Let the Fear of God Fall on the Land
The ongoing exposures of sexual harassment in America and the world are signs of revival. The exposure of church leaders who compromise and fail to repent are a sure sign of God’s judgment. Judgment is part of revival. Judgment begins with the church and continues with all segments of society.
Let’s thank God that the Hollywood icons Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are exposed. Let’s thank God for focusing the light on pastors, senators and others in the church and government. Three megachurch pastors in the Chicago area have recently been forced to resign. The Charlie Rose firing by CBS and Matt Lauer firing by NBC (both months ago) appear to be righteous judgments that help to cleanse the nation and the nation’s airways.
Why is this happening? David Brooks, New York Times columnist and NPR commentator claims political reasons underlie the sudden outcry against harassment against women.
Think again. The sudden morality awareness stems from the prayers of the church. 2 Chronicles 7:14, the enduring watchword of the church is activated and is producing heaven-intended results. Since at least 2017 our sovereign and faithful God is fulfilling His response to those prayers.
In 2012 God spoke to me, “Prepare My people for judgment.”
Are you calling for revival? Join the movement. Let’s become history-makers. Let the fear of God fall on our land!

The expose’ of sin is none other than God’s timely and loving answer to prayer. The prayers of the church are bringing a fear of God on the land.
What about Mercy for Leaders?
Mercy triumphs over judgment. Mercy is God’s first response and is the first response of people like Him. We need to pray for the gift of repentance for leaders (and anyone else) who violates God’s heart and pleasure. If, however, any leader continues in sin and fails to listen to God’s warnings, prayers for divine removal are fitting and Biblical.
Jesus spoke strong words of judgment to the Pharisees and scribes, who were the political and religious leaders of the Jewish nation: Fill up then the measure of the guilt of your fathers (Matthew 23:32). Jesus is warning, “If you continue adding to the sins of your father, you will bring on yourselves divine judgement. ”
Evil leaders are leading their followers into sin. I personally pray for some officials that God remove them if they refuse to repent. “Repentance or removal,” is my plea. The sooner they are removed, the less judgment will fall on them. Is that not God’s mercy?
Fear of God? What Should We Do Now?
Look to ourselves, lest we too be tempted. God is ruthless and jealous. Don’t think any of us can escape if we knowingly harbor sin of any kind.
Let’s keep clamoring on the doors of heaven. A mistake I’ve made in the past is to stop too soon. No more. We cannot stop praying when we see the answers begin to arrive. Better, when answers start pouring in, that’s the signal to pour fuel on the fire. Now is prime time to increase passion and prayer, not diminish either.
Are you calling for revival? Are you calling for the fear of God to fall on our land? I am. Let’s be like Elijah: go ruthlessly for the root cause. There’s much more work to be done.
Featured Photo by Kat Love on Unsplash
Second Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash
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