The Apple and Bun

The Apple and the Bun–Healing Power in Communion

The Apple and the Bun

God Heals through the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

The apple symbolizes death and separation; the bun symbolizes Life and communion with Christ Jesus.

Can you imagine the condition of the Israelites just before the Exodus? They were slaves, harassed and whipped by merciless slave masters. Without a doubt, many were sick, weak, or injured. They were laden with the diseases of Egypt. Then, in one night, something dramatic, something as momentous as the Exodus itself occurred.

They ate the Passover Lamb.

Psalm 105:37 relates the thrilling result of eating this Lamb, the figure of Christ Jesus:

Then He brought them out with silver and gold, and among His tribes there was not one who stumbled.

The King James Version translates and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

And all of them were healthy and strong states the Good News Translation.

Oh, the power of the Lamb! The Passover Lamb was for the healing of a nation! Oh, to claim the power of the Passover Feast.

Communion (Lord’s Supper, Last Supper, Eucharist or whatever we choose to call it) is rooted in the Passover. As historic as the Passover is, it is merely the forerunner of the Eucharist. The Lord’s Supper is the fulfillment of the Passover. The Eucharist is the perfection of the Passover and completes it’s purpose and power. If the passover was powerful, the communion is designed to be even more potent.

Look with me at the Lord’s Supper.

The Apple and Bun

Eve (and Adam) ate the apple. The world immediately fell into sin. We call it The Fall. Genesis laments their choice and expulsion.

Christ died on the cross. The world was gloriously lifted out of sin. We call it Redemption. Communion celebrates His death and resurrection.

Adam ate in unbelief; in contrast, Christ tasted death in faith.

Adam bit the apple in disobedience. Christ tasted death in obedience.

Adam’s act in unbelief destined the world to death; Christ’s act in faith destined the world to life for all who believe.

Adam’s lack of trust brought a curse; Christ’s faithfulness issued a never-ending blessing.

Adam’s sin brought condemnation; Christ’s obedience brought the twin free gifts — the abundance of grace and the gift of eternal righteousness (Romans 5:17).

Adam’s act brought separation from God; Christ’s act brought communion with God.

In communion, we eat the bun, the Bread of Life.

Just as Adam’s act of disobedience (eating the apple) brought a certain curse, so Christ’s act of obedience brings certain blessings.

To eat the Bun (the Bread) is to reverse the curse of the apple. Jesus said, This is My body, broken for you. Certain consequences automatically ensued when Adam ate the apple. In a different way, certain results supernaturally pursue those who eat the Bun in faith.

I say, in a different way, because the Bible emphasizes the results of the death of Christ are MUCH MORE in magnitude, in power, and in certainty than the results of the sin of Adam. The death of Christ is NOT like the sin of Adam. The results of the death of Christ and the eating of the loaf (the Bun) are much more certain and powerful.

Supernatural breakouts are automatically designed to emanate from tasting the Bun in faith during this God designed event, the Eucharist.

Power of God at Communion

In her book Miracles Do Happen, Sister Briege McKenna, O.S. C. relates the following story about a mass in a rural area of Latin America.

…I realized the important aspect of the Eucharis is not what I do, but what Jesus does and what I allow Him to do in Me. I must let the loving Jesus heal me and transform me through His body and blood. It is not my effort alone, but His action, that transforms me.

A little boy was brought there who was suffering from very severe burns and sores on his body. I remember thinking, “My goodness, there’s nothing that can be done. It’s so bad. We have no doctors or medicine here.”

We prayed with the little boy, then the priest said to the old woman wo had carried him to the mass, “Just leave him under the table here and let’s continue with the celebration of the Eucharist.”

As the mass progressed, I was overwhelmed at the participation of the people in the mass.

As we approached the consecration, I had my eyes closed. When I opened them I discovered that the people were prostrated on the ground. They lifted up their eyes to adore the Lord. The look on their faces made me think, “They really believe that this is Jesus.” Then when I looked at the sacred Host [at Jesus], in my own imagination, I got the most beautiful image of Jesus with His two hands out. He was smiling with great love and compassion.

After this mass, I went around to see how the little boy was. He had been placed under the table which served as the altar. But he wasn’t there. I said to the woman who had brought him to the mass, “Where is he?” She said, pointing to a group of children playing nearby, “There he is.”

I looked at the child and he was fine. There wasn’t a thing wrong with his little body.

I said aloud, but more to myself, “What happened to him?”

The old woman looked at me and said, “What do you mean, ‘What happened?’ Didn’t Jesus come?”

