How I Conquered Cancer

“What did you do to conquer cancer?”

To answer this question, I recently presented a workshop at Muscatine Community College in Muscatine, Iowa. The video of the 60 minute workshop (How I Conquered Cancer) plays below.

(Thanks to Chad Bishop for taping and uploading this video.)

Of course, I couldn’t tell everything in one workshop. So let me mention Ty Bollinger and his impressive video series.

I watched the video series by Ty Bollinger, “The Truth About Cancer.” That series gave me the confidence I needed to eventually go for natural healing.

There’s a replay airing October 5, 2019. It’s free.

Tune in to the live broadcast of many of the same doctors and scientists featured on “The Truth About Cancer.” It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

I had stage 4 inoperable cancer. I’m well today because of God’s mercy and the truths in this program. Tune in here for free starting October 5. You must register by copying this link:

If you can’t wait until October, there’s another video series showing sooner. It’s by Chris Wark who was healed of stage 3 colon cancer without chemo, radiation or surgery.

I am not an affiliate, that is to say, I don’t collect any money from any of these projects. I make the info available to help people conquer cancer for themselves or their loved ones. At the very least, all these videos show that cancer is curable with natural treatments and many are doing it.

Here’s my story of how I conquered cancer in book form. Grab a copy now.

How I Conquered Cancer
How I Conquered Cancer

“Half of all men (and one third of all women) alive today will get cancer,” experts claim. I want to stop that.

I want to do an educational and inspiring workshop in your church, club, college, or civic group. It’s “hands on” and could prevent or help heal cancer for anyone. Interested? Contact me from the link at the top of this page.

Kind Act Leads to Christ

Kind Act Leads to Christ

It all started in an Iowa storm. Matthew and Courtney Anderson were driving by one of those ubiquitous Fourth of July firecracker tents. A sudden squall violently lifted the firecracker tent off the ground. The vendors were seemingly helpless and began cutting the tent’s holding cords.

Matt and Courtney bounded out of their vehicle and pitched in to help. Together with the vendors they salvaged what the wind and rainstorm did not destroy.

The storm passed, but left the vendors homeless with rain damaged merchandise. (Tents cannot be locked so the sellers sleep in the tents for security.)

Now what were Josh, Debra and Ariana to do? Realizing their plight, Matt and Courtney paid for a night at the nearby Super 8 Motel.

I don’t know what all was shared that Saturday evening. What I do know is the firecracker vendors walked in during the middle of the church meeting Sunday morning. They were welcomed and one of the men said, “You are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

After the meeting, church people sat with Josh and Debra as they wept profusely. Josh used up the first box of Kleenexes and began to use the second.

Eventually, one of the men proffered the question, “Have you ever given your life to Jesus Christ?” Through tears, Josh answered negatively. “I don’t believe in Christ,” he admitted.

Much conversation ensued. Josh heard the good news: “Jesus Christ died for your sins. He rose from the dead.” Josh heard the good news several times. Something began to dawn on him. Finally, as best he could, he submitted his will to Christ as Savior.

After prompting, Josh began to pray. I advised him about Jesus’ words in John 10: 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I asked him to ask God what to do next and to listen for the whisper of the Spirit. After bowing his head and praying, he said, “I think God is telling me to move back to Oregon where I have roots and family. “

Dinner at HyVee Restaurant followed. During lunch, his daughter, Ariana, showed interest in Jesus. She asked questions. “What does it mean to ‘open the door’ to Jesus?”

She “opened the door to Jesus.” That’s when the above picture was snapped as Josh and Debra affectionately hugged her. Who knew

The Church of the Living Water provided two nights of lodging at the Super 8 Motel. Meals were offered.

Amazing what God’s love–one act of kindness–will do. God bless Josh, Debra and Ariana. God bless Matthew and Courtney.

One reason this website exists is to honor those who lead men, women and young people to Christ. We encourage Chicken Evangelism–Share Christ before you Chicken Out!

When you tell your experience of witnessing, it will encourage others. Do you know of an incident where a kind act leads to Christ?

Salvation by Annoyance–


Salvation by Annoyance–

An exasperated mother, whose son was always getting into mischief, finally asked him, “How do you expect to get into Heaven?”

The boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll run in and out and in and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says, ‘For Heaven’s sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!'”


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Question? Apostle? What Do You Mean?

Sonny Mizar Answers, What is an Apostle?

Question? Apostle? What do you mean? There’s a lot of confusion about the question “What is an apostle?” Sonny Mizar’s response is a good start to understand what an apostle does and how he fits into God’s plan for churches. Find out more about this Godly man on Facebook.

You may also want to check out his book Journey to Authenticity. This book has helped me understand and have patience with some of the young ministers I train.

