Ethan Anderson became lead pastor of the Church of the Living Water on August 9, 2020.
This fulfills Kari’s and my hopes and dreams for Ethan and the church.

This process has been going on for at least 20 years. Probably before—since his birth. At times we were not aware of God’s plan. At other times we lost sight of God’s plan. But in recent years it became most evident to us and to the congregation that Ethan was the man to take leadership in the church.
Ethan has served as youth leader, “intern,” missionary, and most recently as associate pastor. God called him into ministry at a young age. This calling was confirmed by prophecy in Goshen, Indiana at a ministers’ conference in about 2000.
He was ordained into Christian ministry at the Church of the Living Water on July 19, 2020.

At the time of his ordination, Ray Oehme (Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Muscatine, Iowa) informally representing pastors and churches of our city, gave a stirring accolade to Ethan, his character, and ministry.
Ethan will become the senior pastor of the church, but more than senior pastor. He will become point man of a team that will continue to lead the church forward. I will continue as a teaching pastor on the team. Current and future elders, deacons, interns, in fact, all the congregation will serve as members of the team to reach the community and bring the Kingdom of God.
A Leadership Team ministry carries several advantages over the single leader model. It avoids a “one man show.” It blends the strengths of several leaders. It brings diversity. It allows for leaders to travel and minister in a wider circle. It fulfills the New Testament vision for multiple leadership.
As such we are submitting to the Holy Spirit and building His vision to become a New Testament Church.
I encourage you all to pray for Ethan, Bethany and their family. Let’s all encourage Ethan and support him as he enters a new leadership role.
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