What is Biblical Manhood?

Most men don’t know what Biblical manhood is. That’s a problem because most people, including women, admire genuine masculinity.

Let’s face it. Ever since Adam we men have failed in numerous ways. But this is no time to rehearse failure. Rather, let’s survey the opposition and move ahead.

Opposition? There’s plenty. Yes, Virginia, there is a war against men. Primarily, the war against Biblical manhood arises from that ancient foe, the devil. He tries to tempt, deceive and accuse men. The devil is working to corrupt God’s design for men and he has a lot of allies today. For example, the American Psychological Association condemns “traditional masculinity as harmful.”

Satan is attempting to turn culture against Biblical manhood. (He is also trying to corrupt God’s design for genuine femininity, but that’s a subject for another day.)

Culture abounds with pejorative phrases such as “toxic masculinity.” Men, especially “white men” are pictured as evil in popular articles and movies. The Kavanaugh hearings exposed many people’s anger toward men of even impeccable reputation.

For the height of ludicrosity, Facebook now lists 71 gender options. You read that right–71 different gender options! According to Facebook, a man can be born a man, but morph into myriad other options. That is to say, a man doesn’t even have to be a man anymore. He can be half a man or a woman even no man at all.

So Where are the Men?

Behold, the Man! The announcement of Governor Pontius Pilate makes one Man stand out. I’m not talking only about sin or holiness. I’m talking about manhood in the traditional sense.

Jesus showed the endurance of a Navy Seal. From Thursday morning to His death about 3 pm Friday afternoon, He was awake amid some of the most exhausting trials anyone could endure. Betrayed by closest supporters, questioned by religious leaders and civil authorities, mocked and beaten by soldiers, scourged by Roman whipmasters, He was without sleep for over 40 hours according to my count.

Toward the end of that ordeal, beaten, mocked and abused by the Roman gendarmes, he was paraded before the governor. When Pilate saw Him, He marveled, Behold the Man. (Some say, Pilate was sarcastic and ridiculing. I say He was admiring, or at the very least, trying to figure out “Who is this Man?”

Christ’s deportment under scrutiny demonstrates a man of both physical and emotional strength.

What is Biblical Manhood?

What are the qualities of a Bible man, a true man?

In regard to vertical relationships, there is no distinction between men and women. That is, before God (the vertical relationship) man and woman are the same. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28).

However, in regard to human relationships we find a time-tested divine order. But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Every man who has something on his head while praying or prophesying disgraces his head. (1 Corinthians 11:$) . There are too many man hiding behind their hats today. Here’s my call. Where are you? Come forth, O man of God!

What Does Biblical Manhood Look Like? Five Traits for Starters

Biblical men speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, 4:25)

Adam was silent when he should have protected Eve. While silence may sometimes be golden, many men are afraid to speak out when we need to. Jesus spoke clearly to the Pharisees, Doom to you, and He did it in love for the purpose of waking them up so they could be saved (Matthew 23).

Biblical men become filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)

Jesus was filled with the Spirit. ‘Tis a great need for men today so we can become sharers of our faith.

Biblical men fear Christ (Ephesians 5:22)

We fear Christ because He is God. All believers in Christ will stand before the Judgement seat of Christ. At that time we will have to give an account of our lives and be judged for our works (1 Corinthians 3:8ff).

Biblical men take leadership (Ephesians 5:23)

God ordained men to take leadership. Man is not the head of the home; he is head of the wife. God even compares the man to Christ as “savior” of his wife. He saves his wife though prayer (anybody can do this!) and example, as well as other ways.

Biblical men show love through sacrifice (Ephesians 5:25)

Sacrifice is not a featured theme in society these days. Yet it is God’s signature call to men. W are called to lay down our lives for our wives in much the same way Christ laid down His life for the church.

Agape love (covenantal, commitment-type love) rather than eros or romantic love is the type spoken of here. It is shown in forgiveness, focus and until-death-us-do-part commitment to the wife of his vows.

The Tank Man Illustrates Biblical Manhood

I’m not saying the Tank Man of Tiananmen Square was a Christian or had all the qualities of Biblical manhood. But he certainly demonstrated sacrifice and commitment and willingness to lay down his own life.

Click here to view the remarkable 2:22 minute tank man video

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