Sonny could say much more about apostles. He’s worth listening to. In the meantime, let me add a few lines (and my own definition of an apostle) that will remove some misunderstandings about the use of the term “apostle” in the Bible.

Question? Apostle? Let’s Look More Closely

In a generic sense, an apostle is a “sent one” or “one sent on a mission.” The Greek word is apostolos. In a generic sense all Christians are “sent out on a mission.” In that sense we are all apostles!

In a technical sense the term refers to the person who functions in the five fold ministry or office of apostle. That’s the most common use of the term in the Bible by far. That’s the use of the term we are talking about here.

I’ve studied the Scriptures and worked with apostles for over fifty years. Here’s my definition:

“An apostle is a Christian leader called and supernaturally gifted by God to open new spiritual or geographical territory for the gospel, lay foundations, equip believers, and serve as catalyst and coordinator for churches and ministries.”

I invite you to find C Peter Wagner’s thoughts on the subject or go directly to my book Local Churches Global Apostles: How Churches Related to Apostles in the New Testament Era and Why It Matters Now.

Maybe you have a good definition of your own. If so, post it in the comment section below.

Freedom March: 200 Ex-LGBT Come Out

Publisher’s note: I have adapted this article from Janet Boynes of Janet Boynes Ministry. It is her personal report on the May 27 Freedom March: 200 ex LGBT people come out to proclaim their freedom in Christ.


Millennials and Gen-Xers stood together, unified with a voice that declared freedom is possible through Christ.

The message is what so many need to hear but has been so quickly shunned. It lacks popularity but is packed with power.

Jeffrey McCall, the founder of the Freedom March, invited me to be a part of this historical event. Watching so many younger than I stand unashamed and passionate about their experience of walking out of the lifestyle of homosexuality into a life of freedom in Christ was a magnificent experience. This is an answer to prayer.

They stood together, each one with their own story of how Christ came into their heart and gave them a brand new life. These young people were vibrant and energetic.

It wasn’t a ‘gay to straight’ thing; It was a ‘lost to saved’ thing,” proclaimed one of the founders of the event.

Their enthusiasm was clearly visible as they shared their testimonies of coming out of darkness into the marvelous light of Christ. 1 Peter 2:9 says in the Message Bible, “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you-from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.”

While they had no qualms in reminding me that I was part of the “older generation” and spoke of my “mothering heart,” I couldn’t help but to be amazed as I watched them speak boldly and with much assurance that it was only Jesus that have kept them and brought them to this point. They did not hesitate to let everyone know that change is possible, hope is tangible, and love is available. 

This march represented so much more than just a group of people gathering to share their thoughts. This was a march in the capital of the United States, Washington, D.C. This was a true declaration that Jesus is not dormant or dead. Jesus is very much alive and able to change lives.

While the LGBTQ community has no hesitation in parading their doctrines and agendas before anyone, this Freedom March gave the ex-homosexual a clear voice. They were able to declare openly, right in our nation’s capital, that the lifestyle they once embraced was not God’s will for their life or anyone else’s life. They were able to freely stand up and say that they chose Christ and holiness over all of their sins. 

There were no hidden agendas. Everyone was accepted. There were so many people from all cultures and nationalities. Everyone was important, no matter what titles they held or didn’t have. The love and respect for each other was so apparent. For a moment, I forgot I was 61 years old and I just blended in with these young motivating marchers. 

It was a true honor to be a part of this wonderful event. For this moment, every Christian had a voice. Each person in this march was speaking for so many others. The message was in the songs they sang and the messages they declared.

They spoke for the countless people who were not able to march and could not attend. They spoke for the person struggling with their sexuality. They spoke for the person who is gender disoriented and insecure. They spoke for the cross-dresser and the transgender. They spoke for everyone and anyone who is unsure of themselves and unable to find love and hope. They marched to show that there is hope and there is unconditional love available through our Lord Jesus Christ. 

The Freedom March declared to everyone that our God is not dead. He is very much alive in all of us and anyone who will allow Him to come in. No one is refused. No sin is too ugly or vile. Jesus stands with outstretched arms for everyone. (Psalm 136:12). That is true freedom and it is only found in our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

Publisher’s comment: Why am I publishing Freedom March: 200 Ex-LGBT Come Out? Three reasons. First, God has used my wife and me to lead a lesbian woman to salvation and simultaneously into a normal sexual lifestyle. She later married, rasied children and continues to this day as a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.

Second, Christian people need to stand up and tell the truth, not silently acquiesce, about the fallacies of the homosexual lifestyle.

Third, the world needs to know that people can change. No one needs to be stuck in the sin of homosexuality. If you or anyone you know wants freedom from sex sins, contact Janet Boynes Ministries or this website.

