Communion—God’s Point of Contact
God chose the Eucharist as a point of contact with His people.
Question: Do spirits attach themselves to physical objects?
Did Paul send out handkerchiefs and aprons to the sick and the sick received healing? (Acts 19:11-12)
Did the disciples anoint with oil and heal the sick? (Mark 6:13)
Did the idol Dagon fall on the threshold and his hands were broken off in the presence of the Ark? (1 Sam 5:2-4)
The answer is “Yes” in each of these cases.
In fact, we see numbers of examples in both the New and Old Testaments where spirits indwell physical objects. The greatest example in modern times is when the Holy Spirit fills a believer (Acts 2, Acts 10:44ff and Acts 19:1-6).
Communion is a Point of Contact with the Almighty
During the Eucharist, God sends the Spirit of Christ upon the bun and the wine (or juice). As the believer ingests the elements, the Holy Spirit of Christ touches his life—body, soul and spirit.
Be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) is the Scriptural mandate for all believers. If we believe the Bible (and we do), we believe spirits indwell physical objects, including humans.
Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? (1 Cor 10:16)
At the point of contact with the bread and wine (or juice), God gives grace to forgive and receive forgiveness. He gives grace to empower service. His grace anoints. Grace gives healing and wisdom. God pours out heaven’s blessings at this communal point of contact.
Jesus noted at the time He initiated the Eucharist, This is My body, which is given for you. He gave the bread and said given for you. The Savior is not withholding. He is not stingy or like Scrooge; rather, He gives freely, mercifully and readily for the ones who come humbly.
What a wonderful point of contact! What a wonderful Giver! Expect healing!
Communion is a Point of Contact with the Broken Body of Christ
The body Christ refers to is His broken body. When He had given thanks, He broke it [the bread] and said, This is My body which is broken for you (1 Cor 11:26 KJV).
It is the broken, crushed, striped body that brings healing. By His stripes we are healed (1 Peter 2:2). As we linger at the point of contact and meditate in these truths we receive whatever Jesus gives.
Come expectantly. Come in faith. God has chosen to meet us here.
Beloved Mark,
it is a kind of difficult for me to accept such statement: spirit indwelling objects.
Old Testament teach that things touched by holy things become holy but I understand this as “tools” ready to be used by the Lord. For example when tabernacle furnish was sprinkled with blood became holy.
In case of humans, we are not objects but beings made as His image with an special capacity to contain part of His glory: He put eternity in the hearts of men.
Concerning communion, we read in 1 Corinthians “…take it this is my body..” and “…this is my blood …” but the “real” body and blood were in Jesus meanwhile bread and wine resemble them.
Handkerchiefs, aprons, oil, saliva, shadow… are, in my opinion, faith-channels through which the glory of God flows, as copper wires conduct electricity.
Coming back to communion when we take the bread and the grape juice we do it as remembrance of Him and to announce that certainly He is coming again. This bread and juice (mixed with faith) produces unity, healing, joy, peace…
One final remark. The “meeting” point is in the fellowship (church gathering). It seems that in the Jerusalem church staying together, praying, eating and communion was part of everyday life, a continual relationship with the risen Lord through the Holy Spirit with the blessed approval of God the Father.
Yes, it is difficult, yet we see examples in the Bible. One is the Ark of the Covenant. Another is where demons inhabit objects:Rev 13:15.
I enjoyed being with you at the conference, Edgar.