Journey to authenticity with Sonny Misar
Journey to Authenticity? The phrase is trending as a catchword in some ears. What is meant by “Journey to Authenticity?” In this 18 minute video Sonny Misar relates how God develops authenticity in His children. Sonny speaks with gentle authority from an apostolic perspective.
Note the 6 stages on the journey: new life, learner, warrior, brokenness, surrender and finally, yes finally! — authenticity. Sonny explains “Every stage has it’s glory,” but the stage that shatters us is brokenness. Do we have to go through brokenness (“the dark night of the soul”) to achieve true authenticity? “Yes, it’s part of God’s plan,” asserts Misar.
There’s’ much more for anyone genuinely wanting God to use him or her. Journey to Authenticity is available on Amazon. This book offers welcome training for any aspiring minister and give understanding to any Christian who wonders “Why has the bottom dropped out of my life?”
But Journey to Authenticity doesn’t stop there. Misar offers genuine hope in an understandable and intelligent way to honest seekers. People, especially young people, want authentic leaders. This book will help us all get there.
Now more than ever, character matters. If you are concerned about character in leaders, particularly apostolic leaders, click here.
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