September 3 stands as the official launch date for my book Local Churches Global Apostles: How Churches in the New Testament Era Related to Apostles and Why It Matters Now.
Why September 3? There’s nothing scientific about the choice. I just want something far enough away to prepare for the launch without a lot of pressure.
Actually, the book is already published and for sale on both Amazon and Createspace. Kindle edition may also be available by the time you read this. So the bo0k is ready now, but it’s in the pre-launch stage. The launch should be an event, and that takes some time to develop. I want to develop our blog more fully and build a greater readership. I want to develop some more relationships with other authors and bloggers. All this takes time and I have a lot to learn. In fact, everything I do about writing, publishing, editing, formatting, etc. requires that I learn something new!
You might say I’m learning a lot and you are right. When I started my first website I didn’t even know how to paste. My daughter, about 10 or 12 at the time, had to teach me how to copy and paste! Everything I do has a strong learning curve, but now the book is published–praise God!–and I’m moving on to the promotion stage.
Want to help me by promoting the book? (I’m learning how to market as well.)
Here are some of the needs. Someone to arrange interviews. Someone to write and circulate press releases. Someone to help with social media. Do you work with Google Hangouts? Contact me, and I’ll put you to work! Oh, there’s much more, but these are starters.
Some good news. The pre-launch reviews are coming in and they are spectacular. Try these on for size.
In an age where true apostolic fathers are being restored to the church, Mark Anderson hits the nail on the head. Mark’s work is historical, theological and very pastoral. A must read in this hour.
—Mike Giordano, apostle and church planter
Mark Anderson has done efficient work in detailing not only the role of the apostle as evidenced in the early churches but of the characteristics of this early body of believers. He delineates the governing structure of the New Testament church and its application to our 21st century church. Pastors and lay people alike will benefit from this enjoyable, straightforward, fact-filled book.
—Minnesota Senator Dan and Valerie Hall
It’s fun to write a book and also a lot of work. What’s most rewarding is to see how the message of the book is already liberating pastors and church leaders.
Wahoo! Congratulations on setting a launch date. Great book!