Evangelism Stories
Editor’s note: Personal evangelism stories are both rare and encouraging. Carl Bittner is a former high school classmate of mine. We played basketball and baseball together. We happily reconnected at a class reunion where I was pleased to learn Carl received the Holy Spirit and is an avid witness for Christ. His two dramatic evangelism stories were included in a recent letter. Both show the eternal importance of personal witnessing.
Hi Mark,
Here is one of my little evangelism stories:
For many years I was involved in teaching and training people to do personal evangelism. We saw first hand often the
power of the Holy Spirit working in people’s lives. I remember one year when we had already started a semester of classes
when a woman showed up for class the fourth week. She was determined that she be allowed to take the class even though
we told her that it was already the fourth week and we usually didn’t allow anyone to start that late. She told us, “I believe the
Holy Spirit wants me to take the class now. I can do it. I can catch up.” She did and finished right along with everyone else.
Shortly after the class ended her mother got sick and ended up in the hospital and was dying. This lady now with the ability to
share the gospel, told her mother the way to salvation through Jesus. The mother accepted Jesus as her Savior and died shortly
Here is another of my evangelism stories
The first evening of the beginning of a personal evangelism training class three of us were conversing at the door of our
classroom when a woman came in and asked if we were there for the dance class. We said no and told her where it was
being held and then asked her how she was doing. With complete open honesty she said, “Not very well. I’ve got cancer.”
Over the course of the following year two of us kept in contact with her and ministered to her. We learned that she went
to church regularly but had never accepted Jesus as her Savior. We asked if she would like to know Jesus personally as her Savior.
She said yes and we led her in a confession of faith in Jesus. Not many months later she died in comfort knowing she would be
in heaven.
And there you have them, Mark. Two of my favorite evangelism stories of salvation.
Keep well. The Lord bless you.
Do you have an evangelism story to tell? Put it here to encourage someone else.
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