Here are the points. There are certain, definite results for those who follow the man who tasted the apple in the garden: sin, sickness and death. There are certain, definite results for those who follow the Man who tasted death on the cross: forgiveness, health and eternal life.

According to Romans 5 the latter is much more certain than the former!

Holy Communion (eating the Bun) connects the believer with the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ.

What are You Eating — The Apple or the Bun?

The Apple and the Bun.

There’s more to this than a catchy title. Jesus said, “This is My body.” Let’s chew on that awhile.

We have seen spontaneous deliverance and other supernatural manifestations at Holy Communion. I am expecting to see more. At our next communion, let’s expect to meet Christ and experience His manifestation.

What have you seen as a result of the Lord’s Supper? Do me a favor and pass on what God is doing in your church or your own experience of Holy Communion.

Sage Advice Julie Cano Healing Testimony Advice Part 7

Sage advice for cancer sufferers. Julie Cano explains, “You don’t have to die from cancer! Cancer is not a Death Sentence. She advises to get a mentor, learn the Budwig Protocol, drink Essiac Tea as well as other helpful ideas.

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Difficulties of Natural Healing–Julie Cano Testimony Part 6

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Difficulties of Natural Healing–Julie Cano Testimony. IIn this video (Part 6) Julie Cano shares openly of the difficulties and challenges of going the natural route to physical healing. She had to overcome fear, challenge the medical establishment, and have the courage to enter uncharted territory in the face of opposition. She prevailed and is now free from stage 4 breast cancer.

Difficulties of Natural Healing–Julie Cano Testimony





Family Support for Cancer Healing –Julie Cano Part 5 Testimony

Julie Cano relates the importance of husband and other support groups in her healing from Stage 4 breast cancer.

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony


God Made Our Bodies to Heal –Julie Cano Part 4

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

God Made Our Bodies to Heal –Julie Cano Testimony of Healing Part 4


Why Forgiveness is Necessary for Healing –Julie Cano Cancer Healing Part 3


Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony


Julie Cano tells why forgiveness is necessary for healing. Part 3 of this cancer healing series will open eyes. Anyone wanting to get physical healing will find one of the keys to physical and emotional health.

Conversion Via LinkedIn

Here is Kari Anderson’s account of good results with Chicken Evangelism. (New story submission from website.)

I led someone to Christ!

I recently was able to lead someone toward Jesus through LinkedIn messages. Here is a copy of my conversation exactly as it happened. I’ve changed the man’s name to protect his privacy. He was from India.

Ashish: Hello ma’am

Kari: Hello

Ashish: How are you? I hope you are doing well

Kari: 👍

Ashish: Ma’am actually i am just Graduate from NIFT, India as a jewellery designer. And right now i am searching the job as a jewellery designer only. It would be a great help from you if u help me regarding this, I would like to work overseas too.

Kari: Neat, good for you. I’m not in a position to hire anyone. Sorry about that, but I will pray that God provide a job for you! God please provide a designer job for Ashish! Amen!

Ashish: Haha. Thanks a lot ma’am.

Kari: 😊

Ashish: 👍

Kari: God is good. He answers prayer!

Ashish: Yup. I know right.

Kari: For sure. Are you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ?

Ashish: Yes ma’am. I do believe God.

Kari: 👍

Ashish: And i Am a believer of Lord Krishna. He is the God from Hindu Mythology. But as i know god is only one with different names.

Kari: Ahhh, but Jesus said He was the only way to heaven. Something to think about. Jesus is the only way to heaven to God.

Ashish: So i do believe god.

Kari: Yes, but maybe not the right god.

Ashish:I would love to achieve heaven under Jesus

Kari: It’s possible. You only need to believe that He was God’s Messiah, sent from God and accept Him into your life. It’s not difficult. You only need to trust in Him and ask Him into your life.

Ashish: 👍

Kari: 😊

Ashish: Yeah

Kari: So you want to trust in Jesus? [Publisher’s note: These LinkedIn exchanges took place over a period of about one week. Kari was praying for this man during that time.]

Ashish: I will now for sure. Yes i do trust Jesus.

Kari: Well, that’s good. Do you have a Holy Bible?

Ashish: No I do have GITA. [the Hindu “bible”]

Kari: I can send you a Holy Bible if you want one.

Ashish: Yes please

Kari: Give me your address and I can send it. I’m happy to do it. If you promise to read it. Right?

