The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is NOT . . .

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is NOT . . .
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is NOT . . .

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

Given because you are good, righteous, sanctified, holy, or mature. Quite the contrary; the most famous writer of the New Testament (Paul) was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues only hours after he had washed the blood off his terrorist hands.

The Holy Spirit is given to whose who have faith to receive Him (Gal 3:1).

Thirsty for God? You are a candidate to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit John 7:37-39!

In Luke 11:13, Jesus gives only one condition to receive His Holy Spirit. ASK!

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

Given because You are better than anyone else. In fact, you may be worse. Think about Paul before he arrived in Damascus.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

Given as a reward for service. Rather, the Holy Spirit is given to empower God’s people for service.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

Something to be “tarried” for in the sense you have to “wait” for Jesus to “do something” for you. The Holy Spirit was already given at the day of Pentecost.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Does Not

Does not mean “controlled” by the Holy Spirit. Demons control people. The Holy Spirit comes inside a person to guide and cleanse, not “control” a person. Spirit-filled believers are not robots. Each enjoys free choice. Each has a conscience. Each makes mistakes. Including me!

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

A “get home free card.” Each Christian is responsible for his/her own actions and will be judged accordingly at the Judgment Seat of Christ. In fact, To whom much is given, much will be required Luke 12:48. A Spirit-baptized Christian may well have a stricter judgment than anyone not empowered by the Spirit.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit Does Not

Does not necessarily change everyone’s behavior or habits immediately. It may take time. Yet, be assured. He is inside you working to make you more like Jesus as the days go by.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

A panacea. When we receive God’s Holy Spirit, we are empowered by Him to do His pleasure. We are empowered to witness and share Christ with other people. We still need to let the Word of God have it’s full range within us. God’s word–alongside the Spirit–sanctifies a believer John 17:20.

We still need a local church. Fact of the matter: Spirit-filled believers need a local church more, not less, than ever. A local church that’s working right tethers us to reality. Just because we are anointed with Power from on High, doesn’t mean we can fly off and do whatever we choose. The local church helps a Spirit-empowered person stay focused, develop his/her gifts, and keep humble.

A local church will help a spirit-empowered believer to find God’s timing for action. It’s much more difficult to find God’s timing than to find God’s will. For instance, I once was planning a round-the-world ministry trip. When I submitted this plan to the church elders, I received no confirmation. One elder spoke succinctly, ” I don’t think you should go at this time.” A year or so later I looked back: That elder was right on. He saved me mega amounts of trouble and grief.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Not

The end. More accurately, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a beginning. He opens the divine adventure to us in a way which no one knows until a person experiences it for himself.

Even then, I have met believers who experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit, but stop using Jesus’ gift of tongues. That makes Jesus sad. He paid the cost on the cross for you to use tongues.

Tongues keep us filled with the Spirit. Here’s an opportunity: Double the time you speak in tongues, and see what happens!


  1. Receiving this today has been a tremendous encouragement, Mark..

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