chicken evangelism experiences
Chicken Evangelism! Here’s another example of how it works.
James’ story, below, is not unique; rather, it shows the power of the seed of God planted within man’s spirit, even if he is rebellious. It also shows the power of prayer and the love of God toward us all.
I met James only one time and that was only for a few precious minutes together. We met at a mall at Christmas time in about 2010.
My wife was wrapping presents at a store in the Muscatine Mall. While waiting for her to finish her shift, I sat down in an empty chair beside another waiting man.
I introduced myself and began a conversation with James. He was in his twenties and dressed in sweat clothes, if I remember correctly. We talked about sports to pass the time.
Since I’m passionate about Christ, I asked him, without much delay, “Have you received Jesus Christ into your life?” (I knew I needed to ask within the first minutes of the conversation; if I delayed, I would “chicken out.”)
James responded to my “chicken evangelism” question rather dejectedly, “No, I haven’t. But my wife has.” (Did he think his wife’s Christianity would rescue him?)
“That’s good for her,” I returned, “and I have some really good news for you, too. Jesus Christ loves you. He died for your sins … and He rose again from the dead! He has a free gift for you that’s called “Salvation!” It’s not because we are good or bad; it’s just a wonderful gift.
James listened quietly and didn’t say much. I asked, “Does this make sense to you?”
“Yes,” he finally said.
“Do you understand what I’m saying about salvation: that it’s a free gift because Jesus paid the price for our sins?”
Again, “Yes.”
The conversation flowed naturally; nothing dramatic, but very real.
My new acquaintance was sitting right beside me; just two guys talking in the mall. I continued, “Since this makes sense to you, is there any reason why you would not want to accept Christ Jesus into your life right now?”
It was all very matter-of-fact. After prompting, James bowed his head and prayed. I didn’t hear his words, but after a while he lifted his head and said, “I did it.”
He seemed happier than he was a few minutes before, but nothing very emotional. As we talked, he explained that his wife attended an Assembly of God church. I strongly encouraged him to go with her to church.
I have never seen James since that life-changing moment at the mall, but I’ve never forgotten him. Neither has God.
This week I said hello to a woman I recognized at the HyVee Restaurant. She introduced me to her daughter who was with her. The daughter turned out to be James’ wife! They enthusiastically started telling me about James. He has become a genuine disciple of the Lord Jesus, attending church every week. He is faithful as a husband and father, serving God whole-heartedly. He had enrolled in a “Road to Emmaus” course that had been instrumental in bringing him along.
His wife literally beamed as she reported her husband’s commitment and said, “James has never forgotten you!”
Without a doubt, other influences helped James on the road to discipleship. But one thing I know for certain: James prayed to receive Christ and now he is a follower of Jesus. Praise God!
Have you tried bringing up Christ with a stranger … before you chicken out? How wonderful is Chicken Evangelism! James’ story verifies that we are “born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable . . .” (I Peter 1:23). You can reach people for Christ through Chicken Evangelism. The reward is LIFE for all who believe! We can do it because the seed of Christ is in us!
If you have led anyone to salvation through Christ recently, tell your story in the comment box or by contacting me directly. I’d love to hear from you.