Take Care What You Listen to

Alsert fox with ears perked up0 to catch every sund

Have we grasped the seriousness of Jesus’ warning? Take care what you listen to (Mark 4:24). He specifically states we either gain or lose by what we listen to (Mark 4:25).

Where do the thoughts in our heads come from? Ultimately, there are only four sources: the devil, the world, our flesh, and from God. Which are you listening to?

This article focuses on “voices” from the world, specifically the news media. Further, it challenges us to choose our sources carefully.

I’m alarmed. I’m seeing the devastating results of some friends listening to unBiblical news and media.

A good minister is becoming increasingly critical of our country. He listens to CNN.

A convicted felon is totally unaware of the Trump administration policies to promote jobs, programs and infrastructure to aid the poor and felons. Mainstream media minimizes or refuses to cover these initiatives. So the guy is frustrated.

A minister is promoting “open borders,” not accepting the fact that the Bible speaks much about national borders and expects citizens to honor borders.

I see two problems. First, many people don’t know the Scriptures; as a result, they are not able to evaluate news sources or other information. Second, many Christians are simply tuning into untrue “news.”

Jesus’ warning from long ago is pertinent: Take care what you listen to. He adds, For whoever has, to him shall more be given. When we get true information, either from God Himself or from news networks, we will gain and grow. The opposite is also true. And whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him (Mark 4:25). The stakes are high. And it depends on what we choose to listen to.

I feel like shouting, Be careful what you listen to! (Mark 4:24)

We need to become Bible men and Bible women. Every news service has a temperament or bias toward something. Bias is not always bad. If we are grounded in Scripture, we will have a bias, a leaning, toward truth. Locate news services that lean toward Bible truth, not away. There are many.

What Would Jesus Listen to?

The question is audacious, I know, but. . .

Here are three suggestions. Family Research Council is pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom.

World Net Daily is managed by an Arab Christian, Joseph Farah, and often has a unique perspective on the news., the news service originated by Pat Robertson, merits attention. As one who gives away millions of dollars annually to the poor, Robertson is worth listening to.

Most important of all, what is the Holy Spirit speaking to us these days? He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

Here’s my definition of church, the ek-klesia, the called out ones: We are called out, to come together, to hear God, and do what He says.

So how are we doing? Are you hearing God? Am I? And are we doing what He says?

Jesus said My sheep hear My voice. . . and they follow Me (John 10:27).

Take care what you listen to.

Photo image thanks to nathan-anderson-148921-unsplash

What is Biblical Manhood?

Most men don’t know what Biblical manhood is. That’s a problem because most people, including women, admire genuine masculinity.

Let’s face it. Ever since Adam we men have failed in numerous ways. But this is no time to rehearse failure. Rather, let’s survey the opposition and move ahead.

Opposition? There’s plenty. Yes, Virginia, there is a war against men. Primarily, the war against Biblical manhood arises from that ancient foe, the devil. He tries to tempt, deceive and accuse men. The devil is working to corrupt God’s design for men and he has a lot of allies today. For example, the American Psychological Association condemns “traditional masculinity as harmful.”

Satan is attempting to turn culture against Biblical manhood. (He is also trying to corrupt God’s design for genuine femininity, but that’s a subject for another day.)

Culture abounds with pejorative phrases such as “toxic masculinity.” Men, especially “white men” are pictured as evil in popular articles and movies. The Kavanaugh hearings exposed many people’s anger toward men of even impeccable reputation.

For the height of ludicrosity, Facebook now lists 71 gender options. You read that right–71 different gender options! According to Facebook, a man can be born a man, but morph into myriad other options. That is to say, a man doesn’t even have to be a man anymore. He can be half a man or a woman even no man at all.

So Where are the Men?

Behold, the Man! The announcement of Governor Pontius Pilate makes one Man stand out. I’m not talking only about sin or holiness. I’m talking about manhood in the traditional sense.

Jesus showed the endurance of a Navy Seal. From Thursday morning to His death about 3 pm Friday afternoon, He was awake amid some of the most exhausting trials anyone could endure. Betrayed by closest supporters, questioned by religious leaders and civil authorities, mocked and beaten by soldiers, scourged by Roman whipmasters, He was without sleep for over 40 hours according to my count.

Toward the end of that ordeal, beaten, mocked and abused by the Roman gendarmes, he was paraded before the governor. When Pilate saw Him, He marveled, Behold the Man. (Some say, Pilate was sarcastic and ridiculing. I say He was admiring, or at the very least, trying to figure out “Who is this Man?”

Christ’s deportment under scrutiny demonstrates a man of both physical and emotional strength.

What is Biblical Manhood?

