“Look forward–Don’t look back. Look forward–Don’t look back. Look forward–Don’t look back.” Alan Thorner spoke this prophetic word over me in 2019. The message still rings in my ear. Just for fun, I’ve written a poem which applies that prophecy to our current situation: Bring on the Whole New Age.
The times they are a’changin’
Where’s Bob Dylan when you need ‘im?
Flip the calendar page
Bring on the whole new age
Oh, how wide the Spirit is a rangin’
Let’s quit all this sickness praisin’
Covid talk is mostly devil raisin’
Flip the calendar page
Bring on the whole new age
Oh, how wide the Spirit is a rangin’
Kanye West said it best,
“This nation shall be blest!”
Bring on the whole new age
Flip the calendar page
God’s Presence will give us Rest.
–May, 2021

Have you flipped the calendar page?
There’s a fresh wind blowing. There’s fragrance in the atmosphere. It smells like revival.
Bring on the Whole New Age
Notice the breath of God . . .
A man related this event to me a couple of hours ago. His relatives came to visit his house this week. After dinner they prayed together for healing–a whole new experience!
I went to a birthday party this week. While there I asked a man, “Would you come to church with me this week?” “Yes, I would,” he replied. Then he proceeded to tell me how God had rescued him from drug addiction. He went on and on about a most meaningful experience in his life. I mainly listened. After about 10 minutes, he looked me right in the eye. “Thanks for talking with me,” he ventured.
Kari and I went to a second hand store last week. Strangers in the store were greeting each other and conversing. A week before, in the same store, some of the clerks were singing together. I thought, “Wow! What’s going on?”
And here’s the top story of all. My wife, Kari wore a bright yellow, flower-speckled outfit to Aldis, our local grocery store. As she entered the store, a woman she had never met came out carrying a newly purchased bouquet of bright, yellow flowers. “Here,” the lady said as she handed the flowers to my wife. “These match your outfit. They are for you!”
Have you flipped the calendar page? Have you noticed? It’s time to bring on the whole new age!
Love it!