B Mark Anderson is first and foremost a lover of God . . .
Chicken Evangelism—I’ll Help You Share Christ before You “Chicken Out!”
Do You or Anyone You Know Have Cancer?
I wrote Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys for you. The book tells how Christ healed me of stage 4 inoperable cancer. He did it through divine encounters and natural therapies. I share my struggle–how I overcame cancer–and what you can do to keep this deadly killer away.
Nobody needs to die from cancer anymore. When cancer tried to kill me, I became a cancer-killer. Jesus Christ heals through natural and spiritual means!
I appeal to you. Help get a copy of Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys in the hands of those who need it.
Stop Abusive Authority and Get a Mentor to Help You and Your Church Flourish
Early in my pastoral ministry, I had a beloved apostle as mentor and father figure. Imagine my anguish when this respected leader fell under wrong influences. Through life-changing anguish, I was forced to an in-depth study of apostles in the Bible. My book, Local Churches Global Apostles: How Churches Related to Apostles in the New Testament Era and Why It Matters Now arose from that struggle.
I am excited about the New Testament Church in the twenty-first century. As you read this book, you will see more clearly my vision of the New Testament church. You will understand how to prevent abuse of authority and how modern-day apostles cause churches to flourish.
Jesus is the Greatest Adventurer
The New Testament as One who loves life and loves to eat and drink. I do too. I wrote Eggnog Recipes, a humorous treatise with over 50 original non-alcoholic eggnog recipes. It’s egg-straordinary and will put some pizazz in your life. Maybe it’s my favorite book.
I can help your church in two ways. I show people how to conquer cancer. I encourage pastors by bringing God’s “now word” to people.
Contact me through this website to discuss ministry at your church, club or conference.
Read more . . .
B Mark Anderson, M. Div., is first and foremost a lover-of-God. He doubles as husband, father-of-seven and senior pastor (since 1976) of the Church of the Living Water in Muscatine, Iowa. He has worked with apostles for over fifty years. Anderson writes, founded a college chaplaincy program, and has ministered on five continents.
He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Luther Theological Seminary and focuses on New Testament studies. He authored Local Churches Global Apostles: How Churches Related to Apostles in the New Testament Era and Why It Matters Now.
Together with his wife Kari, the Andersons travel world-wide. They carry a burden to develop healthy families and healthy churches.
Anderson is the originator of a fresh approach to evangelism: “Chicken Evangelism—Share Christ before you Chicken Out!” The approach is humorous, successful, and will be the topic of his next books.
Here’s a quote from Anderson: “Highlights of our life? Try this. We already had 3 children (my limit)! Kari wanted at least a dozen. Crisis was brewing. Finally, I turned to the Scripture and, sure enough, God commanded us to “Be fruitful and multiply.” He also promised to bless the parents who receive many children. The result? We now have 7 children, and the more children God gave us, the more money He provided to raise them!
In 2011 the cruel killer called cancer attacked Mark’s body. Through the church’s faith in Christ coupled with natural and medical treatments, Mark has fully recovered from Stage 4 inoperable cancer. Answer for Cancer: 9 Keys tells 9 simple keys to get healed from cancer.
The Anderson family lives on a farm near Muscatine, Iowa and enjoys raising lamb.
Contact him through this website to discuss ministry at your club, church or conference.
Why is Living Water Muscatine a Life-Giving Church?