B Mark Anderson Health Update
Health update for June, 2015. Praise God! My last check up at Mercy Hospital Cancer Care Center in Iowa City showed no sign of cancer. In fact, the past 3 or 4 check ups have all shown no sign of cancer.
As some of you know, I began having pains in my abdomen and numbness in my feet around Thanksgiving time in November, 2011. A few months later I was diagnosed with Stage 4 long cell lymphoma which had settled in my lungs. Stage 4 means cancer tumors had metastasized, or spread, to other organs.
Chemotherapy intervened to spare my life and give time to find a cure. Modern medicine is God’s gift to men. However, chemotherapy doesn’t cure cancer because it doesn’t deal with the cause. That’s why this dreadful disease invariably returns after treatment. In fact, the cure rate in the United States from chemo treatments is only 2.1 % according to a large published study by physicians. My own doctor gave me only a 10% chance of survival.
I didn’t like the odds! Faith-building scriptures and anointed prayers combined to give me a gradual yet miraculous healing. God did what chemo could not do.
We also prayed a bunch and began a diligent search for a plan that would keep me alive. Our son Andrew gave us a copy of Bill Henderson’s How to Cure Almost Any Cancer at Home for $5.15 a Day. Basically, we began to follow Bill Henderson’s protocol and I adhere to it every day with rare exceptions.
Our cancer physician, Dr James Feeley, a wonderful gentleman and a top oncologist who knows our alternative treatment procedures, now says, “Keep on doing what you’re doing.”
In short, chemo treatments intervened early to save my life, God’s miraculous intervention cured me from cancer, and alternative practices such as eating more vegetables and daily meditation on God’s word have helped maintain good health.
To those of you who have prayed for my healing, I say a happy “Thanks.” It’s good to be alive. I believe His plan for the rest of our days is for my wife and I to travel and minister prophetically with churches and individuals. In general, no one needs to die from cancer anymore and we can point people in the right direction.
I’m not in remission. I’m on a mission to see mothers and fathers stay alive and children grow up with their own daddys and mommys.
I’m nearly finished with the book Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys.
May God set our hearts afire with love for Him and each other!
Mark what a wonderful report! I am happy and surprised by the good news, and pray for MANY fruitful months and years ahead for you and Kari! I heard that the Patmos team from Elim was with Living Waters last Sunday, really wish I could have been there with them!