Bailey the Masonry Man
Bailey heard the good news of Jesus at our farm. He owns and operates Muddy Waters Masonry located in Andalusia, Illinois. When some of the masonry on the front of our house needed repair, we contracted with Bailey to fix the wall.
It turns out Muddy Waters was a great choice. Bailey did a great job quickly and at a good price.
We had a couple of opportunities to convesrse during the project.
“Have you ever given your life to Jesus Christ?” I asked. That question turns out to be a wonderful door-opener for ongoing conversation. Try it. I’ve asked that question, or one like it, probably hundreds of people. About 9 out of every 10 answer either yes or no and the conversation about God opens.
People love to talk about their faith if they have one. And even if they don’t, they like to talk about the faith they don’t have!
Since Bailey and I both grew up as Lutherans, we have a lot in common. I told him what Christ had done for me. and shared the good news: Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead. He offers a free gift to all who believe.
Bailey opened up about his faith. He believes in God and Jesus, but doesn’t want to go to church. “I work hard, and Sunday is the only day I have for myself.”
We made a good start together. Bailey is not on my mailing list, but I wish he could see 5 Reasons to Join a Local Church.
This Phone Man Heard the Gospel

I love to share the gospel. It’s exhilarating. Here’s another great guy. He stopped by the house for installation of internet service. You can tell from his smile his response to questions about personal faith in Jesus Christ.
This man is also a Lute. He readily shared his faith and how God is helping him and his family.
As believers in Christ, we have the awesome opportunity to share faith and encourage people.
I find that men in particular need encouragement from other men. Let’s build traffic for the Kingdom of God! One way is simply by sharing our faith. Start by asking questions.
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