Now this is an eye-opener. For years heart disease has caused more deaths than anything else. That has changed recently. Now cancer By-passes Cardiovascular Disease as Leading Cause of Death in High Income Countries. https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/cardiovascular-disease-is-biggest-killer-globally-but-cancer-overtakes-in-some-countries#:~:text=Cardiovascular%20disease%20was%20the%20most,in%20between%20HIC%20and%20LIC.–last accessed 9/4/2020
Cardiovascular disease was the most common cause of death overall. But in HIC [high income countries], cancer deaths occurred twice as often as cardiovascular deaths.
The PURE study(2) was conducted in 21 countries–4 high-income [HIC], 12 middle-income [MIC], and 5-low-income [LIC]) and included urban and rural sites across five continents. Households were selected to broadly represent the sociodemographic composition of their community. This analysis included 162,534 community-dwelling adults aged 35 to 70 years. Participants were contacted at least every three years to ascertain their vital status and the occurrence of incident diseases and hospitalisations. Participants were followed for nearly ten years.
The results were published at the European Society of Cardiology (among other venues) on September 3, 2019. Because PURE study(2) was funded by 71 separate entities, rather than just one source, it is seen as highly reliable.
Note: The US was not included in the 4 high income countries comprising the study.
By His favor, God has decided to keep me alive following the scourge of cancer. My story is included in Answer for Cancer:9 Keys.
The book tells how I beat cancer. Buy it to prevent or heal cancer in your own life or in the life of someone you love.
Gerald Fuller got the book and just did what it said. In 3 months he became cancer free.
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