I intend to show from the Scriptures that the Spirit of Christ indwells the communion elements.
As a background, let’s examine briefly the Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran concepts of the Eucharist. I use the terms Communion, Eucharist, Lord’s Table and Lord’s Supper interchangeably.
The Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran Interpretation of Communion
Catholic theology teaches that in each mass Christ is crucified afresh. However, chapters 7-9 of the book of Hebrews state seven times that Christ died once and for all. Catholics also need to reconsider the basic doctrine of transubstantiation (the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining).
At the same time, it seems to me Catholics—especially charismatic Catholics—experience healings and deliverances in Eucharistic services far more frequently than Pentecostals and Evangelicals.
The Reformed tradition teaches that the bread and juice (or wine) merely represent the true body and blood of Christ. This is clearly a Western, rationalistic understanding of communion. It fails to grasp the Biblical, Hebraic and Mid-Eastern mindset. Compared to other communion concepts the representative view of communion lacks the power portrayed in Scripture. For example, in 1 Corinthians 11:30 we see many church people got sick or even died as a result of improper communion. Consequently, Luther was right to reject it.
One aspect of the reformed view that could be seen as positive is this: it is easily grasped by the Western mindset.
Martin Luther viewed the Lord’s Supper as the “Real Presence” of Christ, and denied both the Catholic and Zwinglian theologies. He saw the elements as “vehicles” to bring the “Real Presence” of Christ to the participant.
The Lutheran view realizes at least some of the power of the Biblical concept of Communion. However, it does not explain the “how” or the “why” that the “Real Presence” is in the communion. Ask any Lutheran to explain communion and you will most likely find bewilderment. I spent years in the Lutheran Church and never, not even once, found a clear explanation of Communion.
Proposed Pentecostal Understanding of Holy Communion
Spirits Inhabit People and Other Living Beings
In the Bible, there exist numerous times when spirits, either good or bad, attached themselves to people. Saul, David, the Gadarene demoniac, the twelve disciples of Acts 2 are examples. At least once, demons came upon a herd of hogs, which caused the pigs to rush into the sea and drown.
Spirits Inhabit Physical Objects
That spirits inhabit people and physical objects should never be doubted by students of the Bible or astute observers of modern life.
Let me offer two clear examples.
First, the Ark of the Covenant (1 Sam 5:1-12). The power of the Spirit in the Ark of God proved superior to the power in the Philistine god Dagon. Further, wherever the Ark went among the Philistines, it caused tumors and confusion.
Second, the false prophet gives breath (Gr: pneuma or spirit) to the image [statue] of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed (Rev 13:15).

Photo by Josh Marshall on Unsplash
If you practice deliverance ministry, you have undoubtedly uncovered spirits attached to objects or houses. I have personally cast out spirits from houses and seen not only the house, but also the people living in the house, set free.
How many times have naive people kept a little Buddhist statue on the shelf in their home only to find out it was bringing depression and confusion into their life? Remove the statue and the depression leaves.

I have cast many spirits out of many different people. When the spirits go, depression, sickness, confusion, deception also go. (Obviously, not every symptom can be traced to a spirit. Spirits don’t cause every symptom. There are other causes as well. Let me make that clear.)
The Biblical Basis for the Spirit of Christ Indwelling the Communion Elements of Bread and Wine (or Juice).
A Pentecostal Theology of the Eucharist
From the Garden of Eden onward there exists a connection between food and acts of God. When Eve and Adam bit the apple (or peach, or fig?), humanity was forever changed. God sent a spiritual curse or punishment on Satan, Eve, Adam, the ground, and the entire human race (Gen 3:14-19).
God has always had a significant interest in our food and how it relates to Him.
In fact, the Old Covenant was ratified with food and drink . . . . they saw God, and they ate and drank (Ex 24:11b). What an astounding point of contact with the seventy elders of Israel!
At the first Passover meal, God judged the gods of Egypt. Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments—I am the LORD (Ex 12:12). The Egyptian gods were false gods, yet powerful enough to control much of Egyptian society.
