him.”
David smiled and thanked me twice. He then reached out his hand for a handshake. “It’s nice to see you again,” he said as he walked away.
Chicken evangelism works because God has already prepared many people to receive salvation. The fields are actually white for harvest!