Dale Sexhauer, evangelsit
Editors note: Amazing miracle! This report from Dale Sexhauer came across my desk a few minutes ago. It’s too good to hold back. To God be the glory!
I have many mutual friends who know Dale personally and have invariably spoken highly of him and his ministry. Some of these friends include Bobby Martz, Ted Jensen, and Howard Jackson, to name a few. Each will vouch for the character of Dale Sexhauer and for the integrity of this report from India. I have not yet met Dale, but look forward to the opportunity. He resides in Willamsburg, Virginia when he is not traveling. God has used this man by allowing miracle after amazing miracle to follow him for over 30 years in ministry.
Dear friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers! God poured out His Spirit in our first village crusade here in North India, healing the lame, demon-possessed, those with asthma and many other diseases. Two men with painful kidney stones were touched by God and instantly healed.
Around 800 people called on Jesus’ name for salvation. This is the most amazing miracle of all!
Last night during our second crusade, an amazing miracle took place which astonished all the people. A man whose stomach was swollen by around 12” for 10-12 years was healed and his stomach instantly shrunk down to normal size! A woman who had two painful tumors for six years, one on each breast, was healed — all the pain left and the tumors instantly vanished!
Please pray for the last two nights of this crusade, in the village of Panje Ke Utter, and for our last two crusades in unevangelized villages.
To God be all the glory for His amazing love and His amazing miracle working power which is being demonstrated today because Jesus is alive!
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