Let’s give credit where credit is due. Great heroes abound in his time of crisis. Nursing home workers, nurses, policemen, firemen, first responders, doctors, lab workers, clergymen, and many others deserve recognition. All of these are sacrificing and laying their lives on the line to save others.
All of these are receiving well deserved accolades for saving lives. In addition, there are men, women and young people saving lives for all eternity. Let’s recognize them. Those who save lives during the current crisis deserve great credit. And those who save lives for all eternity join a cadre of unsung heroes that deserves even greater honor.
This website exists to recognize and encourage soul-winners. They are the greatest heroes.
Angie Fredrickson is a real heroine. She sent this reply in the comment box of this website a while back, months before the quarantine. Here is Angie’s story.
I led someone to Chris
We were on a flight from PDX [Portland International Airport] to Santa Barbara. It was my husband, me and another lady sitting together.
I struck up a conversation with the lady, asking the Lord [at the same time] if I should share with her. He gave me the go-ahead.
The problem was we were landing, so I had to be precise. As we sat on the landing strip, stopped and not moving, I prayed with her as she received the Lord.
Then the plane went into the place of disembarkation. I asked my husband if the pilot told us why we were sitting on the landing strip. Even though my husband was in prayer as I shared, he said neither the pilot nor flight attendant said anything.
As we went into this very small airport terminal our son-in-law asked “Why were you sitting out there on the strip so long?” I told him it was so I could lead this nice lady to the Lord!”
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