Praying in Tongues is like Omega 3’s in the Diet

Praying in tongues is like omega 3 fatty acids because it affects every part of the user’s life.

For many years I raised grassfed lamb. The health benefits of grassfed lamb amaze the world. There’s something in the meat of grassfed lamb called omega 3 fatty acid. Omega 3 fatty acids help, prevent or cure a host of diseases known to man–diabetes, cancer, skin problems, depression, etc. How can one substance affect so many physical, mental and emotional symptoms? Because omega 3’s work at the cellular level. In other words, they affect every cell of the human body. No cell is not influenced by omega 3.

Tongues are like omega 3 fatty acids because their use affects every part of life. Healing, revelation of creative ideas, inspiration, motivation, you name it. Even the physical body is affected. Tongues are not limited to spiritual benefits; emotions and the immune system get their share of the results. Why? How does this work? Because tongues affects the spirit of a man. Healing, revelation, inspiration, etc. all begin in a man’s spirit. Affect the spirit and you influence the man. No part of man, no aspect of human life is left unaffected by use of the gift of tongues.


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