The Situation
Jesus had just healed a “crazy” man and more recently, an incurable woman. Both were “impossible situations.”
Now He was at home in Capernaum and an elder in his home synagogue requested He come immediately to deal with a twelve-year-old daughter who was either dying or already dead.
The situation was dire. Which was worse? Death, fear, or unbelief?
Death didn’t faze Jesus. He saw fear and the surrounding atmosphere of unbelief as the greater obstacles.
The Problem
Why make a commotion and weep? (Mark 5:39). Jesus came to restore life. But as He entered the house of the synagogue leader, he observed a commotion with people loudly weeping and wailing.
In our lower nature, we are attracted to sickness. As soon as we hear the report “someone is in the hospital,” we want to know more details. Often times, people get attention when sick. Statistics, doctor’s diagnoses, who else is sick–all these add to the mounting conversation.
Some of this may be necessary, but in the case of Jairus’ daughter, Jesus came to heal.
The Solution
Jesus cut though the commotion: Jesus spoke the word of truth. Even though the girl had been pronounced dead, Jesus saw the reality. The child is not dead, but sleeping.
Healing requires the accurate set of data points. Natural observance is not always accurate. Doctors’ statements offer the doctor’s perspective.
The Word of God offers reality. Sanctify us in Your truth. Your word is truth (John 17:17).
Jesus’s first action was to stop fear in the father, who was the authority figure in this case. Do not be afraid, only believe.(Mark 5:36). He replaced fear with faith.
Next, Jesus cut off all unbelief. He allowed no one to follow Him except His three companions (Mark 5:37). He was adamant about no doubters to come to the house. Only those who could push faith over the top could come to the house with Him.
Can you imagine what a stir this made among His disciples? Among His supporters?
The line had been drawn. Jesus was steeling Himself against doubt, skepticism and unbelief. Emotion was focused on health and resurrection. Adrenalin raged in His body and He would let nothing interfere.
Suddenly, the crisis went south as Christ and His compatriots approached Jairus’ house: The whole house reeked of hopelessness and death. The din of death was resounding throughout the neighborhood. The atmosphere of death had grown and prevailed. After all, people were simply facing “reality.”
Jesus immediately challenged the commotion, the attention, the emotion, the wailing, the weeping. He put an end to all of it. He put them all outside.
To put them all outside is an understatement. The Greek word is ek-ballo. It is a strong word, the same word used to cast out demons.
Then He altered the atmosphere. He displaced the attention and the noise in the room with His presence and some young believers learning grace.
Do you think this action was easy for Jesus? No, there is strong tradition to surround the sick with sympathy. In fact, well-meaning friends and sympathizers began laughing at Jesus. The laughing was mockery and ridicule, not humor. King James translation says, they laughed Him to scorn.
But Jesus proceeded to put them all out. He insisted on exclusive focus on health and resurrection.
How I Was Healed From Stage 4, Inoperable Cancer
I understand what Jesus was doing. I had to do the same.
I shut out all negative and neutral influences. I was in the hospital when I realized I could not take in the news. The oncologist gave me a 10 % chance to survive. I could not accept his prognosis. When I got home from the hospital, I asked that no one be allowed to call. I could not allow sympathy. I allowed no movies of people suffering from cancer.
I requested a singer to come to the house and sing hymns to me. I got a hymnbook and began to absorb the choruses. The Bible became my diet book and my textbook. Hope and faith only were allowed to enter my room.
Mark 5:35-43 is Jesus’ playbook for local church healing. Jairus, which may mean “shining one,” was the name of the the synagogue leader of Jesus’ home town.
When the local church concentrates positive faith and love on a sick person, God acts. When the local church piles on the positive expectation of healing, God acts. When the local church isolates a person in the cocoon of redemptive faith and hope, the power of God swings the needy into the supernatural realm.
Few understand the power of disproportionate faith and prayer. Desperate conditions require desperate accumulations of action.
O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise. . . These are the voices of the local church surrounding the needy. This is the resounding roar of the redeeming church in action. This is the triumphant cry of the army of God engaged in battle. This is the militant church fulfilling her destiny. May we surround the sick with such a chorus!
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