These stories are published by the Family Leader Foundation based in Des Moines, Iowa. Greg Baker leads the Church segement of the Family Leader. Thanks to Greg Baker for publishing these events which show God as Chief Reconciler.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5.
1. Governor Reynolds and Mayor Cownie Join Prayer Vigil at Des Moines Police Department
Last night, we were blessed to help host a prayer event with Al Perez, Des Moines Metro pastors, and governing leaders just outside the Des Moines Police Department. Governor Kim Reynolds, Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie, Chief Wingert and DMPD officers, and over 100 African-American, African, Hispanic, Asian, and white pastors from all across the Des Moines Metro joined together to pray for peace, justice, unity, and righteousness for our schools, city, state, and nation.
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Pastors praying for Governor Reynolds | Pastors praying for Des Moines Police Officers |
2. God Answers Two Police Officers Prayers Through Two Hispanic Pastors
On Sunday night, an African-American Des Moines police officer and a white police officer prayed that the demonstration outside the Des Moines Police Department would remain peaceful. An hour later, right as time reached curfew, Pastors Ian Rojas and David Sixtos, who are part of the Church Ambassador Network, were able to negotiate an agreement between police and demonstrators. Both sides agreed to kneel for two minutes to honor George Floyd and others who have fallen to injustices. Following the kneeling, demonstrators left just a few minutes past curfew.
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Des Moines police officers kneel with protestors |
3. Officers Kneel with Protestors and Pray Lord’s Prayer Together in Fort Dodge
Check out this video of Fort Dodge police kneeling with demonstrators and reciting the Lord’s Prayer together (link is to a Facebook video, you may need to log in to Facebook to view):

These past few days continue to illustrate the consequences of sin from not only this generation but many generations before us. A member of our team shared how these very racial issues we are facing today are largely the same issues he faced growing up in the 1960s and 1970s. They were not new then either. Since the beginning of time the enemy has used what the Bible calls factions and divisions against us. These factions ultimately keep prideful attention on ourselves, and off of our Creator. These very factions become the root of some of our deepest sins in history, American slavery, the Jewish holocaust, and the genocide in Rwanda as examples.
What an incredible God we serve! As we learned during the initial days of COVID 19, God has and will continue to use His Church. It is an honor to partner with you!
Greg Baker
Executive Vice President, The Family Leader Foundation
Director, Church Ambassador Network
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