Sue Cox Leads Entire Family to Re-commitment to Christ
Sue Cox Leads Family To Reconciliation and Deliverance
Publisher’s Note: Sue Cox hails from Singapore and arrived in the US in 1989. Her article is reprinted exactly as she sent it.
A couple of days ago I received a phone call from an acquaintance. She asked to see if I could go to the hospital to pray for her daughter (mother of five) whom OD the night before and was in ICU. I stated that no visitor allow in ICU. But Lupe said “if you tell them you are from the church they might let you in.” Simultaneously I heard Holy Spirit said “Go!” So, I went.
While I got to ICU the nurse told me no visitor, I said ” I am from the church and I am here to pray.” She said “O! This way.” She led me to Mari whom the minute she saw me she was weeping uncontrollably. I held her like a baby, praising God and thanking the Lord for her life. It must have lasted a good 5 minutes. She finally calm down.
We talked and Mari told me they were going to transferred her to Davenport or Iowa City for further evaluations. She will stay there for two days and she was concerned about her children. I said “don’t worry, God is in control.” 20 min. later the doctor came in and told us Mari can go home. We were very shocked and praising and thanking God.
I gave Mari a ride home to her mom’s house where her five children were. They invited me in. They were very happy to see me and Mari and we began to fellowship. During the fellowship, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I was able to give them the gospel and was witnessing to them about Jesus Christ.
Through the testimonies and injecting the truth in them I began to see the chain of bondage coming off them, years of torment, hatred, misunderstanding, control one by one just peeling off their relationship. The power of the testimony of Jesus Christ was at work. They repented because their eyes were opened. Suddenly they felt this deep hunger for Jesus because they saw His glory and love. And they were ready for the Lord, they received the Lord and reconciled with God and each other. The curse was broken and heaven rejoice because seven more souls were added [re-committed] to the name of Jesus Christ.
Sue Cox is the mother of four children and a self-employed seamstress. She converted to Christ from Buddism in 2005 and is a member of the Church of the Living Water.
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