Ashish: I promise to read it from bottom of my heart

Kari: Okay Ashish: (Address withheld for privacy)

Kari: Okay, I copied the address down. I will send it soon. I need to go now but I’m happy that you have decided to trust in Jesus. He is wonderful and will help you understand and know God better. God bless you! Let me know when the Bible arrives. Thanks for the chat. God bless you!!

Ashish: Thanks

Kari: 😊

Kari: Your Holy Bible is sent! Please let me know when it arrives! Thanks for letting me share with you.  Ashish: Thanks so much, Kari.


(A few days later.)

Ashish: Hi.

Kari: Hi, I got a message from the postal system in India and gave them the needed information, so your book [the Bible] should now be in customs!

Ashish: Okay. Thank you.

Publisher’s note: My wife Kari has contacts in many nations because of her business as a pearl broker. She is able to tell what she has seen and heard regarding Jesus Christ with many from foreign countries.

Please tell your own story of how you have enabled someone to come closer to Christ in person or have aided a conversion via LinkedIn or another form of social media.

What I Did –Julie Cano’s Breast Cancer Healing Story Part 2








Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

Julie Cano Cancer Healing Testimony

She received healing without chemo, radiation, or surgery.


What I Did –Julie Cano’s Breast Cancer Healing Story–Part 2. Julie Cano lives with her husband and family in Birkenfeld, Oregon. I had the privilege of interviewing her when she and her daughter visited our home in Iowa. This 8 part series reveals vital facts about healing from cancer.

God Healed Breast Cancer — Julie Cano’s Testimony

How God Healed Julie Cano from Breast Cancer. Watch the one minute 20 second video.

Times have changed. There are Answers for Cancer. You don’t need to die from cancer anymore.

Priorities… Priorities… Priorities




Know Your Purpose and Priorities


The classified section of the Quay County Sun newspaper in June of 1978 contained this ad: “Farmer with 160 irrigated acres wants marriage-minded woman with tractor. When replying, please show picture of tractor.”

What is Your Purpose in Life? Have you set priorities to get there?

What are God’s priorities for us sin 2019?

Biblical Priority # One

Put God first. Make things of Eternal Significance number one.

In Luke 10:42 and following we find Jesus’ perspective on priorities.

Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home.

She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word.

But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.”

But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things;

but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”


Life offers multiple opportunities. What are we choosing? Life demands choices: Mary chose the better part. Are we pleasing God or people? Paul said, “If I’m still trying to please people, I’m not pleasing God. “Sometimes, we can’t do both.

Some things are eternally significant: time with Jesus in the Bible. Time with God in prayer. Getting filled with the Holy Spirit. Evangelism. Worship.

I’m so glad God caught us up in Chicken Evangelism. (Share Christ before you chicken out.) Nearly 100% of Jesus’ outreach was with one-off, random contacts with strangers. To be like Jesus, we will share the free gift of salvation with people in the first minutes we meet. What a joy to begin the discipleship process with strangers!

Biblical Priority # Two

Make things of earthly significance number two.

What are some things of temporal significance? This does not mean they are not important. It only means they are less significant and we need to grant them less time. Some of these are family, leisure, movies, TV, recreation, health, eating, texting, the internet, etc.

One survey in the 1990’s showed the following about USA priorities:

Sleep………………23 years……….32.9%

Work……………..16 years………..22.8%

TV…………………..8 years………..11.4%

Eating……………….6 years………..8.6%

Travel……………….6 years………..8.6%

Leisure…………..4.5 years………..6.5%

Illness……………….4 years………..5.7%

Dressing……………2 years………..2.8%

Things of God….0.5 years………..0.7%

Total…………….70 years…………100%

Sleep and work are givens. Hard to change much there. Notice the third most important category. 8 years out of a lifetime spent with TV. If the survey were taken today, how much time would be spent on cell phones? Or the internet?

Contrast this with the last category: 0.7% of our time spent with the things of God.

Whether we admit it or not, the amount of time we spend with something shows how important it is to us. It tells us our priorities.

As we turn the page on the calendar to 2019, let’s stop and think. What is your lifetime purpose? What has God placed you on earth for? It would be terrible to go through life and not fulfill God’s purpose.

What is your God-given purpose? And what priorities have you set to get there? Think about it.

Rarely do we make life changes in a flash. Take some time. Kari and I recently went one night to a motel to re-orient ourselves. Very helpful. Take some time now. Give some thought. Talk it over with God.



What is your God-given purpose? And what priorities have you set to get there? Mary chose the good part.

Think about it.