I recently found http://www.oasisworldministries.org/one-minute-witness/ and their exciting ministry. They have a worldwide vision and are effective in personal evangelism and church planting.
Here’s a testimony from George Bunnell, Jr (one of the guys using the one minute witness).
Yesterday I had the opportunity to share with a gentleman who was 93 years old. I walked into Panera in Elk River Minnesota when I noticed a elderly gentleman sitting by himself.
I sparked up a conversation and found out he was 93 years young!:) He shared with me some great things that happened in his life. He then allowed me to share with him the Greatest thing that had ever happened in my life.
I asked him how he thought a person would be able to heaven. He thought being an honest person would get you into you! He also said if you keep the commandments that would qualify you into heaven! This elderly man was so eager to let me share with him what the bible says about qualifying to get to heaven.
I thought as he got into his daughter’s car, “I am possibly the last chance for this man of making a decision to follow Christ.”
I pray he bows his knee to Jesus!
George Bunnell, Jr. is President of Jude 23 Ministries in Minnesota. He is one of the many groups using the materials from Oasis.
There’s a lot more on the Oasis website available here: http://www.oasisworldministries.org/one-minute-witness/
I include the info because we want to develop a culture of faith-sharing. We all want to be better witnesses for Jesus.
One feature of the Oasis plan is how to get the conversation started. Check it out at the link above.
Photo of birds in question mark formation by Ilkka Kärkkäinen on Unsplash.
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