The Passover Meal (and the Lord’s Table that fulfills it) has untold power for those who eat in faith. The Passover Meal took place just hours before the Exodus from Egypt. Can you imagine the condition of the Israeli people? They were slaves, harassed and whipped by merciless slave masters. Without a doubt, many were sick, weak, or injured. They were laden with the diseases of Egypt. But when they ate the Passover Lamb, remarkable things happened. Psalm 105:37 relates the memorable results of eating the Passover Lamb!
Then He brought them out with silver and gold, And among His tribe there was not one who stumbled (NASV). There was not one feeble person among their tribes. (KJV). (Excerpted from my book Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys).
In the New Testament we find even common everyday food became sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer (1 Tim 4:5). In other words, the food was changed, altered, made holy, because of God’s word and prayer. How much more, the communion elements!
1 Corinthians 10:16-21 specifically addresses the issue of whether or not spirits indwell food. Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ?
This passage specifically refers to the Lord’s Table of the New Testament church. The cup (of wine or juice) and the loaf of bread had to be blessed [with some sort of thanksgiving or ritual]. Then it became a sharing in the bloody sacrificial death of Christ. The Greek word used is koinonia, which means a sharing, participation, or fellowship in something.
When we partake of the food, we partake of the God who gave the food. For the pagans, there was a demon spirit in the food. Paul said, I do not want you to become sharers in demons (1 Cor 10:20). In contrast, for the Christian communion, there is the Spirit of Christ with the food.
Some reviewers swallow hard (pun intended!) at the thought that either demons or the Spirit of Christ can attach to the food we eat. More than one has pointed to 1 Corinthians 8:4 we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world, thereby denying the possibility that spirits inhabit foods.
But read on. In the very next verse Paul acknowledges that there are so called gods whether in heaven or on earth; in fact, there are many gods and many lords (1 Cor 8:5).
How could this become any clearer? When the pagans ate food sacrificed to the idol gods, they took into their bodies the demonic spirits of those gods.
When believers imbibe the bread and drink, we take into our bodies the Spirit of Christ that indwells the elements.
Communion a Point of Contact with God
In His great mercy and grace, God has selected many connection points with His children. Some are one-time events. In contrast, communion is an ongoing event until Christ returns.
The most common point of connection is the church service. For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst (Matt 18:20). Other points of connection in Scripture are the Ark of the Covenant, the cloud, handkerchiefs and aprons, hands laid upon a person, Jesus’ robe, tithes and offerings, anointing with oil, even the bones of Elisha and the bronze serpent.
Why is a point of contact with God so important? Because it’s a specific time and place where God interacts with a person or group. A point of contact is a God-ordained time and place where God has chosen to supernaturally act. That’s why there are healings and other supernatural acts at the Lord’s Table.
Dangers of the Pentecostal Theology of Communion (That the Spirit of Christ Indwells the Bread and Juice)
While a Pentecostal understanding of the Eucharist holds the promise of the release of greater connection and power with God, it also poses dangers. I mention two.
The greatest danger is turning the Eucharist or the elements into an idol. This happened with the bronze serpent. Originally, God directed Moses to make the bronze serpent as a remedy for the snake bites (Numbers 21:9). All who gazed at the serpent in faith, God healed. As the years progressed, however, the bronze serpent became an idol and finally had to be destroyed (2 Kings 18:4).
An associated danger with all theologies of communion, not only with the approach that I’m proposing, is that of coming to the altar with wrong attitudes. This includes coming with lack of forgiveness, without love toward people, and without faith to connect with God.
I have written briefly showing instances from Scripture and life where spirits, both good and evil, attach themselves to people and objects. I applied this to the Lord’s Table.
Now I ask for your thoughts. Are you and your church people experiencing the power and presence of Christ in communion? We have always found a little, but only a little, of the magnificence of Christ that He deserves in communion. That is until recently. As I have begun to explore and teach a Pentecostal communion, our church is beginning to come alive at the Lord’s Table due to the Spirit of Christ inhabiting the elements.
Several ministers have reviewed this article. I especially thank Edgar Mendez of Queretaro and Edgar Olvera from Mexico City for their extensive input and corrections. Nevertheless, the contents remain my own and I am solely responsible for the concepts.
May God bless and promote you. Again, please share your thoughts with me. I value your input.
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