What are the qualities of a Bible man, a true man?

In regard to vertical relationships, there is no distinction between men and women. That is, before God (the vertical relationship) man and woman are the same. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

However, in regard to human relationships we find a time-tested divine order. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. (1 Corinthians 11:$) . There are too many man hiding behind their hats today. Here’s my call. Where are you? Come forth, O man of God!

What Does Biblical Manhood Look Like? Five Traits for Starters

Biblical men speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, 4:25)

Adam was silent when he should have protected Eve. While silence may sometimes be golden, many men are afraid to speak out when we need to. Jesus spoke clearly to the Pharisees, Doom to you, and He did it in love for the purpose of waking them up so they could be saved (Matthew 23).

Biblical men become filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

Jesus was filled with the Spirit. ‘Tis a great need for men today so we can become sharers of our faith.

Biblical men fear Christ (Ephesians 5:22)

We fear Christ because He is God. All believers in Christ will stand before the Judgement seat of Christ. At that time we will have to give an account of our lives and be judged for our works (1 Corinthians 3:8ff).

Biblical men take leadership (Ephesians 5:23)

God ordained men to take leadership. Man is not the head of the home; he is head of the wife. God even compares the man to Christ as “savior” of his wife. He saves his wife though prayer (anybody can do this!) and example, as well as other ways.

Biblical men show love through sacrifice (Ephesians 5:25)

Sacrifice is not a featured theme in society these days. Yet it is God’s signature call to men. W are called to lay down our lives for our wives in much the same way Christ laid down His life for the church.

Agape love (covenantal, commitment-type love) rather than eros or romantic love is the type spoken of here. It is shown in forgiveness, focus and until-death-us-do-part commitment to the wife of his vows.

The Tank Man Illustrates Biblical Manhood

I’m not saying the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square was a Christian or had all the qualities of Biblical manhood. But he certainly demonstrated sacrifice and commitment and willingness to lay down his own life.

Click here to view the remarkable 2:22 minute tank man video

Are you a Biblical man?

What is Ideal Church/Apostle Relationship?

How do you find the ideal church/apostle relationship? Fred Herzog smiles and then addresses the question in this 104 second video.

I was a student at Luther Seminary in Minneapolis in the early 1970’s when Fred started New Testament Church. I remember the day in his home when we gathered together to discuss a name for the fellowship. Fred listened to all who suggested various names and then, with mutual consent, chose “New Testament Church.”

Let’s listen to Fred’s thoughts as he discusses “How would you describe an ideal church and apostle relationship?”

Fred has thought about questions like this one over most of his life. Worth listening to? You bet!

I didn’t know much about apostles–or about a lot of other things!–when I first met Fred. And if you want some background about apostles, come to What is an Apostle?

In the 50 years or so since those days, I’ve learned significant insights regarding ideal church/apostle relationships.

Here’s a biggie: It’s better to speak of real church/apostle relationships than an ideal church/apostle relationship. Why? Because, of the latter, there aren’t any! It’s like in a good and Godly marriage, we still have to work things out.

For an in-depth study of how churches related to apostles in the New Testament Era, grab a copy of my book about apostles. It tells how each and every church in the New Testament related to Paul or one of the other apostles. You might be surprised at how real–how human–the getting alongs were.

2 Wow-Worthy “Takehomes” for You from Don Miller

What’s the Most Important Job of a Leader?

Ok, what’s your answer? Stop . . . What’s your answer? I admit I gave a lame answer. But Donald Miller has really set my mind to thinking. In fact, Ethan, who works with me in ministry, and I are honing our focus in order to minister more effectively.

This short video will likely challenge you as it did me.

How to Write a Killer Tagline

Much related to the first video, “How to Write a Killer Tagline” continues to exercise my mind. In fact, I sometimes wake up in the night and mull over the quest for an effective, true and memorable one-liner to help our church people focus.

I’m applying this video to the church even though it was planned for business. To my mind, Don Miller is like an apostle to churches from the business world. He certainly challenges me to make my message clear.

Is this video worth 2:38 minutes of your life? Watch and see.

What’s the tagline for your church? For your ministry?

Apostles make us think and take risks. (Things in short supply in some churches these days.) I’m not saying Miller is an apostle, not at all, but he is challenging his hearers to communicate clearly. And that’s something apostles do.

What Can We Do to Change Government and Culture?

Michael and Terri Piper, apostolic church leaders in Brazil, tell how God brought churches together to change a nation.

I interviewed the Pipers at a camp in Mexico in March, 2019. Here’s hope and a challenge for any nation in the world. Thanks to Erik Martinez for recording the interview.

Is there a need for apostles today?

Is there a need for apostles to bring churches together?