Are you a believer or a disciple? Jesus showed the difference between a believer and a disciple in the book of John.
John recorded three times Jesus focused on discipleship:
Definition of a disciple
Distinctive mark of a disciple
Proof of a disciple
Definition of a Disciple
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples (John 8:31).
Jesus was talking with believing Jews. He wanted to lead them on to greater grace. The key for believers to become disciples is to continue in His word. His word, of course is primarily the Bible. It can also be His spoken word, or the word of the Holy Spirit. Either way, disciples are those who abide in, continue in, stay in, spend time, remain in, live in His word. In a practical sense, this means having a daily time in the Bible and doing what He says.
I often say to people, “It doesn’t matter how much you read; just that you read something every day.”
Are you a believer or a disciple? Jesus is filled with grace and truth. His speech to the believing Jews was meant to lead them to become true disciples.
Many believers struggle and fail to establish a daily time in God’s word. Here’s a promise: His grace (His power) will give you the ability to cross the threshold. He will help all who struggle to have a regular devotional time because this is His will.
God definitely desires to have a daily appointment with you in His word.
Choose a definite time and place to meet with God. He loves this.
Choose a definite place, for example, a favorite chair. Then choose a definite time, for example just before bed, or just after breakfast. It’s best to hook this time to something you do regularly every day. Then agree to meet with God at that appointed time.
Within the past 10 days I have prayed with six adults who chose a definite time and a definite place and agreed to let God meet them there. In following up with 5 out of the 6, each had met regularly with God at the scheduled time and place. God’s grace is powerful to turn believers into disciples.
Distinct Mark of a Disciple
By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another (John 13:35).
Love is the hallmark of a true disciple. His word empowers us to do what love requires–forgive, protect, serve and help other believers. Notice this command of Jesus is to love “one another,” not necessarily outsiders at this point.
Proof of a Disciple
My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples (John 15:8).
The Bible speaks of various kinds of fruit. Literal fruit (apples and bananas), figurative fruit (souls for the kingdom,etc.) and fruit of the womb (children).
Much fruit provides evidence that we are disciples of Jesus. In the context, much fruit is based on prayer. He said, If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you John 15:7. He trusts this amazing promise–not to everyone–but to those who continue in His word!
Why is Discipleship Important?
Believers go to heaven; disciples get rewards in heaven. Believers get to heaven; disciples get treasure in heaven. Let’s not take this lightly. Jesus referenced reward (treasure) in heaven nine specific times in His famous Sermon on the Mount. Moses was motivated by reward (Hebrews 11:26).
Grace is Here to Help
At one point in my life, I wanted to meet with God at 5 am. It was “no can do” morning after morning. Finally, I started asking God for help. Still couldn’t wake up to keep the 5 am goal. But I sensed grace was building. It was like a glass was slowly filling. I kept praying for God’s grace. A few more days of waiting and praying ensued. I could feel the time was coming. I became excited.
As I kept calling out for grace to meet the 5 am hour, one day I sensed the glass was full. From that day onwards, worked! It seemed easy to wake up and get up. It was grace poured out,
I am reminded, Apart from Me, you can do nothing (John 15:5).
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