Every word of a gospel witness is a precious seed. What happens when someone rejects the word?
Read on to find out. . .
I was at my girlfriend’s house for prayer and lunch. After we ate, we sat down to talk. My friend seemed upset. She began to tell me her frustration. She was deeply concerned about her sister-in-law, who she had been trying to witness to. This woman would not have anything to do with God. In fact, she was adamantly opposed to even hearing anything about the gospel of Jesus Christ. She was strongly against any witness almost to the point of violence with anger.
My friend said she felt that her words were hitting a brick wall.
Suddenly, I saw it!

When the precious seed bounced off the wall, I saw a flock of white doves fly in and catch the seed in mid air. Not one of the precious seeds hit the ground!
In the Spirit I could see a very high cement block wall and the seed being thrown at the wall. When the precious seed bounced off the wall, I saw a flock of white doves fly in and catch the seed in mid air. Not one of the precious seeds hit the ground!
In the vision I was watching as one or two doves carried the seed up and over the wall, just dropping precious seed on the other side. Other doves glided in, caught some seed and flew away with it in their beaks. Nothing was wasted, not the gospel, not my friend’s witness, nor even her time. I realized every word from God returns to the Father and bears fruit.
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Later, this sister-in-law who was so firmly opposed to the gospel came to the Lord through other circumstances and the witness of another believer.
Publisher’s note. Debbie Kerr, pictured here dancing with her son Shaun at his wedding, “gets things” from God. She is a gifted intercessor with a heart for God Himself. She lives with her husband Dave in Muscatine, Iowa. Together they serve God as members of the Church of the Living Water.
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