Simple Faith Saves
Simple Faith Saves
A famed jailer of yesteryear asked, “What must I do to be saved?” He got a simple answer, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” Did he have theological understanding? No, his simple faith saved him.
What did Zacchaeus do to be saved? He came down from the tree and “received Him (Jesus) gladly.”
What about the thief on the cross? He believed Jesus would come in His Kingdom.
All three experienced salvation in different ways, yet one aspect was common to all. They connected to God through simple faith in Jesus.
I too was saved though simple faith. I prayed, “Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.” And He did.
Some people need time and abundant information. We should give it to them. Others are already prepared to receive Christ. They have enough information. In the end, no matter how intellectual a person is, childlike faith opens the door to eternal life. Like St. Paul, we can help people by making the gospel clear so they can respond in simple faith.
I was witnessing to a man who was hesitant to receive Christ. He said, “I go by science rather than religion.” As we talked further, I sensed he had plenty of knowledge about Christ, but was sitting on the fence. He just needed to make a decision. Would he follow Christ or not? I told him, “You’re ready. You don’t need more info. You just need to make a decision about who you want to live your life for.”
I said, “I’m going to leave you alone for a few minutes. Think about this. When I come back let me know what you’ve decided.”
About five minutes later, I came back. “I did it!” He announced happily. Praise God! He just needed to take the simple faith plunge. You can help people by inviting them to take a step of simple faith.
Make the Gospel Simple
Chicken evangelism is dedicated to the simple gospel (Christ died for our sins, Christ rose from the dead) and simple faith (believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved). Let me be clear. We’ll do whatever it takes to win a person to Christ for all eternity. However, when it comes to religion many people appreciate the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid!
You Can Be a Soul Winner
We are winning souls for Jesus. You can too. Immerse yourself in these blog posts. You will be inspired and become a soul-winner. God’s love for the lost will grow on you. He doesn’t want His suffering and death on the cross to have no effect. Your own simple faith can inspire others. Will you join with us to populate heaven?
If you have led someone to salvation through personal evangelism, tell your story in the comment box below. Others will find inspiration from your story.
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