Chicken evangelism?
Don’t be afraid of faces.
What are you talking about?
No, we are not talking about sharing the Gospel with chickens.
There are times in our lives when we need to take action even when it seems scary or challenges us to do something we have not done before. We feel “chicken”. Perhaps you have not shared Jesus with others or have only shared occasionally.
Perhaps I can encourage you by telling you my first experience with chicken evangelism.
I was a new convert to Christ. At the time, I was in the Navy in San Diego, California. I was sharing Christ along with other Jesus followers. We were on the street handing out Gospel tracts when a very large and mean looking man came walking toward me.
The Lord told me to talk to this man and invite him to church. I said, “Lord, He is is bigger and very mean looking.” I thought that if I talked to him, he’d beat me up and it would be my last day to be alive. But somehow the Lord empowered me. I mustered up strength, and put on the best look that I could. Fearfully approaching the man, I invited him to go to church with me that evening. The man’s total countenance changed! The hardness became softness, the angry look became a happy look! The man became very excited and came with me to church that very night and got saved. He was so happy that he wanted to sing and play a guitar right there at church that night!.
Let me encourage you not to be afraid of faces.
If you are wondering what to say, just begin the chicken evangelism by simply starting to talk about easy topics. I still do this. People are at different stages in their lives and have different interests. The Lord helps us to be sensitive to what they might be interested in so we can have “conversation starters”, such as starting to talk about sports.
Sometimes, I wear an NFL hat or MBA jacket to make sports talk with strangers. Then I lead the conversation into a Jesus talk. Or when my wife and I take walks, we meet people working in the yards and flower beds. Then we engage in yard and and garden talk, and lead into talking about the Lord Jesus. When we share what Jesus has brought into our lives and what He has done personally for us, no one can argue that experience.
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