Can you name 5 reasons to join a local church? Some people are saying they don’t need to go to church. They say it’s a waste of time. Or they have other reasons: “I can’t find a good church,” “Too many hypocrites in church,” “I’m too busy,” “Sunday is my only day to rest.”
Joining a Local Church Demonstrates that Jesus Christ is Your Lord
At salvation, a new believer is automatically joined to the universal body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). When we allow Christ to become our Lord, we join a local church (a local expression of His body).
At conversion, we as infant believers have little knowledge of who Jesus really is. Few, if any, Christians know Jesus as Master (Lord) at justification. As time goes on, we become aware that Christ is sovereign, that He is trustworthy, that He is Healer, Lord, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, and Soon-coming King. We are all learning more about Jesus as we grow.
Is Jesus Christ your Lord? You will join and be a functioning member of a local church!
Second Reason to Join a Local Church
The local church is God’s primary unit of spiritual warfare. The reason the Son of Man came was that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8b). Every church that follows Jesus will battle the devil in one way or another.
No one goes to the war zone alone. If he faces the opposing army by himself, he is almost 100% certain to die. We need each other to be effective in spiritual conflict.
Psalm 148 speaks of spiritual warfare in both the public and private settings:
Let the high praises of God be in their throats. and a two-edged sword in their hands, inflicting vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, binding their king with chains and their dignitaries with iron shackles, carrying out the judgment decreed against them.
This is an honor for all His godly people. Hallelujah!
The believers dual weapons–high praises of God coupled with commands of faith–are powerful. We are seeing media giants exposed, pastors removed from pulpits, and politicians taken down.
There’s much more to do. Join a local church that has an intercessory fighting unit. Or better yet, lead one yourself.
Third Reason to Join a Local Church
Obedience. The Bible implores not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near (Hebrews 10:25).
Verse 24 shows the purpose of this command: to show concern for one another and to promote love and good works.
Fourth Reason to Join a Local Church
Holy Communion and its benefits. True, one can take the “Lord’s Table” in a family or solitary setting, but do they? It’s much like the man who says, “I can worship God on the golf course.” That may be true, but does he?
Communion with Christ though the bread and wine brings benefits. Immediately following one of our regular communion meetings, a man blurted out with excitement, “I’m healed!” “From what?” I asked him. “From cancer,” he replied so all could hear.
Fifth Reason to Join a Local Church
The local church is not complete without you. Let’s look at the illustration in 1 Corinthians 12:14 Are you an eye to the body? Without you, the body is blind or at least sight-impaired.
Are you an ear to the body? Without you the body (the local church) is either deaf or hearing-impaired.
Are you a foot to the body? Without you, the local church is suffering some form of paralysis.
By not participating regularly, you are defrauding the other people in the church. Every member is important. To not join a church is to withhold your gift from the church. You are important and necessary.
By refusing to become faithful and active, you are frustrating God’s plan for both you and the church. God gave you the gifts primarily for other people, not for yourself. Without your regular participation, you may even endanger the other people in the church.
To illustrate, a minister in Africa invited me to come to his country and hold prophetic meetings. I was interested and began making plans to travel. Bernie, a member of our church got a “check in his spirit” about my plans. He advised me not to go. Fortunately, I cancelled my plans. I found out later that if I had gone, that trip would have caused me great grief. Bernie’s gift spared me!
I’m interested in your thoughts. What do you think of these 5 reasons to join a local church? What are other reasons? If you would, please send your ideas to me.
It caught my attention when you said that joining a local church means obeying the bible’s commandment and that is to show concern for one another and to promote love and good works. With this in mind, I will consider finding a baptist church that I can go to with my sister every week. We both want to seek God’s love so we could be guided every minute of our lives. I will be sure to consider all your tips.