How to Find Direction by Praying In Tongues

Does “How to find direction by praying in tongues” pique your curiosity?

Need guidance and direction for day-to-day matters? We all do. Try this process.

Praying in tongues makes our love for Jesus grow and glow. The child-like act of speaking in tongues with Jesus keeps us filled with the Holy Spirit.

In this relationship, the Spirit of Christ often alerts us to a fresh thought or feeling. It’s usuallly just as soft as a whisper or a feather tickling our arm. We have to become alert and open to the Spirit world to recognize this.

This is how God generally “speaks” to his sons and daughters.

Perhaps an impression will come through a “quickened” verse of Scripture (a verse that garners our attention). Or perhaps an impression will come through a picture in the mind’s eye.

Some people receive these God-ideas through dreams. I once asked a young woman who receives a lot of direction and “God-thoughts” through dreams, “”How do you get so many spiritual dreams?” Abigail replied, “I speak in tongues before I go to sleep.”

By receiving this impression, this idea, this whisper, this “quickened” word or vision through faith and alertness—we find the faith to focus our time, money, attention or efforts.

Really, it’s all about relationship–relation to Jesus and His Spirit–and the faith to act on whatever They “whisper” to us.

Yes, speaking in tongues ushers us into a new realm, a realm not of the mind but of the Spirit. It can be daunting, but it’s certainly exciting. Do you want to add some adventure to your life? Extend your spiritual antennas. Go for it!

And yes, we will make mistakes as we are experimenting in this new realm. But aren’t we making some mistakes with what we are doing now?

Here’s a real-life story of how this process worked out for me in about the year 2000.

God impressed me in a dream to begin a Chaplaincy Program at Muscatine Community College. After prayer, I approached the college president with the proposal. He listened, but was non-committal. I waited, wondering what would happen. However, just before the school year began, the president called with the announcement, “Let’s start!”

For years the faculty, staff and students at Muscatine Community College have enjoyed the services of the Chaplaincy Program. Pastors and leaders from about twenty churches staff the program.

This Chaplain’s Program directly resulted from a dream. God-given dreams stem from the out-pouring of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues (Acts 2:17-18). Focused faith resulted in clear direction and guided us to effectively serve college students.

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