God is teaching me mega-mercy. I need that. I can be a judgmental type person. The older I grow, the more I realize I need mercy.
Three Stories of How God is Teaching Me Mercy
We have a lot of snow in Muscatine this year. I fell down on my face and banged up my glasses. Later my left lens fell out in the snow. Where exactly it fell, we did not know. I searched in the flower bed, I searched in the walkway, all to no avail. I gave up on the lens. After all, who can find a clear glass lens in the snow? Especially if you don’t know exactly where to look?
The next day our son Samuel was shoveling snow on the walkway. When he heard that I’d lost a lens, he got on his knees and started searching. Lo and behold, he discovered the lens in the snow! Very unusual, I thought.
My wife placed the lens in the glass frame and tightened the minuscule screw. It has not fallen out since, saving us possibly hundreds of dollars. Plus, I can see again. Without glasses I’m lost.
I had a prostate surgery just before the end of 2021. For 30 days I could not lift, push, pull, ride a bicycle or tractor or mower. Frustrating to say the least. During that time, Sam filled our wood box for me. I’m grateful because we heat our house with wood. No wood, no heat.
Most recently, I was helping Sam move items in our pickup truck. The pickup was running noisily. I am not a mechanic, and didn’t know what the problem was, In the middle of the project, just before dark on a snowy night, Sam diagnosed the problem, ordered a new alternator, got the tools and installed the alternator. “You don’t want the alternator to go out on the highway,” he explained.
For judgment will be without mercy to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.
James 2:L3
The Outcome of the Lord’s Teaching
This scripture scares me. It moves me to become a mercy-multiplier. I dare not go through life without God’s great mercy. His mercies are new every morning. I need them. A man just called and requested that I go visit his brother in our local jail. I am making arrangements to visit the fellow in jail.
I really want to be a more merciful man. I have seen the Lord’s teaching. He has moved me. Enough said.