Benjamin Follows God
Publisher’s note: Chicken Evangelism works! Benjamin Primas is an example of one who received Jesus Christ shortly after first hearing the wonderful gospel. The Holy Spirit prepared him. Benjamin lives in Prague, Czech Republic. The email letters are printed with minimal editing.
Letter from Benjamin Primas
Another letter from Benjamin Primas
March 23, 2019
Helo Mark,
The second Bible arrived yesterday. Thank you so much.
I already gave speach from the first one. It’s also very nice I can feel shared faith with you evertime I read from it.
I,m daily teaching many people of Prague to rasie their faith as a flag and share courage and hope with the others.
The life here is going better and better. It is working our.
Blessings to Your family and church!
With love in Christ,
Benjamin (Samson) Primas
Publisher’s note: Learn more about Benjamin’s conversion story here.
Amazing testimony! Share to Jesus is simple, and is God´s will