Part 1 appeared last week and can be viewed here. The title was The Taxi Driver and the Bishop: the Monumental Importance of the Church. It’s an eye-opener and worth reading in a day some people don’t think church is relevant.

The Quest for the Holy Spirit —
My Second Major Impression
Just before we left Murang’a, we met an Anglican Bishop, the Venerable P. M. Kariuki. The bishop felt badly he was dressed in civilian clothes instead of his clerical collar and garments. He drove a 30 or 40-year-old Toyota pickup. Nothing memorable there, but his words I may never forget.
Kari asked him pointedly, “Do you speak in tongues?” His answer was clear and to the point. “No, that is what we are missing. What we need in Kenya is the Holy Spirit.”
His words beckon us back to Kenya.
God is moving in Kenya. What the established churches are seeking, the newer Pentecostal-type churches are supplying. The Spirit–filled churches are the revivalists and reformers.
The photo above is by Tim Easley on Unsplash
My Third Major Impression
The Need for Unity among Believers
At a pastor’s prayer meeting, Peter the leader said, “Our greatest need is not money. We have great resources in Kenya. What we need is unity.” They are believing God for a neutral place where believers from every Christian denomination can spend hours or days or weeks in prayer and fasting much like the Korean model of Prayer Mountain.

The photo above shows the hands of Pastor Isaac, some church leaders of the Full Gospel Church of Marang’a and my wife’s (Kari’s) hands. (I wasn’t praying–I was snapping the photo.)
The need for unity is great. We experienced the Psalm 133 blessing of unity with Pastor Isaac and other churches in Kenya. Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in
unity. It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion.
Kari and I travelled to the border of (and slightly beyond) Murang’a County to meet with three Catholic priests. What a blessed time! After a tour of the grounds and buildings, we chatted over lunch. Father Kevin, Father Michael and Father Edwin shared their vision of developing parts of their10 acres of church property into agricultural use. They have begun by hiring unemployed workers to prepare the ground and plant garden seeds. Each day the priests pray with the workers, not only providing jobs but also offering spiritual direction.
As Kari and I lunched and prayed with the priests, the Holy Spirit manifestly attended, sealing our oneness in Christ.
Lazarus, come forth! shouted Jesus to the dead man. In the same way the church needs the apostolic ministry to come out of the tombs and come alive. A chief function of an apostle is to bring unity.
Apostles claim new ground for the kingdom by opening new concepts for the church. Jesus words Beloved, let us love one another are having a hard time travelling across denominational lines. Apostles can and must bridge gaps between genuine believers. Praise God for all who are fulfilling this ministry.
Let me issue a clarion call for those who have this ministry. Apostles, come forth! The need for unity is great and awaits your ministry.
Upon return, Pastor Morris marveled and explained. “What you did was historic! This may be the first time in Kenya that Protestants and Catholics have prayed together! I doubt that those priests had ever prayed with Protestants before. This is historic for Kenya!”
Whether historic or not, I don’t know. What I do know is this: Jesus prayed that they may all be one . . . that the world may believe that You sent Me (John17:21).
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